List of schools in Central Queensland
This is a list of schools in the Central Queensland region of Queensland, Australia, and includes schools in Central West Queensland. The region is centred on the coastal cities of Rockhampton and Gladstone, and the inland towns of Emerald, Longreach and Barcaldine. It includes the following local government areas:
List of schools in Central Queensland
This is a list of schools in the Central Queensland region of Queensland, Australia, and includes schools in Central West Queensland. The region is centred on the coastal cities of Rockhampton and Gladstone, and the inland towns of Emerald, Longreach and Barcaldine. It includes the following local government areas:
* Shire of Banana
* Shire of Barcaldine
* Shire of Barcoo
* Blackall-Tambo Region
* Shire of Boulia
* Central Highlands Region
* Shire of Diamantina
* Gladstone Region
* Isaac Region
* Shire of Livingstone
* Shire of Longreach
* Rockhampton Region
* Aboriginal Shire of Woorabinda
* Shire of Winton Prior to 2015, the Queensland education system consisted of primary schools, which accommodated students from kindergarten to Year 7 (ages 5–13), and high schools, which accommodate students from Years 8 to 12 (ages 12–18). However, from 2015, Year 7 became the first year of high school.