Lord Steward

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Le Lord-intendant (ou Lord Intendant ; (en) Lord Steward) est l'un des grands officiers de la Maison royale du Royaume-Uni. Jusqu'en 1924, le lord-intendant a toujours siégé au Cabinet du gouvernement britannique.Il reçoit sa nomination du souverain en personne et, de nos jours, ses fonctions sont uniquement celles d'un officier royal supérieur. L'actuel lord-intendant est, depuis 2009, le comte de Dalhousie. rdf:langString
Lord Steward o Lord Steward of the Household, è un'importante carica ufficiale della casa reale. Fino al 1924 era un membro del Governo. Il nobile designato riceve la nomina dal sovrano in persona e porta un bastone bianco come l'emblema della sua autorità; è il primo dignitario di corte. Fino al 2004 presiedette il Consiglio di Green Cloth. Nel suo staff sono presenti il e il . Questi funzionari erano di solito coetanei o figli di coetanei e consiglieri privati. I doveri che in teoria appartengono al Lord Steward, Tesoriere e Controllore sono, in pratica, eseguiti dal Maestro della casa, che è un funzionario permanente e risiede nel palazzo. rdf:langString
Lord steward (ang. Lord Steward lub Lord Steward of the Household) – jeden z najważniejszych urzędników na brytyjskim dworze królewskim, odpowiadający polskiemu urzędowi stolnika wielkiego koronnego. Może nim zostać tylko par lub członek Tajnej Rady albo syn jednego z nich. W przeszłości przewodniczył następującym sądom: Board of Green Cloth, sądowi Lorda Stewarda (Lord Steward's Court), sądowi marszałkowskiemu (Marshalsea Court) i sądowi dworskiemu (Palace Court). Obecnie jest pośrednikiem między monarchą a parlamentem. rdf:langString
宮內大臣(英語:Lord Steward),又稱內廷宮內大臣(英語:Lord Steward of the Household),是英國其中一個首長官位,與宮務大臣(Lord Chamberlain)和(Master of the Horse)同屬內廷重臣,但現今宮內大臣與掌馬官僅餘禮節性職責,並不實際參與打理內廷事務。 宮內大臣自中世紀開始已位列三名內府重臣之一,歷史上,宮內大臣透過主持(),負責管理內廷僕役,掌管宮禁周邊的民事和刑事司法管轄權、以及內廷財務主計等事宜。事實上,其大部份職責均由(Master of the Household)執行,自1920年代開始,宮內大臣僅名義上擔任內廷總管部(Master of the Household's Department)首長,而綠布委員會也已經隨2004年地方政府改革而廢除。宮內大臣在昔日是重要的政治人物,在1924年以前,出任宮內大臣的人士會隨政府輪替而換人。 目前的宮內大臣僅餘下一些禮節性職責,包括在白金漢宮出席國事訪問和國宴等重要禮節性場合,負責帶領賓客覲見君主。宮內大臣一般由貴族出任,執行職務時會手持白色官杖。 rdf:langString
Der Lord Steward oder Lord Steward of the Household (deutsch Ober-Hofmarschall) ist ein Amt am britischen Königshof. Er sollte nicht mit dem Lord High Steward verwechselt werden, dem höchsten der Great Officers of State in England. Erwähnt wird der Titel schon in einer Rangliste von Heinrich VIII. aus dem Jahre 1539. Seine praktischen Aufgaben am Hof (Finanzangelegenheiten und Verwaltung des Hofstaates) übernimmt heute der „Master of the Household“. Früher überbrachte er auch Botschaften des Königs an das Parlament und schwor die Mitglieder des Parlaments ein. rdf:langString
The Lord Steward or Lord Steward of the Household is an official of the Royal Household in England. He is always a peer. Until 1924, he was always a member of the Government. Until 1782, the office was one of considerable political importance and carried Cabinet rank. The Lord Steward had formerly three courts besides the Board of Green Cloth under him—the , superseded in 1541 by the Marshalsea Court, and the Palace Court. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Lord Steward of the Household
rdf:langString Lord-intendant
rdf:langString Lord Steward
rdf:langString Lord Steward
rdf:langString Lord steward
rdf:langString 宮內大臣 (英國)
xsd:integer 318642
xsd:integer 1124919452
rdf:langString Der Lord Steward oder Lord Steward of the Household (deutsch Ober-Hofmarschall) ist ein Amt am britischen Königshof. Er sollte nicht mit dem Lord High Steward verwechselt werden, dem höchsten der Great Officers of State in England. Das Amt hatte bis 1782 erhebliche politische Bedeutung, und der Träger war Mitgliedern des Kabinetts im Rang gleichgestellt. Bis 1924 war der Träger, der die Peerswürde haben muss, auch immer Mitglied der Regierung. Er wird direkt vom König ernannt und trägt als Zeichen seines Amtes einen weißen Stab. Er ist der oberste Würdenträger des königlichen Hofstaats, vor dem „Treasurer of the Household“ und dem „Comptroller of the Household“, und saß bis 2003 dem „Board of Green Cloth“ vor, dem Verwaltungsgremium (und früher auch Gerichtshof) des Königlichen Haushalts, das zum Beispiel die Reisen vorbereitete. Erwähnt wird der Titel schon in einer Rangliste von Heinrich VIII. aus dem Jahre 1539. Seine praktischen Aufgaben am Hof (Finanzangelegenheiten und Verwaltung des Hofstaates) übernimmt heute der „Master of the Household“. Früher überbrachte er auch Botschaften des Königs an das Parlament und schwor die Mitglieder des Parlaments ein. Der Titel existiert nach wie vor, und der Lord Steward ernennt noch heute den Coroner of the Queen’s Household. Derzeitiger Amtsinhaber ist James Hubert Ramsay, 17. Earl of Dalhousie.
rdf:langString The Lord Steward or Lord Steward of the Household is an official of the Royal Household in England. He is always a peer. Until 1924, he was always a member of the Government. Until 1782, the office was one of considerable political importance and carried Cabinet rank. The Lord Steward receives his appointment from the Sovereign in person and bears a white staff as the emblem and warrant of his authority. He is the first dignitary of the court. In the House of Lords Precedence Act 1539, an Act of Parliament for placing of the lords, he is described as the grand master or lord steward of the king's most honourable household. He presided at the Board of Green Cloth, until the Board of Green Cloth disappeared in the reform of local government licensing in 2004, brought about by the Licensing Act 2003 (section 195). In his department are the Treasurer of the Household and Comptroller of the Household, who rank next to him. These officials were usually peers or the sons of peers and Privy Councillors. They also sat at the Board of Green Cloth, carry white staves, and belong to the ministry. The offices are now held by Government whips in the House of Commons. The duties which in theory belong to the Lord Steward, Treasurer and Comptroller of the Household are in practice performed by the Master of the Household, who is a permanent officer and resides in the palace. However, by the , the Lord Steward was still appointed the Coroner of the Queen's Household, until the office was abolished in 2013 by the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. The Master of the Household is a white-staff officer and was a member of the Board of Green Cloth but not of the ministry, and among other things he presided at the daily dinners of the suite in waiting on the sovereign. He is not named in the Black Book of Edward IV or in the Statutes of Henry VIII and is entered as master of the household and clerk of the green cloth in the Household Book of Queen Elizabeth. But he has superseded the lord steward of the household, as the lord steward of the household at one time superseded the Lord High Steward of England. In the Lord Steward's department were the officials of the Board of Green Cloth, the Coroner ("coroner of the verge"), and , and the officers of the Royal Almonry. Other offices in the department were those of the Cofferer of the Household, the Treasurer of the Chamber, and the Paymaster of Pensions, but these, with six clerks of the Board of Green Cloth, were abolished in 1782. The Lord Steward had formerly three courts besides the Board of Green Cloth under him—the , superseded in 1541 by the Marshalsea Court, and the Palace Court. The Lord Steward or his deputies formerly administered the oaths to the members of the House of Commons. In certain cases (messages from the sovereign under the sign-manual) the lords with white staves are the proper persons to bear communications between the Sovereign and the Houses of Parliament.
rdf:langString Le Lord-intendant (ou Lord Intendant ; (en) Lord Steward) est l'un des grands officiers de la Maison royale du Royaume-Uni. Jusqu'en 1924, le lord-intendant a toujours siégé au Cabinet du gouvernement britannique.Il reçoit sa nomination du souverain en personne et, de nos jours, ses fonctions sont uniquement celles d'un officier royal supérieur. L'actuel lord-intendant est, depuis 2009, le comte de Dalhousie.
rdf:langString Lord Steward o Lord Steward of the Household, è un'importante carica ufficiale della casa reale. Fino al 1924 era un membro del Governo. Il nobile designato riceve la nomina dal sovrano in persona e porta un bastone bianco come l'emblema della sua autorità; è il primo dignitario di corte. Fino al 2004 presiedette il Consiglio di Green Cloth. Nel suo staff sono presenti il e il . Questi funzionari erano di solito coetanei o figli di coetanei e consiglieri privati. I doveri che in teoria appartengono al Lord Steward, Tesoriere e Controllore sono, in pratica, eseguiti dal Maestro della casa, che è un funzionario permanente e risiede nel palazzo.
rdf:langString Lord steward (ang. Lord Steward lub Lord Steward of the Household) – jeden z najważniejszych urzędników na brytyjskim dworze królewskim, odpowiadający polskiemu urzędowi stolnika wielkiego koronnego. Może nim zostać tylko par lub członek Tajnej Rady albo syn jednego z nich. W przeszłości przewodniczył następującym sądom: Board of Green Cloth, sądowi Lorda Stewarda (Lord Steward's Court), sądowi marszałkowskiemu (Marshalsea Court) i sądowi dworskiemu (Palace Court). Obecnie jest pośrednikiem między monarchą a parlamentem.
rdf:langString 宮內大臣(英語:Lord Steward),又稱內廷宮內大臣(英語:Lord Steward of the Household),是英國其中一個首長官位,與宮務大臣(Lord Chamberlain)和(Master of the Horse)同屬內廷重臣,但現今宮內大臣與掌馬官僅餘禮節性職責,並不實際參與打理內廷事務。 宮內大臣自中世紀開始已位列三名內府重臣之一,歷史上,宮內大臣透過主持(),負責管理內廷僕役,掌管宮禁周邊的民事和刑事司法管轄權、以及內廷財務主計等事宜。事實上,其大部份職責均由(Master of the Household)執行,自1920年代開始,宮內大臣僅名義上擔任內廷總管部(Master of the Household's Department)首長,而綠布委員會也已經隨2004年地方政府改革而廢除。宮內大臣在昔日是重要的政治人物,在1924年以前,出任宮內大臣的人士會隨政府輪替而換人。 目前的宮內大臣僅餘下一些禮節性職責,包括在白金漢宮出席國事訪問和國宴等重要禮節性場合,負責帶領賓客覲見君主。宮內大臣一般由貴族出任,執行職務時會手持白色官杖。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 14931

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