Managed security service an entity of type: Company
보안 관리 서비스(Managed Security Service, MSS)는 서비스 제공자에 의해 아웃소싱되는 네트워크 보안 서비스를 일컫는 말이다. 보안 관리 서비스를 제공하는 업체나 제공자를 보안 관리 서비스 제공자(Managed Security Service Provider, MSSP)라고 한다. 보안을 위한 자원이나 전문가가 부족한 기업은 보안 관리 서비스 업체에게 보안 기능을 아웃소싱한다. MSSP는 네트워크 활동을 감시하고 취약성 테스트를 실시, 침입탐지를 수행한다.
MSS - Managed Security Services em português: serviços gerenciados de segurança - representa osegmento de mercado de empresas que, segundo o Gartner, monitoram ou gerenciamambientes de TI remotamente, através do uso compartilhado de Centros deOperação de Segurança (SOC – Security Operation Center).
许多公司,特别是一些小公司,因为缺乏资源或专家,难以靠自身能力提供一个安全度高的计算机能力环境。它们可以很多安全措施,通过安全管理服务提供商(Managed Security Service Provider,縮寫 MSSP),MSSP可以监控网络活动,并且实施低效能测试以及进行侵袭侦查。、VeriSign以及Symantec都是顶尖的MSSP服务的提供者。
In computing, managed security services (MSS) are network security services that have been outsourced to a service provider. A company providing such a service is a managed security service provider (MSSP) The roots of MSSPs are in the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the mid to late 1990s. Initially, ISP(s) would sell customers a firewall appliance, as customer premises equipment (CPE), and for an additional fee would manage the customer-owned firewall over a dial-up connection.
보안 관리 서비스
Managed security service
Managed Security Services
In computing, managed security services (MSS) are network security services that have been outsourced to a service provider. A company providing such a service is a managed security service provider (MSSP) The roots of MSSPs are in the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the mid to late 1990s. Initially, ISP(s) would sell customers a firewall appliance, as customer premises equipment (CPE), and for an additional fee would manage the customer-owned firewall over a dial-up connection. According to recent industry research, most organizations (74%) manage IT security in-house, but 82% of IT professionals said they have either already partnered with, or plan to partner with, a managed security service provider. Businesses turn to managed security services providers to alleviate the pressures they face daily related to information security such as targeted malware, customer data theft, skills shortages and resource constraints. Managed security services (MSS) are also considered the systematic approach to managing an organization's security needs. The services may be conducted in-house or outsourced to a service provider that oversees other companies' network and information system security. Functions of a managed security service include round-the-clock monitoring and management of intrusion detection systems and firewalls, overseeing patch management and upgrades, performing security assessments and security audits, and responding to emergencies. There are products available from a number of vendors to help organize and guide the procedures involved. This diverts the burden of performing the chores manually, which can be considerable, away from administrators. Industry research firm, Forrester Research, identified the 14 most significant vendors in the global market in 2018 with its 23-criteria evaluation of managed security service providers (MSSPs)--identifying Accenture, IBM, Dell SecureWorks, Trustwave, AT&T, Verizon, Deloitte, Wipro and others as the leaders in the MSSP market. Newcomers to the market include a number of smaller providers used to protect homes, small businesses, and high networth clients.
보안 관리 서비스(Managed Security Service, MSS)는 서비스 제공자에 의해 아웃소싱되는 네트워크 보안 서비스를 일컫는 말이다. 보안 관리 서비스를 제공하는 업체나 제공자를 보안 관리 서비스 제공자(Managed Security Service Provider, MSSP)라고 한다. 보안을 위한 자원이나 전문가가 부족한 기업은 보안 관리 서비스 업체에게 보안 기능을 아웃소싱한다. MSSP는 네트워크 활동을 감시하고 취약성 테스트를 실시, 침입탐지를 수행한다.
MSS - Managed Security Services em português: serviços gerenciados de segurança - representa osegmento de mercado de empresas que, segundo o Gartner, monitoram ou gerenciamambientes de TI remotamente, através do uso compartilhado de Centros deOperação de Segurança (SOC – Security Operation Center).
许多公司,特别是一些小公司,因为缺乏资源或专家,难以靠自身能力提供一个安全度高的计算机能力环境。它们可以很多安全措施,通过安全管理服务提供商(Managed Security Service Provider,縮寫 MSSP),MSSP可以监控网络活动,并且实施低效能测试以及进行侵袭侦查。、VeriSign以及Symantec都是顶尖的MSSP服务的提供者。