Megan Phelps-Roper an entity of type: Thing
Megan Phelps-Roper is an American political activist who is formerly a member of, and spokesperson for, the Westboro Baptist Church, a Calvinist Christian sect categorized as a hate group. Her mother is Shirley Phelps-Roper, and her grandfather is the church's founder, Fred Phelps. She grew up in Topeka, Kansas, in a compound with other members of the church. As a child, she was taught the Westboro Baptist Church doctrine and participated in the church's pickets against homosexuality, the American response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, and the funerals of soldiers who died in the War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq. In 2009, she became active on Twitter to preach the church's doctrine. Phelps-Roper began to doubt her beliefs when Twitter users pointed out contradictions in the
Megan Phelps-Roper (lahir 31 Januari 1986) adalah seorang aktivis politik Amerika yang pernah menjadi anggota, dan juru bicara, . Ibunya adalah , dan kakeknya adalah pendiri gereja, Fred Phelps. Dia dibesarkan di Topeka, Kansas, di sebuah kompleks dengan anggota gereja lainnya. Sebagai seorang anak dia diajari doktrin Gereja Baptis Westboro dan berpartisipasi dalam piket gereja melawan homoseksualitas, tanggapan Amerika terhadap serangan teroris, dan pemakaman tentara yang tewas di Perang di Afghanistan dan Perang Irak. Pada tahun 2009, ia aktif di Twitter untuk memberitakan doktrin gereja. Phelps-Roper mulai meragukan keyakinannya ketika pengguna Twitter menunjukkan kontradiksi dalam doktrin Gereja Baptis Westboro, dan ketika para penatua mengubah proses pengambilan keputusan gereja.
Megan Phelps-Roper
Megan Phelps-Roper
Megan Phelps-Roper
Megan Phelps-Roper
photograph of a woman standing at a microphone, in front of bookshelves
Megan Phelps-Roper giving a TED Talk in January 2017 in New York City
Leaving and publicly criticizing the Westboro Baptist Church
Chad Fjelland
Megan Phelps-Roper is an American political activist who is formerly a member of, and spokesperson for, the Westboro Baptist Church, a Calvinist Christian sect categorized as a hate group. Her mother is Shirley Phelps-Roper, and her grandfather is the church's founder, Fred Phelps. She grew up in Topeka, Kansas, in a compound with other members of the church. As a child, she was taught the Westboro Baptist Church doctrine and participated in the church's pickets against homosexuality, the American response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, and the funerals of soldiers who died in the War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq. In 2009, she became active on Twitter to preach the church's doctrine. Phelps-Roper began to doubt her beliefs when Twitter users pointed out contradictions in the Westboro Baptist Church's doctrine, and when elders changed the church's decision-making process. Phelps-Roper left the church in 2012 after she was unable to reconcile her doubts with her beliefs. Following her departure, Phelps-Roper became a prominent critic of the church's philosophy and practices. She travels around the world to speak about her experience in the church and advocates dialogue between groups with conflicting views. In 2019, she released the memoir Unfollow: A Journey from Hatred to Hope.
Megan Phelps-Roper (lahir 31 Januari 1986) adalah seorang aktivis politik Amerika yang pernah menjadi anggota, dan juru bicara, . Ibunya adalah , dan kakeknya adalah pendiri gereja, Fred Phelps. Dia dibesarkan di Topeka, Kansas, di sebuah kompleks dengan anggota gereja lainnya. Sebagai seorang anak dia diajari doktrin Gereja Baptis Westboro dan berpartisipasi dalam piket gereja melawan homoseksualitas, tanggapan Amerika terhadap serangan teroris, dan pemakaman tentara yang tewas di Perang di Afghanistan dan Perang Irak. Pada tahun 2009, ia aktif di Twitter untuk memberitakan doktrin gereja. Phelps-Roper mulai meragukan keyakinannya ketika pengguna Twitter menunjukkan kontradiksi dalam doktrin Gereja Baptis Westboro, dan ketika para penatua mengubah proses pengambilan keputusan gereja. Phelps-Roper meninggalkan gereja pada 2012 setelah dia tidak dapat mendamaikan keraguannya dengan keyakinannya. Setelah kepergiannya, Phelps-Roper menjadi kritikus terkemuka dari filosofi dan praktik gereja. Dia berkeliling dunia untuk berbicara tentang pengalamannya di gereja dan menganjurkan dialog antara kelompok-kelompok dengan pandangan yang bertentangan. Pada tahun 2019, ia merilis sebuah memoar, Berhenti Ikuti: Perjalanan dari Kebencian ke Harapan.