Mann Gulch fire an entity of type: Thing

Am 5. August 1949 starben 13 Feuerwehrmänner des United States Forest Service in einem Buschfeuer im Mann Gulch, einem Kerbtal in der Gates of the Mountains Wilderness am oberen Missouri River im US-Bundesstaat Montana. 25 Jahre lang blieb das Geschehen weitgehend unbeachtet, bis Norman Maclean, ein Professor für Renaissanceliteratur im Ruhestand, Material für ein Buch zusammenstellte. Macleans Buch, Junge Männer im Feuer, im Jahr 1992 posthum veröffentlicht, brachte den Vorfall in das kollektive Gedächtnis Amerikas und machte den Waldbrand zum berühmtesten der US-amerikanischen Geschichte. rdf:langString
맨 협곡 화재 사고는 1949년 8월 5일 미국 몬태나주에 산불을 진압하기 위해 16명이 산에서 방화선을 구축하려다 바람의 방향이 바뀌어 삼림 소방대원들 방향으로 불이 번져 16명중 3명은 살고 13명이 죽은 사고이다. rdf:langString
L'incendie de Mann Gulch est un (wildfire) signalé le 5 août 1949 dans un ravin (gulch) situé le long de la partie supérieure de la rivière Missouri dans le (alors connu sous le nom de Gates of the Mountains Wild Area), dans la forêt nationale d'Helena, dans l'État du Montana aux États-Unis. Une équipe de 15 smokejumpers (pompiers parachutistes) parachuta dans la zone l'après-midi du 5 août 1949 pour lutter contre l'incendie, retrouvant avec un ancien smokejumper qui était employé comme fire guard au terrain de camping voisin. Alors que l'équipe s'approchait du feu pour commencer à le combattre, des vents violents inattendus firent que le feu soudainement s'étendit, coupant la route des hommes et les forçant à remonter la pente. Au cours des quelques minutes suivantes, une reprise violen rdf:langString
The Mann Gulch fire was a wildfire reported on August 5, 1949, in a gulch located along the upper Missouri River in the Gates of the Mountains Wilderness (then known as the Gates of the Mountains Wild Area), Helena National Forest, in the U.S. state of Montana. A team of 15 smokejumpers parachuted into the area on the afternoon of August 5, 1949, to fight the fire, rendezvousing with a former smokejumper who was employed as a fire guard at the nearby campground. As the team approached the fire to begin fighting it, unexpected high winds caused the fire to suddenly expand, cutting off the men's route and forcing them back uphill. During the next few minutes, a "blow-up" of the fire covered 3,000 acres (1,200 ha) in ten minutes, claiming the lives of 13 firefighters, including 12 of the smok rdf:langString
rdf:langString Mann-Gulch-Waldbrand
rdf:langString Mann Gulch fire
rdf:langString Mann Gulch fire
rdf:langString 맨 협곡 화재 사고
rdf:langString Mann Gulch Wildfire Historic District
rdf:langString Mann Gulch Wildfire Historic District
xsd:float 46.87960052490234
xsd:float -111.904899597168
xsd:integer 1900262
xsd:integer 1116551688
xsd:date 1999-05-19
xsd:integer 1949
rdf:langString Investigators stand on the steep, now barren, north slope of Mann Gulch.
rdf:langString Montana#USA
rdf:langString yes
rdf:langString hd
xsd:integer 99000596
xsd:string 46.8796 -111.9049
rdf:langString Am 5. August 1949 starben 13 Feuerwehrmänner des United States Forest Service in einem Buschfeuer im Mann Gulch, einem Kerbtal in der Gates of the Mountains Wilderness am oberen Missouri River im US-Bundesstaat Montana. 25 Jahre lang blieb das Geschehen weitgehend unbeachtet, bis Norman Maclean, ein Professor für Renaissanceliteratur im Ruhestand, Material für ein Buch zusammenstellte. Macleans Buch, Junge Männer im Feuer, im Jahr 1992 posthum veröffentlicht, brachte den Vorfall in das kollektive Gedächtnis Amerikas und machte den Waldbrand zum berühmtesten der US-amerikanischen Geschichte.
rdf:langString The Mann Gulch fire was a wildfire reported on August 5, 1949, in a gulch located along the upper Missouri River in the Gates of the Mountains Wilderness (then known as the Gates of the Mountains Wild Area), Helena National Forest, in the U.S. state of Montana. A team of 15 smokejumpers parachuted into the area on the afternoon of August 5, 1949, to fight the fire, rendezvousing with a former smokejumper who was employed as a fire guard at the nearby campground. As the team approached the fire to begin fighting it, unexpected high winds caused the fire to suddenly expand, cutting off the men's route and forcing them back uphill. During the next few minutes, a "blow-up" of the fire covered 3,000 acres (1,200 ha) in ten minutes, claiming the lives of 13 firefighters, including 12 of the smokejumpers. Only three of the smokejumpers survived. The fire would continue for five more days before being controlled. The United States Forest Service drew lessons from the tragedy of the Mann Gulch fire by designing new training techniques and safety measures that developed how the agency approached wildfire suppression. The agency also increased emphasis on fire research and the science of fire behavior. University of Chicago English professor and author Norman Maclean (1902–1990) researched the fire and its behavior for his book, Young Men and Fire (1992) which was published after his death. Maclean, who worked northwestern Montana in logging camps and for the Forest Service in his youth, recounted the events of the fire and ensuing tragedy and undertook a detailed investigation of the fire's causes. Young Men and Fire won the National Book Critics Circle Award for non-fiction in 1992. The 1952 film Red Skies of Montana, starring actor Richard Widmark and directed by Joseph M. Newman, was loosely based on the events of the Mann Gulch fire. The location of the Mann Gulch fire was included as a historical district on the United States National Register of Historic Places on May 19, 1999. A sign is placed near Mann Gulch to memorialize the tragedy, and can be seen from the waters of the nearby Missouri River.
rdf:langString L'incendie de Mann Gulch est un (wildfire) signalé le 5 août 1949 dans un ravin (gulch) situé le long de la partie supérieure de la rivière Missouri dans le (alors connu sous le nom de Gates of the Mountains Wild Area), dans la forêt nationale d'Helena, dans l'État du Montana aux États-Unis. Une équipe de 15 smokejumpers (pompiers parachutistes) parachuta dans la zone l'après-midi du 5 août 1949 pour lutter contre l'incendie, retrouvant avec un ancien smokejumper qui était employé comme fire guard au terrain de camping voisin. Alors que l'équipe s'approchait du feu pour commencer à le combattre, des vents violents inattendus firent que le feu soudainement s'étendit, coupant la route des hommes et les forçant à remonter la pente. Au cours des quelques minutes suivantes, une reprise violente de feu (anglais : blow up) de l'incendie couvrit 3 000 acres (1 214 hectares) en dix minutes, coûtant la vie à 13 pompiers, dont 12 des smokejumpers. Seuls trois des smokejumpers survécurent. Le feu continuera pendant cinq jours avant d'être maîtrisé. Le Service des forêts des États-Unis tira les leçons de la tragédie de l'incendie de Mann Gulch en concevant de nouvelles techniques de formation et des mesures de sécurité qui développèrent la façon dont l'agence aborda par la suite la suppression des feux de friches. L'agence met également davantage l'accent sur la recherche sur le feu et la science du comportement du feu.
rdf:langString 맨 협곡 화재 사고는 1949년 8월 5일 미국 몬태나주에 산불을 진압하기 위해 16명이 산에서 방화선을 구축하려다 바람의 방향이 바뀌어 삼림 소방대원들 방향으로 불이 번져 16명중 3명은 살고 13명이 죽은 사고이다.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 34373
xsd:double 4835993.424768
xsd:string 99000596
xsd:gYear 1949
<Geometry> POINT(-111.90489959717 46.879600524902)

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