Montgomery Motorcycles an entity of type: Thing

Montgomery Motorcycles fou un dels primers fabricants de motocicletes britànics. Amb seu a Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, després de la Primera Guerra Mundial la fabricació es va traslladar a Coventry. El fundador, William Montgomery, va ser un innovador i se li atribueix la invenció del sidecar. rdf:langString
Montgomery Motorcycles was a pioneering British motorcycle manufacturer. Originally based in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, following the First World War manufacturing was moved to Coventry. Its founder William Montgomery was an innovator and is credited with the invention of the sidecar. Like Brough, Montgomery made use of the best proprietary components from other specialist companies and concentrated on the production of frames and forks in-house - and Montgomery supplied a number of frames and its own sprung fork to George Brough. In an advert from the time, Montgomery claimed "These Montgomery machines are for the men who prefer a distinctive mount in appearance and performance. That extra degree of soundness – those little touches which distinguish the 'super' machine from the mere motorc rdf:langString
rdf:langString Montgomery Motorcycles
rdf:langString Montgomery Motorcycles
rdf:langString Montgomery Motorcycles
rdf:langString Montgomery Motorcycles
xsd:integer 18399466
xsd:integer 990216797
xsd:integer 1939
rdf:langString Wound up at outbreak of the Second World War
xsd:integer 1913
rdf:langString Manufacturing and engineering
rdf:langString William Montgomery
rdf:langString Coventry, UK
rdf:langString Motorcycles and sidecars
rdf:langString Montgomery Motorcycles fou un dels primers fabricants de motocicletes britànics. Amb seu a Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, després de la Primera Guerra Mundial la fabricació es va traslladar a Coventry. El fundador, William Montgomery, va ser un innovador i se li atribueix la invenció del sidecar. Igual que Brough, Montgomery feia servir els millors components disponibles al mercat d'empreses especialitzades i es va concentrar en la producció de xassissos i forquilles de suspensió (Montgomery va subministrar, de fet, unitats de xassissos i forquilles a George Brough, l'amo de Brough Motorcycles). En un anunci de l'època, Montgomery afirmava que «aquestes màquines Montgomery són per als homes que prefereixen una muntura distingida pel que fa a l'aspecte i rendiment. Aquest grau addicional de solvència -els petits detalls que distingeixen la màquina 'súper' de la simple motocicleta-, són consubstancials a Montgomery i a un preu increïblement baix».
rdf:langString Montgomery Motorcycles was a pioneering British motorcycle manufacturer. Originally based in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, following the First World War manufacturing was moved to Coventry. Its founder William Montgomery was an innovator and is credited with the invention of the sidecar. Like Brough, Montgomery made use of the best proprietary components from other specialist companies and concentrated on the production of frames and forks in-house - and Montgomery supplied a number of frames and its own sprung fork to George Brough. In an advert from the time, Montgomery claimed "These Montgomery machines are for the men who prefer a distinctive mount in appearance and performance. That extra degree of soundness – those little touches which distinguish the 'super' machine from the mere motorcycle, come naturally to the Montgomery and at a price that is amazingly low."
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4517
rdf:langString Wound up at outbreak of the Second World War
xsd:gYear 1913

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