Moonraker (soundtrack) an entity of type: Thing
Moonraker es la banda sonora de la película de James Bond del mismo nombre.
Moonraker is de originele soundtrack van de elfde James Bond-film van EON Productions uit 1979 met dezelfde naam. Het album werd voor het eerst uitgebracht in 1979 door United Artists Records. De originele filmmuziek op het album werd gecomponeerd door John Barry en bij de titelsong schreef Hal David de teksten. De titelsong werd gezongen door Shirley Bassey. Er waren van tevoren al een aantal artiesten benaderd voor de titelsong, maar die waren niet tevreden met het nummer. Daarom bood Barry voor de derde keer de titelsong aan Bassey. Ze zong eerder ook al bij de film Goldfinger en Diamonds Are Forever. Barry was ook de dirigent van het orkest. In 1979 stond het album in de Billboard 200 met hoogste notering, plaats 159.
Moonraker is the soundtrack for the eleventh James Bond film of the same name. Moonraker was the third of the three Bond films for which the theme song was performed by Shirley Bassey. Frank Sinatra was considered for the vocals, before Johnny Mathis was approached and offered the opportunity. Mathis was unhappy about the song and withdrew from the project, leaving the producers scrambling for a replacement. Kate Bush declined as she was due to embark on her British tour, so John Barry offered the song to Bassey just weeks before the release date. As a result, Bassey made the recordings at very short notice and never regarded the song 'as her own' as she had never had the chance to perform it or promote it first. Indeed, Bassey has seldom performed the song live in comparison to her other
Moonraker (banda sonora)
Moonraker (soundtrack)
Moonraker (soundtrack)
John Barry
April 1979
Moonraker es la banda sonora de la película de James Bond del mismo nombre.
Moonraker is the soundtrack for the eleventh James Bond film of the same name. Moonraker was the third of the three Bond films for which the theme song was performed by Shirley Bassey. Frank Sinatra was considered for the vocals, before Johnny Mathis was approached and offered the opportunity. Mathis was unhappy about the song and withdrew from the project, leaving the producers scrambling for a replacement. Kate Bush declined as she was due to embark on her British tour, so John Barry offered the song to Bassey just weeks before the release date. As a result, Bassey made the recordings at very short notice and never regarded the song 'as her own' as she had never had the chance to perform it or promote it first. Indeed, Bassey has seldom performed the song live in comparison to her other two Bond themes, "Goldfinger" and "Diamonds Are Forever". The film uses two versions of the title theme song, a ballad version heard over the main titles, and a disco version for the end titles. Confusingly, the United Artists single release labelled the tracks on the 7" single as "Moonraker (Main Title)" for the version used to close the film and "Moonraker (End Title)" for the track that opened the film. The song failed to make any real impact on the charts, which may partly be attributed to Bassey's failure to promote the single, given the last minute decision and the way in which it was quickly recorded to meet the schedule.
Moonraker is de originele soundtrack van de elfde James Bond-film van EON Productions uit 1979 met dezelfde naam. Het album werd voor het eerst uitgebracht in 1979 door United Artists Records. De originele filmmuziek op het album werd gecomponeerd door John Barry en bij de titelsong schreef Hal David de teksten. De titelsong werd gezongen door Shirley Bassey. Er waren van tevoren al een aantal artiesten benaderd voor de titelsong, maar die waren niet tevreden met het nummer. Daarom bood Barry voor de derde keer de titelsong aan Bassey. Ze zong eerder ook al bij de film Goldfinger en Diamonds Are Forever. Barry was ook de dirigent van het orkest. In 1979 stond het album in de Billboard 200 met hoogste notering, plaats 159.