Marcel Glesener an entity of type: Person
Marcel Glesener (Esch-sur-Alzette, 17 d'abril de 1937) és un polític i sindicalista luxemburguès. Membre del Partit Popular Social Cristià (CSV), és diputat legislatiu, a Cambra de Diputats de Luxemburg.
Marcel Glesener (born 17 April 1937 in Esch-sur-Alzette) is a Luxembourgish politician and trade unionist. He is a member of the Christian Social People's Party (CSV), sitting in the national legislature, the Chamber of Deputies.
Marcel Glesener
Marcel Glesener
President of the LCGB
President of the Assembly of WEU
Marcel Glesener (Esch-sur-Alzette, 17 d'abril de 1937) és un polític i sindicalista luxemburguès. Membre del Partit Popular Social Cristià (CSV), és diputat legislatiu, a Cambra de Diputats de Luxemburg. Glesener ha estat un membre del Partit des de 1957. Va ser president de la Federació de Sindicats Cristians Luxemburguesos (LCGB) entre 1980 i 1996, on va succeir al càrrec a Jean Spautz. Va ser elegit per a la Cambra de Diputats a les eleccions de 1989, en representació de la circumscripció del Sud. Des d'aleshores ha estat reelegit a Les eleccions de 1994, 1999 i 2004. Va rebre l'Orde del Mèrit del Gran Ducat de Luxemburg en el grau de Comandat, promoció 2004).
Marcel Glesener (born 17 April 1937 in Esch-sur-Alzette) is a Luxembourgish politician and trade unionist. He is a member of the Christian Social People's Party (CSV), sitting in the national legislature, the Chamber of Deputies. Glesener has been a member of the CSV since 1957. He was President of the CSV-leaning Luxembourg Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (LCGB) between 1980 and 1996, succeeding Jean Spautz. Glesener was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in the 1989 elections, representing the Sud constituency. He has sat in the Chamber ever since, having been re-elected in 1994, 1999, and 2004. He has been a regular representative of the Chamber of Deputies in international organisations. Glesener has been a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and a member of, and leader of the Luxembourgian delegation to, the Assembly of the Western European Union (WEU) since 1999. The latter includes spells as Vice-President (2000 – 03) and President (2003 – 04).