List of educational psychology journals
This page lists peer-reviewed academic journals in educational psychology and closely related fields.
* Academy of Management Learning & Education
* American Journal of Distance Education
* American Educational Research Journal
* British Educational Research Journal
* British Journal of Educational Psychology
* Child Development
* Early Childhood Research Quarterly
* Educational and Psychological Measurement
* Educational Psychology
* Educational Research Review
* Educational Researcher
* Elementary School Journal
* Gifted Child Quarterly
* Intelligence
* International Journal of Behavioral Development
* Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
* Journal of Educational Measurement
* Journal of Educational Psychology
* Journal of Learning Disabilities
* Journ
List of educational psychology journals
This page lists peer-reviewed academic journals in educational psychology and closely related fields.
* Academy of Management Learning & Education
* American Journal of Distance Education
* American Educational Research Journal
* British Educational Research Journal
* British Journal of Educational Psychology
* Child Development
* Early Childhood Research Quarterly
* Educational and Psychological Measurement
* Educational Psychology
* Educational Research Review
* Educational Researcher
* Elementary School Journal
* Gifted Child Quarterly
* Intelligence
* International Journal of Behavioral Development
* Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
* Journal of Educational Measurement
* Journal of Educational Psychology
* Journal of Learning Disabilities
* Journal of the Learning Sciences
* Journal of Psychological Science
* Journal of Research in Reading
* Learning and Individual Differences
* Reading Research Quarterly
* Review of Educational Research
* Review of Research in Education
* Science Education