Mazda (light bulb) an entity of type: Abstraction100002137

Mazda ou MAZDA Eclairage était une marque française de systèmes d'éclairages commercialisée par la Nouvelle Compagnie des Lampes. Appartenant à Signify (anciennement Philips Lighting), elle n'est plus commercialisée depuis 2007. Cependant, en 2018, constatant que la marque Mazda (Mazda Eclairage) est encore très connue en France , le groupe Signify décide de relancer la marque et de commercialiser certaines gammes sous la marque Mazda. rdf:langString
マツダ (MAZDA) は、1909年にアメリカ合衆国で創設された、白熱電球などのブランドである。電球はマツダランプ (MAZDA Lamp) と呼ばれた。 ブランド名はゾロアスター教の最高神アフラ・マズダー (Ahura Mazdā) に由来する。 日本では、東芝グループの照明器具メーカー東芝ライテックがを製造販売している。かつては東芝から一般電球・真空管などが販売されていた。 rdf:langString
馬茲達(英語:Mazda)為美國薛爾比電氣公司(英語:Shelby Electric Company)替該公司生產之白熾燈泡註冊的商標,從1909年至1945年間使用(後來被通用電氣使用)。1945年後,「馬茲達牌」電燈泡在美國境外販售了數十年。薛爾比電氣公司選擇此名,乃因波斯帝國瑣羅亞斯德教光明之神阿胡拉·馬茲達(英语:Ahura Mazda、Ahuramazda)。 rdf:langString
Mazda was a trademarked name registered by General Electric (GE) in 1909 for incandescent light bulbs. The name was used from 1909 to 1945 in the United States by GE and Westinghouse. Mazda brand light bulbs were made for decades after 1945 outside the US. The company chose the name due to its association with Ahura Mazda, the transcendental and universal God of Zoroastrianism whose name means light of wisdom in the Avestan language. rdf:langString
Mazda era un marchio registrato dalla General Electric (GE) nel 1909 per le lampadine a incandescenza. Dal 1909 al 1945 il nome è stato utilizzato negli Stati Uniti da GE e Westinghouse e in Francia; il nome fu scelto per la sua associazione con Ahura Mazdā che nella lingua avestica significa luce della saggezza. Dopo il 1945 il nome Mazda fu concesso in licenza ad altri produttori, tra cui la British Thomson-Houston e la giapponese Toshiba. General Electric ha smesso di concedere in licenza il marchio ad altri produttori ma ha continuato a rinnovarne la registrazione fino al 1990; la relativa registrazione (n° 77.779) è scaduta nel 2000. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Mazda (lumière)
rdf:langString Mazda (lampadina)
rdf:langString Mazda (light bulb)
rdf:langString マツダ (電球)
rdf:langString 馬茲達 (燈泡)
xsd:integer 3058228
xsd:integer 1092542848
rdf:langString Mazda was a trademarked name registered by General Electric (GE) in 1909 for incandescent light bulbs. The name was used from 1909 to 1945 in the United States by GE and Westinghouse. Mazda brand light bulbs were made for decades after 1945 outside the US. The company chose the name due to its association with Ahura Mazda, the transcendental and universal God of Zoroastrianism whose name means light of wisdom in the Avestan language. In 1909 the Mazda name was created for the tungsten filament light bulb. GE sold bulbs under this trademark starting in 1909. GE promoted the mark as identifying tungsten filament bulbs with predictable performance and life expectancy. GE also licensed the Mazda name, socket sizes, and tungsten filament technology to other manufacturers to establish a standard for lighting. Bulbs were soon sold by many manufacturers with the Mazda name licensed from GE, including British Thomson-Houston in the United Kingdom, Toshiba in Japan, and GE's chief competitor Westinghouse. Tungsten-filament bulbs of the Mazda type were initially more costly than carbon filament bulbs, but used less electricity. Often electrical utilities would trade new lamps for consumers' burned-out bulbs. In at least one case the authority regulating energy rates required the utility to use only tungsten bulbs so as not to inflate customer's energy use. The company dropped the campaign in 1945. GE's patents on the tungsten filament lamp expired in the late 1930s and other forms of lighting were becoming more important than incandescent bulbs. GE stopped licensing the trademark to other manufacturers, although it continued to renew the trademark registration up to 1990. The registration on trademark no. 77,779 expired in 2000. Modern association of the Mazda name is mostly with the Mazda automobile manufacturer of Japan (which coexisted with Toshiba's Mazda bulbs in its early years). The Mazda trademark is split between the Japanese manufacturer where it applies to automobiles (including automobile lights and batteries) and GE for non-automotive uses. GE's Mazda bulbs were manufactured by Minneapolis Mazda Lamp Works at a factory in Northeast Minneapolis. From the 1930s until 2012, the building was the headquarters of Minneapolis Public Schools.
rdf:langString Mazda ou MAZDA Eclairage était une marque française de systèmes d'éclairages commercialisée par la Nouvelle Compagnie des Lampes. Appartenant à Signify (anciennement Philips Lighting), elle n'est plus commercialisée depuis 2007. Cependant, en 2018, constatant que la marque Mazda (Mazda Eclairage) est encore très connue en France , le groupe Signify décide de relancer la marque et de commercialiser certaines gammes sous la marque Mazda.
rdf:langString マツダ (MAZDA) は、1909年にアメリカ合衆国で創設された、白熱電球などのブランドである。電球はマツダランプ (MAZDA Lamp) と呼ばれた。 ブランド名はゾロアスター教の最高神アフラ・マズダー (Ahura Mazdā) に由来する。 日本では、東芝グループの照明器具メーカー東芝ライテックがを製造販売している。かつては東芝から一般電球・真空管などが販売されていた。
rdf:langString Mazda era un marchio registrato dalla General Electric (GE) nel 1909 per le lampadine a incandescenza. Dal 1909 al 1945 il nome è stato utilizzato negli Stati Uniti da GE e Westinghouse e in Francia; il nome fu scelto per la sua associazione con Ahura Mazdā che nella lingua avestica significa luce della saggezza. Dopo il 1945 il nome Mazda fu concesso in licenza ad altri produttori, tra cui la British Thomson-Houston e la giapponese Toshiba. General Electric ha smesso di concedere in licenza il marchio ad altri produttori ma ha continuato a rinnovarne la registrazione fino al 1990; la relativa registrazione (n° 77.779) è scaduta nel 2000. L'associazione moderna del nome Mazda è principalmente con il produttore automobilistico giapponese Mazda (che coesisteva con le lampadine Mazda di Toshiba nei suoi primi anni). Il marchio Mazda è suddiviso tra il produttore giapponese, dove si applica alle automobili (comprese le luci e le batterie delle automobili), General Electric per usi non automobilistici e Signify Holding (Philips) per la produzione di sistemi di illuminazione.
rdf:langString 馬茲達(英語:Mazda)為美國薛爾比電氣公司(英語:Shelby Electric Company)替該公司生產之白熾燈泡註冊的商標,從1909年至1945年間使用(後來被通用電氣使用)。1945年後,「馬茲達牌」電燈泡在美國境外販售了數十年。薛爾比電氣公司選擇此名,乃因波斯帝國瑣羅亞斯德教光明之神阿胡拉·馬茲達(英语:Ahura Mazda、Ahuramazda)。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5681

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