Marcus Fabius Ambustus (pontifex maximus 390 BC) an entity of type: Thing
Marc Fabi Ambust (en llatí: Marcus Fabius Ambustus) era Pontífex Màxim l'any 390 aC. Els seus tres fills, Ceso Fabi Ambust, Numeri Fabi Ambust i Quint Fabi Ambust van ser enviats com ambaixadors als gals quant aquestos assetjaven Clusium i van ajudar els assetjats a escapar-se. Llavors els gals van demanar que s'entregaren per violació de la llei de les nacions però el Senat romà ho va refusar i els gals van marxar contra Roma i la van ocupar.
Marco Fábio Ambusto (em latim: Marcus Fabius Ambustus) foi um magistrado romano da gente Fábia e que era pontífice máximo da República Romana no ano que Roma foi tomada pelos gauleses de Breno, 390 a.C..
Марк Фа́бій Амбу́ст (лат. Marcus Fabius Ambustus; IV століття до н. е.) — політичний і державний діяч Римської республіки, Pontifex Maximus 390 року до н. е.
Marcus Fabius Ambustus was Pontifex Maximus of the Roman Republic in the year that Rome was taken by the Gauls of Brennus, 390 BC. His three sons--Caeso, Numerius, and Quintus—were sent as ambassadors to the Gauls, when the latter were besieging Clusium, and participated in an attack against the besieging Gauls. The Gauls demanded that the Fabii should be surrendered to them for violating the law of nations; and upon the senate refusing to give up the guilty parties, they marched against Rome, which they sacked after the battle of the Allia. The three sons were in the same year elected consular tribunes.
Marc Fabi Ambust (Pontífex Màxim)
Marcus Fabius Ambustus (pontifex maximus 390 BC)
Marco Fábio Ambusto (pontífice máximo)
Марк Фабій Амбуст (Великий понтифік 390 року до н. е.)
Marc Fabi Ambust (en llatí: Marcus Fabius Ambustus) era Pontífex Màxim l'any 390 aC. Els seus tres fills, Ceso Fabi Ambust, Numeri Fabi Ambust i Quint Fabi Ambust van ser enviats com ambaixadors als gals quant aquestos assetjaven Clusium i van ajudar els assetjats a escapar-se. Llavors els gals van demanar que s'entregaren per violació de la llei de les nacions però el Senat romà ho va refusar i els gals van marxar contra Roma i la van ocupar.
Marcus Fabius Ambustus was Pontifex Maximus of the Roman Republic in the year that Rome was taken by the Gauls of Brennus, 390 BC. His three sons--Caeso, Numerius, and Quintus—were sent as ambassadors to the Gauls, when the latter were besieging Clusium, and participated in an attack against the besieging Gauls. The Gauls demanded that the Fabii should be surrendered to them for violating the law of nations; and upon the senate refusing to give up the guilty parties, they marched against Rome, which they sacked after the battle of the Allia. The three sons were in the same year elected consular tribunes. Many scholars believe the entire story of the events at Clusium to be fiction, as Clusium had no real reason to appeal to Rome for help, and the Gauls needed no real provocation to sack Rome. The story, it is hypothesized, exists to provide an explanation for an otherwise unmotivated attack on Rome, and to depict Rome as a bulwark of Italy against the Gauls.
Marco Fábio Ambusto (em latim: Marcus Fabius Ambustus) foi um magistrado romano da gente Fábia e que era pontífice máximo da República Romana no ano que Roma foi tomada pelos gauleses de Breno, 390 a.C..
Марк Фа́бій Амбу́ст (лат. Marcus Fabius Ambustus; IV століття до н. е.) — політичний і державний діяч Римської республіки, Pontifex Maximus 390 року до н. е.