Military Museum, Belgrade,_Belgrade an entity of type: Thing
Vojenské muzeum (srbsky v cyrilici Војни музеј, v latince Vojni muzej) se nachází v Bělehradě, na pevnosti Kalemegdan.
Το Στρατιωτικό Μουσείο (σερβικά: Војни музеј) είναι ένα μουσείο που βρίσκεται στο Βελιγράδι της Σερβίας.
Le Musée militaire de Belgrade (en serbe cyrillique Војни музеј Београд et en serbe latin Vojni muzej Belgrad) est un musée de Belgrade, la capitale de la Serbie. Il est situé dans le parc Kalemegdan et dans la forteresse de Belgrade, qui dominent le confluent de la Save et du Danube. Il a été créé le 10 août 1878 par le prince Milan IV Obrenović. Le Musée militaire possède une collection riche de plus de 26 000 pièces.
Museum Militer (Serbia: Vojni muzej) di Beograd didirikan pada tahun 1878. Museum ini menyimpan lebih dari 3000 benda kuno dan modern, termasuk pedang dan helm zaman Romawi dan Yunani, serta perisai, kapak, helm, busur silang ksatria dari Abad Pertengahan. Di sini disimpan pula persenjataan modern. Museum ini didirikan setelah dikeluarkannya dekret oleh Pangeran Milan Obrenović IV pada tanggal 22 Agustus 1878. Pameran permanen pertama dibuka pada tahun 1904, beriringan dengan perayaan 100 tahun Revolusi Serbia.
Il Museo della Storia Militare è situato a Belgrado, in Serbia, ed è ospitato all'interno della fortezza. Fondato nel 1878, il museo della storia militare ospita più di 3.000 pezzi. Tra questi troviamo elmi e spade romane, oggetti a scopo militare utilizzati nell'antica Grecia, armi serbe, accette, scudi, elmi, spade, indumenti e altri oggetti utilizzati nell'antichità a scopo militare.
Военный музей (серб. Војни музеј) — военно-исторический музей в центре Белграда, на Калемегдане.
軍事博物館(塞爾維亞語:Vojni muzej)是塞爾維亞首都貝爾格勒的一座博物館,位於多瑙河和薩瓦河的匯流處。博物館收藏有3,000多件古代和現代有關軍事的藏品。博物館成立於1878年8月22日,在1904年正式公開,這一年也是塞爾維亞革命100週年紀念。一戰期間博物館被奧匈帝國軍隊摧毀。南斯拉夫王國時期,博物館得到了恢復。但在二戰期間,博物館又遭到損壞。博物館內還展示有一些1999年北約空襲南斯拉夫時的物品。
Військовий музей (серб. Војни музеј) — воєнно-історичний музей в Горнем-граді Белградської фортеці.
The Military Museum (Serbian: Војни музеј, romanized: Vojni muzej) is a museum located in Belgrade, Serbia. Founded in 1878, the museum has over 3,000 ancient and modern items. These include Roman swords and helmets, Greek helmets and daggers, Serbian heavy knight's armor, axes, shields, helmets, crossbows, armoured gloves, as well as Western medieval weapons. There are also more modern guns, firearms, and elements of soldier's uniforms and equipment. Dioramas, plaques, and displays illustrate the use and historical context of the museum's collection.
Vojenské muzeum (Bělehrad)
Στρατιωτικό Μουσείο (Βελιγράδι)
Museum Militer, Beograd
Museo di storia militare di Belgrado
Musée militaire de Belgrade
Military Museum, Belgrade
Военный музей (Белград)
Військовий музей (Белград)
軍事博物館 (貝爾格勒)
Military Museum
Vojni muzej Beograd
Војни музеј Београд
Military Museum
Vojni muzej Beograd
Војни музеј Београд
Čedomir Vokić
lieutenant colonel Gradimir Matic
44.8219 20.45
Vojenské muzeum (srbsky v cyrilici Војни музеј, v latince Vojni muzej) se nachází v Bělehradě, na pevnosti Kalemegdan.
Το Στρατιωτικό Μουσείο (σερβικά: Војни музеј) είναι ένα μουσείο που βρίσκεται στο Βελιγράδι της Σερβίας.
The Military Museum (Serbian: Војни музеј, romanized: Vojni muzej) is a museum located in Belgrade, Serbia. Founded in 1878, the museum has over 3,000 ancient and modern items. These include Roman swords and helmets, Greek helmets and daggers, Serbian heavy knight's armor, axes, shields, helmets, crossbows, armoured gloves, as well as Western medieval weapons. There are also more modern guns, firearms, and elements of soldier's uniforms and equipment. Dioramas, plaques, and displays illustrate the use and historical context of the museum's collection. Inside the museum's main building, the exhibits are found in a single long hall progressing from ancient through medieval and then towards modern. All exhibits are labeled in the Serbian Language in both Cyrillic and Latin, as well as English. Outside the museum's main building, there are numerous tanks, howitzers, and armoured cars of many types. Some were acquired during World War II, when they were captured by the Red Army and Yugoslav Partisans from retreating Nazi and Axis forces (Belgrade Offensive). These decommissioned tanks and artillery pieces line the walls and paths leading into the Military Museum from two directions. Recent exhibits address NATO actions against Serbia in 1999, including the controversial use of cluster bombs, depleted uranium, and graphite bombs, some of which are claimed to be in violation of international law. A well-known exhibit features parts of a US F-117 stealth aircraft which was downed by a Serbian S-125 Neva/Pechora. The Military Museum is located inside the walls of the historic Belgrade Fortress, situated at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. The Belgrade Fortress is located within a popular park known as the Kalemegdan Park, near the center of the city.
Le Musée militaire de Belgrade (en serbe cyrillique Војни музеј Београд et en serbe latin Vojni muzej Belgrad) est un musée de Belgrade, la capitale de la Serbie. Il est situé dans le parc Kalemegdan et dans la forteresse de Belgrade, qui dominent le confluent de la Save et du Danube. Il a été créé le 10 août 1878 par le prince Milan IV Obrenović. Le Musée militaire possède une collection riche de plus de 26 000 pièces.
Museum Militer (Serbia: Vojni muzej) di Beograd didirikan pada tahun 1878. Museum ini menyimpan lebih dari 3000 benda kuno dan modern, termasuk pedang dan helm zaman Romawi dan Yunani, serta perisai, kapak, helm, busur silang ksatria dari Abad Pertengahan. Di sini disimpan pula persenjataan modern. Museum ini didirikan setelah dikeluarkannya dekret oleh Pangeran Milan Obrenović IV pada tanggal 22 Agustus 1878. Pameran permanen pertama dibuka pada tahun 1904, beriringan dengan perayaan 100 tahun Revolusi Serbia.
Il Museo della Storia Militare è situato a Belgrado, in Serbia, ed è ospitato all'interno della fortezza. Fondato nel 1878, il museo della storia militare ospita più di 3.000 pezzi. Tra questi troviamo elmi e spade romane, oggetti a scopo militare utilizzati nell'antica Grecia, armi serbe, accette, scudi, elmi, spade, indumenti e altri oggetti utilizzati nell'antichità a scopo militare.
Военный музей (серб. Војни музеј) — военно-исторический музей в центре Белграда, на Калемегдане.
軍事博物館(塞爾維亞語:Vojni muzej)是塞爾維亞首都貝爾格勒的一座博物館,位於多瑙河和薩瓦河的匯流處。博物館收藏有3,000多件古代和現代有關軍事的藏品。博物館成立於1878年8月22日,在1904年正式公開,這一年也是塞爾維亞革命100週年紀念。一戰期間博物館被奧匈帝國軍隊摧毀。南斯拉夫王國時期,博物館得到了恢復。但在二戰期間,博物館又遭到損壞。博物館內還展示有一些1999年北約空襲南斯拉夫時的物品。
Військовий музей (серб. Војни музеј) — воєнно-історичний музей в Горнем-граді Белградської фортеці.
POINT(20.450000762939 44.821899414062)