MicroDNA is the most abundant subtype of Extrachromosomal Circular DNA (eccDNA) in humans, typically ranging from 200-400 base pairs in length and enriched in non-repetitive genomic sequences with a high density of exons. Additionally, microDNA has been found to come from regions with CpG-islands which are commonly found within the 5' and 3' UTRs. Being produced from regions of active transcription, it is hypothesized that microDNA may be formed as a by-product of transcriptional DNA damage repair. MicroDNA is also thought to arise from other DNA repair pathways, mainly due to the parental sequences of microDNA having 2- to 15 bp direct repeats at the ends, resulting in replication slippage repair. While only recently discovered, the role microDNA plays in and out of the cell is still not
MicroDNA is the most abundant subtype of Extrachromosomal Circular DNA (eccDNA) in humans, typically ranging from 200-400 base pairs in length and enriched in non-repetitive genomic sequences with a high density of exons. Additionally, microDNA has been found to come from regions with CpG-islands which are commonly found within the 5' and 3' UTRs. Being produced from regions of active transcription, it is hypothesized that microDNA may be formed as a by-product of transcriptional DNA damage repair. MicroDNA is also thought to arise from other DNA repair pathways, mainly due to the parental sequences of microDNA having 2- to 15 bp direct repeats at the ends, resulting in replication slippage repair. While only recently discovered, the role microDNA plays in and out of the cell is still not completely understood. However, microDNA is currently thought to affect cellular homeostasis through transcription factor binding and have been used as a cancer biomarker.