Military Units to Aid Production an entity of type: Thing

Las Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción (UMAP) fueron campos de trabajos forzados que existieron en Cuba entre 1965 y 1968. Aunque no existen cifras verificables, puede afirmarse que allí estuvieron más de 25.000 hombres, básicamente jóvenes en edad de prestar servicio militar que por diversos motivos se negaban a hacer el servicio militar obligatorio (como por ejemplo miembros de algunas religiones), eran rechazados en las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Cuba o por su homosexualidad «burguesa» tenían que ser «reeducados» por el gobierno revolucionario.​​ rdf:langString
As Unidades Militares de Ajuda à Produção (UMAP) foram presídios de trabalhos forçados criados em meados dos anos 1960 pelas autoridades comunistas em Cuba onde homossexuais, lésbicas, cristãos e oponentes da revolução foram internados. rdf:langString
Les unités militaires d'aide à la production (en espagnol : Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción, abrégé en UMAP) sont des camps de travail fondés par le gouvernement cubain et mis en place dans les années 1960. Selon les autorités cubaines, ces centres UMAP doivent accueillir les individus qui ne peuvent pas être incorporés dans l'armée, il s'agit d'un service civil. Cela concerne notamment les religieux, antimilitaristes, homosexuels ou opposants politiques. Les UMAP incluaient également des travailleurs volontaires, le travail y étant rémunéré au même titre que le service militaire et permettant de disposer d'un emploi à la sortie. Environ 25 000 personnes y ont travaillé, volontairement pour certaines ou de manière obligatoire pour la majorité. rdf:langString
Military Units to Aid Production or UMAPs (Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción) were agricultural forced labor camps operated by the Cuban government from November 1965 to July 1968 in the province of Camagüey. The UMAP camps served as a form of forced labor for Cubans who could not serve in the military due to being conscientious objectors, Christians and other religious people, LGBT, or political enemies of Fidel Castro or his communist revolution. The language used in the title can be misleading, as pointed out by historian Abel Sierra Madero, "The hybrid structure of work camps cum military units served to camouflage the true objectives of the recruitment effort and to distance the UMAPs from the legacy of forced labor." rdf:langString
Unit Militer untuk Bantuan Produksi atau UMAP (Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción) adalah kamp-kamp buruh pertanian yang dioperasikan oleh pemerintah Kuba dari November 1965 sampai Juli 1968 di provinsi Camagüey. Kamp-kamp UMAP dijadikan sebagai bentuk bagi rakyat Kuba yang tidak bertugas di militer karena tidak memiliki kemampuan yang memungkinkan, homoseksual, atau musuh-musuh politik dari revolusi. Kebanyakan pekerja UMAP adalah orang yang tidak memiliki kemampuan yang memungkinkan untuk bertugas dalam militer. Sebagian kecil atau sekitar 8% sampai 9% adalah pria homoseksual, Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa, Adventis Hari Ketujuh. dan pendeta Protestan, intelektual, petani yang menolak kolektivisasi, serta orang-orang yang dianggap "anti-sosial" atau "kontra-revolusioner." Mantan agen m rdf:langString
Le Unità militari di aiuto alla produzione (in spagnolo Unidad Militar de Ayuda a la Producción, UMAP) erano campi di lavoro in attività a Cuba dal novembre 1965 alla metà del 1968. La loro ideazione è attribuita a Fidel Castro e a Raúl Castro. Sarà lo stesso ex presidente Fidel Castro, in una intervista alla direttrice del quotidiano messicano La Jornada. Un pentimento storico che potrebbe aprire le porte a nuovi diritti per gay e lesbiche cubane. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Unidad Militar de Ayuda a la Producción
rdf:langString Unité militaire d'aide à la production
rdf:langString Satuan Militer untuk Bantuan Produksi
rdf:langString Unità militari di aiuto alla produzione
rdf:langString Military Units to Aid Production
rdf:langString Unidades Militares de Ajuda à Produção
rdf:langString Military Units to Aid Production
xsd:integer 1760278
xsd:integer 1098289865
rdf:langString Homosexuals and dissidents imprisoned in a Military Unit to Aid Production in 1967.
rdf:langString Forced labor and torture for ideological opponents and LGBT people
rdf:langString Forced labor camps
rdf:langString Las Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción (UMAP) fueron campos de trabajos forzados que existieron en Cuba entre 1965 y 1968. Aunque no existen cifras verificables, puede afirmarse que allí estuvieron más de 25.000 hombres, básicamente jóvenes en edad de prestar servicio militar que por diversos motivos se negaban a hacer el servicio militar obligatorio (como por ejemplo miembros de algunas religiones), eran rechazados en las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Cuba o por su homosexualidad «burguesa» tenían que ser «reeducados» por el gobierno revolucionario.​​
rdf:langString Les unités militaires d'aide à la production (en espagnol : Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción, abrégé en UMAP) sont des camps de travail fondés par le gouvernement cubain et mis en place dans les années 1960. Selon les autorités cubaines, ces centres UMAP doivent accueillir les individus qui ne peuvent pas être incorporés dans l'armée, il s'agit d'un service civil. Cela concerne notamment les religieux, antimilitaristes, homosexuels ou opposants politiques. Les UMAP incluaient également des travailleurs volontaires, le travail y étant rémunéré au même titre que le service militaire et permettant de disposer d'un emploi à la sortie. Environ 25 000 personnes y ont travaillé, volontairement pour certaines ou de manière obligatoire pour la majorité. L'historien Pierre Rigoulot décrit ces camps comme « destinés aux homosexuels, aux asociaux et aux autres parasites ». Le sociologue Vincent Bloch précise que « l’édification de l’homme nouveau — rêvé par Che Guevara — est le prétexte idéologique du régime tout au long des années 1960 : au nom d’une moralité confuse et incertaine, les hippies, les homosexuels, les témoins de Jéhovah, les artistes idéologiquement « diversionnistes » sont envoyés dans des camps de concentration, appelés Unités militaires d’aide à la production (UMAP). En compagnie des hommes « non fiables » âgés de 18 à 27 ans, que le gouvernement juge imprudent d’initier au maniement des armes dans le cadre du service militaire obligatoire (SMO), ils constituent la catégorie de citoyens dont la conduite est impropre ». Constituées en 1964, les UMAP sont supprimées en 1968. Les UMAP disparaissent mais l'organisation des camps de travail agricole perdure, sans clôtures et miradors, jusqu'au début des années 1990 mais n'ont plus de rapport avec le service militaire des jeunes Cubains. Les UMAP sont aujourd'hui considérées par le gouvernement cubain comme une « erreur irréparable ».
rdf:langString Military Units to Aid Production or UMAPs (Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción) were agricultural forced labor camps operated by the Cuban government from November 1965 to July 1968 in the province of Camagüey. The UMAP camps served as a form of forced labor for Cubans who could not serve in the military due to being conscientious objectors, Christians and other religious people, LGBT, or political enemies of Fidel Castro or his communist revolution. The language used in the title can be misleading, as pointed out by historian Abel Sierra Madero, "The hybrid structure of work camps cum military units served to camouflage the true objectives of the recruitment effort and to distance the UMAPs from the legacy of forced labor." Many of the inmates were gay men, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, Catholic priests and Protestant ministers, intellectuals, farmers who resisted collectivization, as well as anyone else considered "anti-social" or "counter-revolutionary". Former Intelligence Directorate agent Norberto Fuentes estimated that of approximately 35,000 internees, 507 ended up in psychiatric wards, 72 died from torture, and 180 committed suicide. A 1967-human rights report from the Organization of American States found that over 30,000 internees were "forced to work for free in state farms from 10 to 12 hours a day, from sunrise to sunset, seven days per week, poor alimentation with rice and spoiled food, unhealthy water, unclean plates, congested barracks, no electricity, latrines, no showers, inmates are given the same treatment as political prisoners." The report concludes that the UMAP camps’ two objectives were "facilitating free labor for the state" and "punishing young people who refuse to join communist organizations." The Cuban government maintained that the UMAPs were not labor camps, but part of military service. In a 2010 interview with La Jornada, Fidel Castro admitted in response to a question about the UMAP camps that "Yes, there were moments of great injustice, great injustice!" Historically the Cuban government has presented UMAPs as a mistake, but according to Abel Sierra Madero, this institution has to be understood as part of a project of “social engineering” tailored for political and social control. Sophisticated methodologies were deployed that incorporated judicial, military, educational, medical and psychiatric apparatuses."
rdf:langString Unit Militer untuk Bantuan Produksi atau UMAP (Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción) adalah kamp-kamp buruh pertanian yang dioperasikan oleh pemerintah Kuba dari November 1965 sampai Juli 1968 di provinsi Camagüey. Kamp-kamp UMAP dijadikan sebagai bentuk bagi rakyat Kuba yang tidak bertugas di militer karena tidak memiliki kemampuan yang memungkinkan, homoseksual, atau musuh-musuh politik dari revolusi. Kebanyakan pekerja UMAP adalah orang yang tidak memiliki kemampuan yang memungkinkan untuk bertugas dalam militer. Sebagian kecil atau sekitar 8% sampai 9% adalah pria homoseksual, Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa, Adventis Hari Ketujuh. dan pendeta Protestan, intelektual, petani yang menolak kolektivisasi, serta orang-orang yang dianggap "anti-sosial" atau "kontra-revolusioner." Mantan agen memperkirakan bahwa sekitar 35,000 interniran, 507 berakhir dengan gangguan psikiatris, 72 tewas karena penyiksaan, dan 180 melakukan bunuh diri. Sebuah laporan hak asasi manusia 1967 dari Organization of American States menemukan bahwa lebih dari 30,000 interniran "dipaksa kerja gratisan di lahan-lahan negara dari 10 sampai 12 jam sehari, dari subuh sampai petang, tujuh hari seminggu, hanya diberi sedikit nasi dan makanan lembek, air kotor, piring kotor, barak-barak tak terurus, tanpa listrik, penerangan, tanpa alat mandi, para tahanan diberi perlakuan yang sama seperti tahanan politik." Laporan tersebut menyatakan bahwa dua wujud kamp-kamp UMAP adalah "memfasilitas buruh gratisan bagi negara" dan "menghukum kaum muda yang menolak untuk ikut organisasi-organisasi komunis". Pemerintah Kuba menyatakan bahwa UMAP bukanlah kamp buruh, namun bagian dari tugas militer. Dalam wawancara 2010 dengan La Jornada, Fidel Castro menjawab pertanyaan tentang kamp-kamp UMAP bahwa "Ya, terdapat kenangan-kebangan ketidakadilan yang besar, ketidakadilan yang besar!"
rdf:langString Le Unità militari di aiuto alla produzione (in spagnolo Unidad Militar de Ayuda a la Producción, UMAP) erano campi di lavoro in attività a Cuba dal novembre 1965 alla metà del 1968. La loro ideazione è attribuita a Fidel Castro e a Raúl Castro. Sarà lo stesso ex presidente Fidel Castro, in una intervista alla direttrice del quotidiano messicano La Jornada. Un pentimento storico che potrebbe aprire le porte a nuovi diritti per gay e lesbiche cubane. «Se qualcuno è responsabile, sono io. È stata una grande ingiustizia, in quei momenti non mi potevo occupare di questo caso. Ero immerso nella crisi di ottobre [la "crisi dei missili" tra gli Usa, l'Urss e Cuba nel 1962], nella guerra e nelle questioni politiche.»
rdf:langString As Unidades Militares de Ajuda à Produção (UMAP) foram presídios de trabalhos forçados criados em meados dos anos 1960 pelas autoridades comunistas em Cuba onde homossexuais, lésbicas, cristãos e oponentes da revolução foram internados.
rdf:langString November 1965 - July 1968
xsd:integer 30000
rdf:langString At least 252
rdf:langString Penal labor, concentration camps
rdf:langString Conscientious objectors, dissidents, democrats, LGBT people, religious followers
xsd:string November 1965 - July 1968
xsd:string Penal labor,concentration camps
xsd:string Héctor Santiago
xsd:string Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino
xsd:string Pablo Milanés
xsd:string Conscientious objectors,dissidents,democrats,LGBTpeople, religious followers
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 23767
rdf:langString Homosexuals and dissidents imprisoned in a Military Unit to Aid Production in 1967.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 30000
xsd:string At least 252

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