
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Micythus an entity of type: Person

Mikythos (Μίκυθος) war ein Grieche aus der Familie des Tyrannen von Rhegion. Nach dem Tod des Anaxilaos um das Jahr 476 v. Chr. war Mikythos, Sohn des Choiros, neun Jahre lang Statthalter (ἐπίτροπος) von Rhegion in Vertretung von Anaxilaos' minderjährigen Söhnen. Er stand unter großen Verlusten den Tarentinern bei ihren Kämpfen gegen iaphygische Stämme bei. Er übergab seine Machtbefugnisse nach seiner Statthalterschaft wohl auf Drängen von Hieron I. von Syrakus an die Söhne des Anaxilaos weiter und ging nach Tegea in Arkadien. Für die Rettung seines schwerkranken Sohnes spendete er von dort aufgrund eines Gelübdes zahlreiche Weihgeschenke in Olympia. rdf:langString
Mícit (grec antic: Μίκυθος, llatí: Micythus), fill de Queros, fou un esclau al servei del tirà Anaxilau de Règion que es va anar guanyant la confiança del seu amo i a la mort d'aquest, l'any 476 aC, el va deixar com a regent dels seus fills fins que arribessin a la majoria d'edat. rdf:langString
Micythus (Ancient Greek: Μίκυθος), son of Choerus, was a 5th-century BC tyrant of Rhegium (modern Reggio Calabria), Zancle (modern Messina). He also founded the city of Pyxus (c. 471 BC). He was at first a slave in the service of Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium, but gradually rose to so high a place in the confidence of his master, that at his death (476 BC) Anaxilas left him guardian of his infant sons, with the responsibility of holding sovereign power in trust for them until they should attain manhood. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Mícit
rdf:langString Mikythos
rdf:langString Micythus
xsd:integer 45665560
xsd:integer 1105928383
rdf:langString Micythus
rdf:langString Mícit (grec antic: Μίκυθος, llatí: Micythus), fill de Queros, fou un esclau al servei del tirà Anaxilau de Règion que es va anar guanyant la confiança del seu amo i a la mort d'aquest, l'any 476 aC, el va deixar com a regent dels seus fills fins que arribessin a la majoria d'edat. Va governar amb saviesa i vigor i va ser estimat pels seus súbdits. Tant Règion com Messana es van mantenir en pau durant el seu govern. Va ajudar els tarentins en la seva guerra contra els iapigis (473 aC), que va acabar amb derrota grega en la qual van morir tres mil soldats de Règion i els fugitius van ser perseguits fins a les portes de la ciutat; tot i aquest desastre el 471 aC, Règion tornava a ser poderosa i va fundar la colònia de Pixunt (anomenada Buxent pels romans). Hieró I de Siracusa, segurament per enveja, va convidar als dos fills d'Anaxilau a Siracusa, i allí els va demanar que requerissin del seu tutor la sobirania que els pertanyia i apartessin del poder a Mícit, a qui calia demanar comptes de la seva administració. Al seu retorn, Mícit, va abdicar el govern i va retre comptes exactes del seu període (467 aC) i se'n va anar al Peloponnès amb la seva fortuna privada. Es va establir a Tègea, on va residir la resta de la seva vida, segons Heròdot. Pausànies diu que es va distingir pel gran nombre d'estàtues i ofrenes que havia fet a Olímpia.
rdf:langString Mikythos (Μίκυθος) war ein Grieche aus der Familie des Tyrannen von Rhegion. Nach dem Tod des Anaxilaos um das Jahr 476 v. Chr. war Mikythos, Sohn des Choiros, neun Jahre lang Statthalter (ἐπίτροπος) von Rhegion in Vertretung von Anaxilaos' minderjährigen Söhnen. Er stand unter großen Verlusten den Tarentinern bei ihren Kämpfen gegen iaphygische Stämme bei. Er übergab seine Machtbefugnisse nach seiner Statthalterschaft wohl auf Drängen von Hieron I. von Syrakus an die Söhne des Anaxilaos weiter und ging nach Tegea in Arkadien. Für die Rettung seines schwerkranken Sohnes spendete er von dort aufgrund eines Gelübdes zahlreiche Weihgeschenke in Olympia.
rdf:langString Micythus (Ancient Greek: Μίκυθος), son of Choerus, was a 5th-century BC tyrant of Rhegium (modern Reggio Calabria), Zancle (modern Messina). He also founded the city of Pyxus (c. 471 BC). He was at first a slave in the service of Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium, but gradually rose to so high a place in the confidence of his master, that at his death (476 BC) Anaxilas left him guardian of his infant sons, with the responsibility of holding sovereign power in trust for them until they should attain manhood. The administration of Micythus appears to have been both wise and vigorous. He gained the affection of his subjects, and managed the government of both Rhegium and Messana undisturbed by any popular commotions. One of the principal events of his reign was the assistance he provided to the Tarentines in their war against the Iapygians (473 BC), which was terminated by a disastrous defeat, in which 3000 Rhegians perished, with the survivors being pursued by the Iapygians up to the very gates of the city. But notwithstanding this blow, shortly after (471 BC) he was still powerful enough to found a new colony, the city of Pyxus, or Buxentum, as it was afterwards called. Hieron, tyrant of Syracuse, who had been on friendly terms with Anaxilas but was jealous of Micythus, invited Anaxilas' sons, who were now adults, to his court, urging them to demand that their guardian surrender his sovereign power, as well as an account of his administration. When the young princes returned to Rhegium (467 BC), Micythus immediately complied with their request, and after rendering an exact account of the period of his rule, he resigned his supreme power and departed with all his private wealth to the Peloponnese, where he settled at Tegea and resided there for the rest of his life in honour and tranquillity. He is also mentioned by Pausanias (who calls him Smicythus) as having distinguished himself by the number of statues and other offerings that he dedicated at Olympia.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 2774

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