Mahal (palace) an entity of type: WikicatRoyalResidences
Mahall és un terme àrab que vol dir "lloc on es fa una aturada", "lloc d'establiment" o "lloc de residència", però utilitzat a l'Índia musulmana per designar un pavelló o sala d'un palau, especialment els apartaments privats reials del palau (mahall-sara), i per extensió a una reina o esposa reial. El seu equivalent hindi és "mandal". Existeixen nombrosos mahalls a diverses parts de l'Índia sent el més famós el del fort d'Agra. De mahall deriva mahal, nom que es dona als palaus al Rajasthan.
Mahal (/mɛˈɦɛl/), meaning "a mansion or a palace", though it may also refer to "living quarters for a set of people". It is an Indian word which derives Fooliyai from the Persian word mahal, deriving from the Arabic word mahall which in turn is derived from ḥall ‘stopping place, abode’. A place of destination would therefore be referred to as "mahal anuzul". A place of recreation would be referred to as "mahal anunzul". The term máhal to refer to a place was also adopted in Hindi for example Panch Mahals and Jungle Mahals. The word developed its meaning for palace as in opposition to that of a jhopri or a "dilapidated house" as a neologism.
Mahal (palace)
Mahall és un terme àrab que vol dir "lloc on es fa una aturada", "lloc d'establiment" o "lloc de residència", però utilitzat a l'Índia musulmana per designar un pavelló o sala d'un palau, especialment els apartaments privats reials del palau (mahall-sara), i per extensió a una reina o esposa reial. El seu equivalent hindi és "mandal". Existeixen nombrosos mahalls a diverses parts de l'Índia sent el més famós el del fort d'Agra. De mahall deriva mahal, nom que es dona als palaus al Rajasthan.
Mahal (/mɛˈɦɛl/), meaning "a mansion or a palace", though it may also refer to "living quarters for a set of people". It is an Indian word which derives Fooliyai from the Persian word mahal, deriving from the Arabic word mahall which in turn is derived from ḥall ‘stopping place, abode’. A place of destination would therefore be referred to as "mahal anuzul". A place of recreation would be referred to as "mahal anunzul". The term máhal to refer to a place was also adopted in Hindi for example Panch Mahals and Jungle Mahals. The word developed its meaning for palace as in opposition to that of a jhopri or a "dilapidated house" as a neologism. Both Muslim and Hindu rulers built many Mahals in India.