List of national monuments of Portugal
Monument National - La classification du patrimoine portugais est l'acte final de la procédure administrative par laquelle il est établi qu’un certain bien a une valeur culturelle inestimable. Un bien est considéré comme d'intérêt national lorsque sa protection et la valorisation, en tout ou en partie, représente une valeur culturelle significative pour la nation. Les immeubles appartenant à des particuliers ne peuvent être classés d'intérêt national que quand leur dégradation ou leur perte constitue une perte irréparable pour le patrimoine culturel. (Art.15º,16º,18º)
Lista dei monumenti nazionali del Portogallo, indicati per regione, distretto e comune (eventualmente, accanto viene riportata anche la freguesia o la località); la legge o l'anno riportarto fra parentesi si riferisce alla certificazione del monumento come "nazionale".
The national monuments of Portugal (Portuguese: Monumentos Nacionais) were constructed throughout the Portuguese territory, and date back to the period of pre-historic settlement of occupation. Subsequently, the region that is today Portugal has been colonized by many civilizations, which have left marks in the territory, constructing markers, defensive structures, homes and places of worship to suit their requirements and means. The formal organization of the Portuguese state resulted in a process to qualify and quantify those structures that have had an intrinsic value to the Portuguese culture. Starting with the Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais (DGMEN), and later by the Instituto de Gestão do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico (IGESPAR), the Portuguese governmen
Monument national (Portugal)
Monumenti nazionali (Portogallo)
List of national monuments of Portugal
The national monuments of Portugal (Portuguese: Monumentos Nacionais) were constructed throughout the Portuguese territory, and date back to the period of pre-historic settlement of occupation. Subsequently, the region that is today Portugal has been colonized by many civilizations, which have left marks in the territory, constructing markers, defensive structures, homes and places of worship to suit their requirements and means. The formal organization of the Portuguese state resulted in a process to qualify and quantify those structures that have had an intrinsic value to the Portuguese culture. Starting with the Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais (DGMEN), and later by the Instituto de Gestão do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico (IGESPAR), the Portuguese government developed a registry of national monuments that includes a rich heritage of historical monuments throughout the country. This is a compilation of those structures that are designated as National Monuments only.
Monument National - La classification du patrimoine portugais est l'acte final de la procédure administrative par laquelle il est établi qu’un certain bien a une valeur culturelle inestimable. Un bien est considéré comme d'intérêt national lorsque sa protection et la valorisation, en tout ou en partie, représente une valeur culturelle significative pour la nation. Les immeubles appartenant à des particuliers ne peuvent être classés d'intérêt national que quand leur dégradation ou leur perte constitue une perte irréparable pour le patrimoine culturel. (Art.15º,16º,18º)
Lista dei monumenti nazionali del Portogallo, indicati per regione, distretto e comune (eventualmente, accanto viene riportata anche la freguesia o la località); la legge o l'anno riportarto fra parentesi si riferisce alla certificazione del monumento come "nazionale".