Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures an entity of type: Album
El Ministre de Coordinació de Mesures Defensives fou el títol de com a membre del Govern d'Irlanda durant L'Emergència, l'estat d'emergència decretat a Irlanda durant la Segona Guerra Mundial. El ministre tenia al seu càrrec la protecció civil i mesures relacionades, permetent al Ministre de Defensa concentrar-se en afers relacionats amb l'. El departament també era responsable de la censura en temps de guerra. El ministeri va ser abolit el 18 juny de 1945. L'endemà, Aiken va ser nomenat Ministre d'Hisenda.
The Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures was the title of Frank Aiken as a member of the Government of Ireland from 8 September 1939 to 18 June 1945 during The Emergency — the state of emergency in operation in Ireland during World War II. The Minister was intended to handle Civil Defence and related measures, allowing the Minister for Defence to concentrate on matters relating to the regular Army. The office was also responsible for handling wartime censorship. Taoiseach Éamon de Valera explained the reasoning behind the ministry:
Ministre de Coordinació de Mesures Defensives
Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures
Frank Aiken
El Ministre de Coordinació de Mesures Defensives fou el títol de com a membre del Govern d'Irlanda durant L'Emergència, l'estat d'emergència decretat a Irlanda durant la Segona Guerra Mundial. El ministre tenia al seu càrrec la protecció civil i mesures relacionades, permetent al Ministre de Defensa concentrar-se en afers relacionats amb l'. El departament també era responsable de la censura en temps de guerra. Tècnicament, Aiken era un ministre sense cartera, ja que no estava a càrrec de cap durant el seu mandat encara que hi havia una oficina del Ministre de Coordinació de Mesures Defensives. La llei de Ministres i Secretaris de 1939, que estipula les funcions dels ministres sense cartera,, també estableix que un d'aquests ministres podia tenir una funció o títol específic. De fet, Aiken havia estat nomenat el 8 de setembre de 1939, i la Llei va ser aprovada el 21 de desembre de 1939, data anterior al 8 de setembre. El Ministre de Subministraments, que comptava amb el Departament d'Estat corresponent, es va establir a la mateixes dates. La secció de la Llei sobre ministre sense cartera va ser vist per Richard Mulcahy com a objecte de salvaguardar la legalitat del càrrec d'Aiken.El Taoiseach Éamon de Valera va explicar les raons darrere del ministeri: : El Ministre va rebre funcions delegades d'altres ministeris, de la manera prevista per la secció 6 de la . Aiken reforçà una estricta censura de notícies i del material potencialment simpatitzant amb els Aliats, d'acord amb la . També fou responsable de les precaucions contra els atacs aeris, delegat pel Ministre de Defensa. , del ministre de Defensa, també exercí com a secretari parlamenteri del Ministre de Coordinació de Mesures Defensives. A l'abril de 1941, Aiken va anar als Estats Units per demanar ajuda militar al President Roosevelt. Roosevelt va posar com a condició a Aiken que Irlanda hauria de donar suport Gran Bretanya, el que va provocar Aiken demanar Roosevelt a cercar garanties per part del Govern britànic que el Regne Unit no envairia Irlanda. En 1943, i , del Partit Laborista, van qüestionar la necessitat d'un ministre i la vaguetat de les seves responsabilitats. El ministeri va ser abolit el 18 juny de 1945. L'endemà, Aiken va ser nomenat Ministre d'Hisenda.
The Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures was the title of Frank Aiken as a member of the Government of Ireland from 8 September 1939 to 18 June 1945 during The Emergency — the state of emergency in operation in Ireland during World War II. The Minister was intended to handle Civil Defence and related measures, allowing the Minister for Defence to concentrate on matters relating to the regular Army. The office was also responsible for handling wartime censorship. Aiken was a minister without portfolio, as there was no Department of State corresponding to his brief, although there was an Office of the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures. The Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 1939, which allows for ministers without portfolio, also allows such a minister to have a specific style or title. In fact, Aiken had been appointed on 8 September 1939, and the Act was passed on 21 December 1939, backdated to 8 September. The Minister for Supplies, who did have a corresponding Department of State, was established on the same dates. The section in the Act on ministers without portfolio was seen by Richard Mulcahy as designed to safeguard the legality of Aiken's office. Taoiseach Éamon de Valera explained the reasoning behind the ministry: We have then the problem of defence, and to meet these problems of various kinds we thought it advisable to set up a Ministry for the co-ordination of various defensive measures. There was a special reason for that, because with the increase in the size of the Army it was desirable that the Minister for Defence should be in as close touch as possible with the Army and its condition. Questions were asked the Minister for Defence to-day which were right questions to be asked with regard to the conditions of the men called up, and so on. It was right that everyone should be interested in these conditions, and that there should be one person responsible for looking after those conditions, but he cannot do it if he is distracted by a number of other things. Therefore, it was decided that the Minister for Defence, at a time like this, should be free from other duties which might fall upon him, with a view to devoting his attention more closely to the Army and to its immediate requirements. To give us a Minister free to do that and, at the same time, to have someone charged with the general co-ordination of defensive measures, we asked the former Minister for Defence, as we asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce, to leave his immediate Department and take on wider spheres of activity. It is clear that the man who has been doing particular work for a period is the desirable person to put in charge. The Minister received functions delegated by other ministers, as provided for by section 6 of the Emergency Powers Act 1939. Aiken enforced stringent censorship of news, and of material potentially sympathetic to the Allies, in accordance with Ireland's neutrality. He was also responsible for air raid precautions, delegated by the Minister for Defence. Seán Moylan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence, served also as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures. In April 1941, Aiken went to the United States to ask President Franklin D. Roosevelt for military aid. Roosevelt told Aiken that Ireland should be supporting Britain, prompting Aiken to ask Roosevelt to seek guarantees from the British Government that the UK would not invade Ireland. In 1943, Labour Party TDs William Davin and Timothy J. Murphy questioned the need for such a minister, and the vagueness of its responsibilities. The ministry was abolished on 18 June 1945. The following day, Aiken was appointed Minister for Finance.
President of Ireland
Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures