List of counties in Michigan an entity of type: AdministrativeRegion

Der US-amerikanische Bundesstaat Michigan ist in 83 Countys eingeteilt. Die offizielle Abkürzung von Michigan lautet MI, der FIPS-Code ist 26. Der FIPS-Code jedes einzelnen Countys beginnt also stets mit 26, an die für jedes County jeweils eine dreistellige Zahl angehängt wird. Die Bevölkerungszahlen der Countys basieren auf den Ergebnissen der Volkszählung 2010. rdf:langString
L'État américain du Michigan est divisé en 83 comtés (counties), dont 68 se trouvent dans sa péninsule inférieure et 15 se trouvent dans sa péninsule supérieure. 49 comtés portent un nom unique, tandis que 30 autres ont un ou plusieurs homonymes dans d'autres États de l'Union et pour quatre, un homonyme en Irlande (dans ce dernier cas, l'homonymie est partielle en anglais, puisque l'emplacement du mot county diffère suivant son emploi concernant le comté irlandais ou le comté américain). 16 villes sièges de comtés portent un nom unique. rdf:langString
ミシガン州の郡一覧は、アメリカ合衆国ミシガン州内の郡の一覧である。ミシガン州内には83の郡がある。 rdf:langString
다음은 미시간주의 군 목록이다. rdf:langString
De Amerikaanse staat Michigan is onderverdeeld in 83 county's: rdf:langString
A seguir, lista dos 83 condados de Michigan, Estados Unidos. rdf:langString
Lista hrabstw w stanie Michigan – stan Michigan podzielony jest na 83 hrabstwa (county). Na mniejszym i rzadziej zaludnionym Półwyspie Górnym jest ich piętnaście, natomiast na Półwyspie Dolnym sześćdziesiąt osiem. rdf:langString
Detta är en lista över de 83 countyn som finns i delstaten Michigan i USA. rdf:langString
Американський штат Мічиган поділяється на 83 округи. rdf:langString
There are 83 counties in the U.S. state of Michigan. The boundaries of these counties have not changed substantially since 1897. However, throughout the 19th century, the state legislature frequently adjusted county boundaries. County creation was intended to fulfill the goal of establishing government over unorganized territory, but a more important goal was encouraging settlement by surveying the land and dividing it into saleable sections. rdf:langString
Liste delle 83 contee del Michigan, negli Stati Uniti d'America: 1. * Alcona 2. * Alger 3. * Allegan 4. * Alpena 5. * Antrim 6. * Arenac 7. * Baraga 8. * Barry 9. * Bay 10. * Benzie 11. * Berrien 12. * Branch 13. * Calhoun 14. * Cass 15. * Charlevoix 16. * Cheboygan 17. * Chippewa 18. * Clare 19. * Clinton 20. * Crawford 21. * Delta 22. * Dickinson 23. * Eaton 24. * Emmet 25. * Genesee 26. * Gladwin 27. * Gogebic 28. * Grand Traverse 29. * Gratiot 30. * Hillsdale 31. * Houghton 32. * Huron 33. * Ingham 34. * Ionia 35. * Iosco 36. * Iron 37. * Isabella 38. * Jackson 39. * Kalamazoo 40. * Kalkaska 41. * Kent 42. * Keweenaw 43. * Lake 44. * Lapeer 45. * Leelanau 46. * Lenawee 47. * Livingston 48. * rdf:langString
Список содержит основные сведения о 83 округах, входящих в состав штата Мичиган. Границы этих округов практически не менялись с 1897 года. Однако в XIX веке они часто сдвигались по мере создания административных органов. Создание округов обычно происходило в два этапа. Сперва определялись границы, и округу присваивалось имя. В этот период для целей администрирования новую территорию присоединяли к уже существующей. Жители такого не до конца устроенного округа могли обратиться в правительство штата с просьбой об организации самостоятельной администрации. Между определением границ и созданием управляющих органов обычно проходило несколько лет. rdf:langString
密歇根州共有83個縣。1897年後密歇根州不再建立新的縣份,但密歇根州的立法機構在19世紀不斷更改縣的數量及邊界。密歇根州建立縣是為了達到在非建制領土中建立政府的目的,並且使這些地區變為可銷售的土地。 在密歇根州,縣的成立被分為兩部份。首先,未組織的縣的邊界必須完全劃定,並且擁有一個專屬的縣名。不論該縣是否有明確的邊界,未組織的縣將會出現在地圖上。由於行政目的起見,在這段時間內,這個未組織的縣將被認為是附近一個已組織的縣的一部份,而立法機構經常改變未組織的縣所屬的已組織的縣。未組織的縣的居民可向州政府申請該縣,以確保該縣在法律上的合法性。 州內有不少城市,當中包括州首府——蘭辛。1970年代初期的數年裏,這些城市可以要求更改縣界,使縣界符合城市的邊界;但是,唯一成功更改縣界的城市只有(新巴爾的摩原本座落於馬科姆縣和聖克萊爾縣之間,在更改邊界後,該城市完全屬於馬科姆縣),這次更改縣界亦是20世紀中密歇根州唯一一次縣界改動。 根據,1850年時人口多於20,000的城市可以組成一個獨立的合併市縣。1908年,州政府把合法人數更改至100,000人。在1963年這條法律被正式移除之前,並沒有任何一個城市根據這條法例組建成一個獨立的縣。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Liste der Countys in Michigan
rdf:langString Contaetha in Michigan
rdf:langString Contee del Michigan
rdf:langString Comtés de l'État du Michigan
rdf:langString List of counties in Michigan
rdf:langString ミシガン州の郡一覧
rdf:langString 미시간주의 군 목록
rdf:langString Lijst van county's in Michigan
rdf:langString Lista hrabstw w stanie Michigan
rdf:langString Lista de condados de Michigan
rdf:langString Список округов Мичигана
rdf:langString Lista över countyn i Michigan
rdf:langString Список округів штату Мічиган
rdf:langString 密歇根州行政区划
rdf:langString Chippewa
rdf:langString Ionia
rdf:langString Iron
rdf:langString Jackson
rdf:langString Kent
rdf:langString Midland
rdf:langString Monroe
rdf:langString Ottawa
rdf:langString Roscommon
rdf:langString St. Joseph
rdf:langString Wexford
rdf:langString Clinton
rdf:langString Delta
rdf:langString Lake
rdf:langString Mason
rdf:langString St. Clair
rdf:langString Barry
rdf:langString Oakland
rdf:langString Van Buren
rdf:langString Clare
rdf:langString Crawford
rdf:langString Dickinson
rdf:langString Kalamazoo
rdf:langString Antrim
rdf:langString Eaton
rdf:langString Hillsdale
rdf:langString Houghton
rdf:langString Livingston
rdf:langString Calhoun
rdf:langString Marquette
rdf:langString Gladwin
rdf:langString Wayne
rdf:langString Alger
rdf:langString Benzie
rdf:langString Ingham
rdf:langString Isabella
rdf:langString Bay
rdf:langString Luce
rdf:langString Branch
rdf:langString Huron
rdf:langString Cass
rdf:langString Muskegon
rdf:langString Saginaw
rdf:langString Oceana
rdf:langString Montmorency
rdf:langString Allegan
rdf:langString Berrien
rdf:langString Alpena
rdf:langString Alcona
rdf:langString Emmet
rdf:langString Macomb
rdf:langString Osceola
rdf:langString Presque Isle
rdf:langString Baraga
rdf:langString Menominee
rdf:langString Leelanau
rdf:langString Gogebic
rdf:langString Keweenaw
rdf:langString Cheboygan
rdf:langString Genesee
rdf:langString Gratiot
rdf:langString Lapeer
rdf:langString Mackinac
rdf:langString Mecosta
rdf:langString Ogemaw
rdf:langString Otsego
rdf:langString Washtenaw
rdf:langString Charlevoix
rdf:langString Tuscola
rdf:langString Grand Traverse
rdf:langString Iosco
rdf:langString Oscoda
rdf:langString Ontonagon
rdf:langString Montcalm
rdf:langString Arenac
rdf:langString Schoolcraft
rdf:langString Manistee
rdf:langString Counties of Michigan
rdf:langString Shiawassee
rdf:langString Kalkaska
rdf:langString Lenawee
rdf:langString Newaygo
rdf:langString Sanilac
rdf:langString Missaukee
xsd:integer 58300
xsd:integer 1102163462
xsd:integer 508 516 519 521 526 528 541 561 562 563 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 585 601 602 607 631 649 663 672 680 681 718 721 723 724 761 777 816 837 860 861 872 882 885 908 914 1069 1090 1211 1242 1281 1307 1338 1391 1459 1476 1502 1581 1590 1632 1695 1791 1833 1884 1891 1912 1992 2101 2136 2532 2573 2698 3425 3741 5049 5966
xsd:integer 1815
xsd:integer 1817
xsd:integer 1818
xsd:integer 1819
xsd:integer 1820
xsd:integer 1822
xsd:integer 1826
xsd:integer 1827
xsd:integer 1829
xsd:integer 1831
xsd:integer 1832
xsd:integer 1833
xsd:integer 1835
xsd:integer 1836
xsd:integer 1838
xsd:integer 1840
xsd:integer 1843
xsd:integer 1845
xsd:integer 1851
xsd:integer 1857
xsd:integer 1859
xsd:integer 1861
xsd:integer 1863
xsd:integer 1869
xsd:integer 1875
xsd:integer 1885
xsd:integer 1887
xsd:integer 1891
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County and unorganized territory. Was named Mikenauk County until 1843.
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County and unorganized territory. Was named Cheonoquet County until 1843.
rdf:langString The numerous "oak openings" in the area: "majestic orchard[s] of oaks and hickories varied by small prairies, grassy lawns and clear lakes"
rdf:langString Has several small lakes and lies near Lake Michigan
rdf:langString John C. Calhoun : Vice President of the United States in the Jackson Administration
rdf:langString For the iron deposits and mines found in the county
rdf:langString Captain Charles Gratiot , built Fort Gratiot at the present site of Port Huron
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County. Was named Tonegadana County until 1843.
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County and unorganized territory.
rdf:langString All lands within Michigan Territory that had been ceded by Native Americans through the 1807 Treaty of Detroit.
rdf:langString American geographer and Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Michigan
rdf:langString '' after the Hurons.
rdf:langString '', meaning "the rock"
rdf:langString '', the " sawbill ducks"
rdf:langString From part of Barry County, and unorganized territory
rdf:langString Named for U.S. General Alexander Macomb, a notable officer of the War of 1812
rdf:langString New York jurist James Kent, who represented the Michigan Territory in its dispute with Ohio over the Toledo Strip.
rdf:langString From parts of Marquette County and Menominee County.
rdf:langString From parts of Iron County, Marquette County and Menominee County.
rdf:langString A Schoolcraft pseudo-Native American name for man, from either the Delaware leno or lenno or the Shawnee lenawai
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County. Was named Notipekago County until 1843.
rdf:langString From the Native American name for the Grand River, O-wash-ta-nong , whose headwaters were within the county's bounds.
rdf:langString An Americanization of the French ''
rdf:langString Borders Lake Michigan, the freshwater "ocean."
rdf:langString County Antrim, now in Northern Ireland
rdf:langString Donald M. Dickinson : Postmaster General in the Cleveland Administration
rdf:langString French name of Betsie River: ''
rdf:langString From its terrain, made up of hills and dales.
rdf:langString From part of Houghton County
rdf:langString From part of Houghton County.
rdf:langString From part of Leelenau County
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County.
rdf:langString From part of Macomb County.
rdf:langString From part of Monroe County.
rdf:langString From part of Oakland County.
rdf:langString From part of Omeena County.
rdf:langString From part of Ontonagon County.
rdf:langString From part of Sanilac County.
rdf:langString From part of Schoolcraft County
rdf:langString From part of St. Clair County.
rdf:langString From part of Wayne County.
rdf:langString From parts of Antrim, Emmet, and Otsego Counties
rdf:langString From parts of Chippewa County and Mackinac County.
rdf:langString From parts of Mackinac County and Oceana County.
rdf:langString From parts of Oakland County and St. Clair County.
rdf:langString From parts of Oakland County and Wayne County
rdf:langString From parts of Oceana County and Ottawa County.
rdf:langString From unorganized territory
rdf:langString From unorganized territory.
rdf:langString Governor and national politician
rdf:langString From part of Washtenaw County and unorganized territory.
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County; named Meegisee County until 1843
rdf:langString Frederic Baraga : Catholic missionary and first bishop of Sault Ste. Marie
rdf:langString From part of Saginaw County and unorganized territory.
rdf:langString Lake Huron, which the French named ''
rdf:langString Named for James Monroe, the fifth U.S. President
rdf:langString Named for Mecosta, a Native American leader
rdf:langString Named for Michigan Governor Cyrus G. Luce
rdf:langString Named for Michigan Governor Stevens T. Mason
rdf:langString Named for Otsego County, New York
rdf:langString Named for the Menominee Native American people
rdf:langString Named for the Native American Ottawa people.
rdf:langString Ojibwe word gakiiwe-wewaning meaning "portage"
rdf:langString Osceola , Seminole chief
rdf:langString Province in ancient Greece
rdf:langString A derivation of the French phrase for "peninsula", literally "almost an island."
rdf:langString Robert Emmet : Irish nationalist and rebel leader
rdf:langString Sanilac, a Wyandotte chief
rdf:langString United States Army general and statesman
rdf:langString From parts of Shiawassee County and Washtenaw County.
rdf:langString William T. Barry : Postmaster General in the Jackson Administration
rdf:langString Major Henry Gladwin, British commander of the fort at Detroit during the siege by Chief Pontiac in 1763-64.
rdf:langString Lewis Cass : Secretary of War in the Jackson Administration
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County. Was named Aischum County until 1843.
rdf:langString From unorganized territory; annexed to Bay County in 1857, but reinstated in 1883
rdf:langString Named for a Chippewa leader who signed the Saginaw Treaty of 1819
rdf:langString Muskegon River running through county, from the Ojibwa/Chippewa word mashkig meaning "swamp" or "marsh."
rdf:langString The St. Joseph River, which flows through the county.
rdf:langString Located near the geographical center of the Lower Peninsula
rdf:langString Named for French Jesuit missionary Jacques Marquette
rdf:langString Named for the Manistee River, which in turn is from the Ojibwe name, ministigweyaa meaning " at whose mouth there are islands"
rdf:langString Pierre François Xavier de Charlevoix : Jesuit traveller and historian of New France
rdf:langString Named for the Shiawassee River, and means 'river that twists about.
rdf:langString Named for Missaukee, an Ottawa leader who signed land-grant treaties in 1831 and 1833
rdf:langString From parts of Shiawassee County, Washtenaw County and unorganized territory.
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County and unorganized territory. Was named Shawano County until 1843.
rdf:langString Queen Isabella I of Spain, under whose patronage Columbus undertook his voyages.
rdf:langString Samuel D. Ingham , U.S. Secretary of the Treasury in the Jackson Administration
rdf:langString The Ojibwe word ogimaa, meaning "chief" or "leader"
rdf:langString House of Montmorency, influential in the history of French Canada
rdf:langString From unorganized territory; named Negwegon County until 1843
rdf:langString Named for either Arthur St. Clair, first governor of the Northwest Territory, or Saint Clair on whose feast day Lake St. Clair was discovered
rdf:langString Named for Louis-Joseph de Montcalm, a French military commander in Quebec
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County. Was named Wabassee County until 1843.
rdf:langString Named for the Ontonagon River. The Ojibwa word onagon means "dish" or "bowl."
rdf:langString Martin Van Buren : Secretary of State in the Jackson Administration, later Vice President and eighth President of the United States
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County, and unorganized territory Was named Anamickee County until 1843.
rdf:langString Named for the Kalamazoo River. See Etymology of Kalamazoo for a discussion of the river's name.
rdf:langString Andrew Jackson , 7th President of the United States and President when Michigan was admitted to the Union
rdf:langString From parts of Lapeer County, Saginaw County and Shiawassee County.
rdf:langString Ojibwa Native American tribe, also known as the Chippewa
rdf:langString A Native American term, perhaps a reference to the Saginaw River and Saginaw Bay, Ojibwe for "at the outlet"
rdf:langString From part of Wayne County. Was named Michilimackinac County until 1837.
rdf:langString '' , given first to Grand Traverse Bay by French voyageurs.
rdf:langString Probably from the Chippewa "bic" which most references interpret as "rock."
rdf:langString From unorganized territory. Was named Kanotin County until 1843.
rdf:langString From unorganized territory. Annexed to Iosco County in 1867 and reinstated in 1873.
rdf:langString Edward Livingston : second Secretary of State in the Andrew Jackson administration
rdf:langString From parts of Arenac, Midland, and Saginaw Counties
rdf:langString Originally Michilimackinac, believed to be a French interpretation of the Native American name for Mackinac Island, meaning "big turtle"
rdf:langString John Eaton : Secretary of War in the Jackson Administration
rdf:langString Seneca word, "je-nis-hi-yeh," meaning "beautiful valley": named after western New York valley from which many settlers came
rdf:langString William Crawford, , American Revolutionary War colonel western surveyor
rdf:langString From parts of Marquette County and Ontonagon County.
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County. Was named Kautawaubet County until 1843.
rdf:langString John M. Berrien : Attorney General in the Jackson Administration
rdf:langString Greek letter delta, referring to the triangular shape of the original county, which included segments of Menominee, Dickinson, Iron and Marquette counties
rdf:langString From part of Delta County. Was named Bleeker County until 1863.
rdf:langString John Branch : Secretary of the Navy in the Jackson Administration
rdf:langString Dr. Douglass Houghton , first state geologist of Michigan, physician and surgeon, mayor of Detroit
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County, and unorganized territory; named Kaykakee County until 1843
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County. Was named Unwattin County until 1843.
rdf:langString From part of Mackinac County. Was named Okkudo County until 1843.
xsd:integer 26
xsd:integer 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165
xsd:integer 2107 5309 5868 8030 8215 8311 8821 9297 10235 10906 11635 12308 13093 13204 14361 14975 15130 17979 18223 20726 22623 23105 23299 23633 23813 25289 25350 25369 25485 25752 25787 26086 26815 28893 29383 31065 31252 33901 34225 36816 36826 37313 40031 40506 41544 44985 45546 50296 51483 52917 60758 62992 64813 66103 67197 67220 67877 75658 79426 83457 88513 95860 98956 102985 108944 120950 133819 153101 155274 160050 160053 176511 189591 195014 261108 284034 299157 369390 404208 658046 876792 1270017 1774816
rdf:langString Atlanta
rdf:langString Cadillac
rdf:langString Charlotte
rdf:langString Detroit
rdf:langString Flint
rdf:langString Hastings
rdf:langString Ionia
rdf:langString Ithaca
rdf:langString Jackson
rdf:langString Midland
rdf:langString Monroe
rdf:langString Pontiac
rdf:langString Roscommon
rdf:langString Sault Ste. Marie
rdf:langString St. Joseph
rdf:langString Adrian
rdf:langString Baldwin
rdf:langString Harrison
rdf:langString Mason
rdf:langString Stanton
rdf:langString Ann Arbor
rdf:langString Grand Rapids
rdf:langString Howell
rdf:langString Kalamazoo
rdf:langString Marshall
rdf:langString Hart
rdf:langString Hillsdale
rdf:langString Houghton
rdf:langString Newberry
rdf:langString Gaylord
rdf:langString Marquette
rdf:langString Gladwin
rdf:langString Petoskey
rdf:langString St. Johns
rdf:langString Beulah
rdf:langString Lake City
rdf:langString Caro
rdf:langString Port Huron
rdf:langString Muskegon
rdf:langString Saginaw
rdf:langString Mio
rdf:langString Standish
rdf:langString Bellaire
rdf:langString Centreville
rdf:langString Sandusky
rdf:langString Grand Haven
rdf:langString Coldwater
rdf:langString Ludington
rdf:langString Corunna
rdf:langString Allegan
rdf:langString Alpena
rdf:langString Eagle River
rdf:langString Bessemer
rdf:langString Harrisville
rdf:langString Munising
rdf:langString Bad Axe
rdf:langString White Cloud
rdf:langString L'Anse
rdf:langString Grayling
rdf:langString Bay City
rdf:langString Menominee
rdf:langString Big Rapids
rdf:langString Cheboygan
rdf:langString Lapeer
rdf:langString Reed City
rdf:langString Rogers City
rdf:langString St. Ignace
rdf:langString West Branch
rdf:langString Cassopolis
rdf:langString Mt. Pleasant
rdf:langString Charlevoix
rdf:langString Crystal Falls
rdf:langString Escanaba
rdf:langString Iron Mountain
rdf:langString Ontonagon
rdf:langString Traverse City
rdf:langString Manistee
rdf:langString Paw Paw
rdf:langString Mt. Clemens
rdf:langString Tawas City
rdf:langString Kalkaska
rdf:langString Manistique
rdf:langString Suttons Bay Township
xsd:integer 100
rdf:langString Cities, charter townships, civil townships, villages, unincorporated communities, census-designated places
rdf:langString Der US-amerikanische Bundesstaat Michigan ist in 83 Countys eingeteilt. Die offizielle Abkürzung von Michigan lautet MI, der FIPS-Code ist 26. Der FIPS-Code jedes einzelnen Countys beginnt also stets mit 26, an die für jedes County jeweils eine dreistellige Zahl angehängt wird. Die Bevölkerungszahlen der Countys basieren auf den Ergebnissen der Volkszählung 2010.
rdf:langString There are 83 counties in the U.S. state of Michigan. The boundaries of these counties have not changed substantially since 1897. However, throughout the 19th century, the state legislature frequently adjusted county boundaries. County creation was intended to fulfill the goal of establishing government over unorganized territory, but a more important goal was encouraging settlement by surveying the land and dividing it into saleable sections. The creation of counties generally occurred in two stages. First the boundaries of a county were declared and given a name. The county appeared on maps, even though this may have been the entire extent of a county's tangible existence for several years. During this period, the as-yet–unorganized county was attached to another already organized county for administrative purposes. The legislature frequently changed the administrative attachment of these unorganized counties. Residents of such an attached county could petition the legislature for organization, which was the granting of full legal recognition to the county. There are many cities and villages that span county boundaries in Michigan, including its capital, Lansing. For a few years during the early 1970s, split cities briefly had authority to petition to change the county boundaries to accord with the city boundaries. The only city to take advantage of this brief opportunity was New Baltimore (previously split between Macomb County and St. Clair County; now completely in Macomb). This transfer of territory from St. Clair to Macomb was the only county boundary change in Michigan since the early 20th century. The state constitution of 1850 permitted an incorporated city with a population of at least 20,000 to be organized into a separate county of its own. The Constitution of 1908 retained this provision, but raised the population threshold to 100,000. No city was ever organized into an independent county in this fashion and when a new Constitution took effect in 1963, the provision was removed. Michigan's boundary with Illinois is formed by Lake Michigan, and three counties have water boundaries with Illinois: Berrien County, Van Buren County, and Allegan County. Michigan also has a boundary with Minnesota, which is formed by Lake Superior. The water boundary in this instance is formed by two counties: Ontonagon County and Keweenaw County. The land boundary with Wisconsin continues into Lake Superior, involving both Gogebic County (which shares a land border) and Ontonagon County (water boundary only).
rdf:langString L'État américain du Michigan est divisé en 83 comtés (counties), dont 68 se trouvent dans sa péninsule inférieure et 15 se trouvent dans sa péninsule supérieure. 49 comtés portent un nom unique, tandis que 30 autres ont un ou plusieurs homonymes dans d'autres États de l'Union et pour quatre, un homonyme en Irlande (dans ce dernier cas, l'homonymie est partielle en anglais, puisque l'emplacement du mot county diffère suivant son emploi concernant le comté irlandais ou le comté américain). 16 villes sièges de comtés portent un nom unique.
rdf:langString ミシガン州の郡一覧は、アメリカ合衆国ミシガン州内の郡の一覧である。ミシガン州内には83の郡がある。
rdf:langString Liste delle 83 contee del Michigan, negli Stati Uniti d'America: 1. * Alcona 2. * Alger 3. * Allegan 4. * Alpena 5. * Antrim 6. * Arenac 7. * Baraga 8. * Barry 9. * Bay 10. * Benzie 11. * Berrien 12. * Branch 13. * Calhoun 14. * Cass 15. * Charlevoix 16. * Cheboygan 17. * Chippewa 18. * Clare 19. * Clinton 20. * Crawford 21. * Delta 22. * Dickinson 23. * Eaton 24. * Emmet 25. * Genesee 26. * Gladwin 27. * Gogebic 28. * Grand Traverse 29. * Gratiot 30. * Hillsdale 31. * Houghton 32. * Huron 33. * Ingham 34. * Ionia 35. * Iosco 36. * Iron 37. * Isabella 38. * Jackson 39. * Kalamazoo 40. * Kalkaska 41. * Kent 42. * Keweenaw 43. * Lake 44. * Lapeer 45. * Leelanau 46. * Lenawee 47. * Livingston 48. * Luce 49. * Mackinac 50. * Macomb 51. * Manistee 52. * Marquette 53. * Mason 54. * Mecosta 55. * Menominee 56. * Midland 57. * Missaukee 58. * Monroe 59. * Montcalm 60. * Montmorency 61. * Muskegon 62. * Newaygo 63. * Oakland 64. * Oceana 65. * Ogemaw 66. * Ontonagon 67. * Osceola 68. * Oscoda 69. * Otsego 70. * Ottawa 71. * Presque Isle 72. * Roscommon 73. * Saginaw 74. * Sanilac 75. * Schoolcraft 76. * Shiawassee 77. * St. Clair 78. * St. Joseph 79. * Tuscola 80. * Van Buren 81. * Washtenaw 82. * Wayne 83. * Wexford
rdf:langString 다음은 미시간주의 군 목록이다.
rdf:langString De Amerikaanse staat Michigan is onderverdeeld in 83 county's:
rdf:langString A seguir, lista dos 83 condados de Michigan, Estados Unidos.
rdf:langString Lista hrabstw w stanie Michigan – stan Michigan podzielony jest na 83 hrabstwa (county). Na mniejszym i rzadziej zaludnionym Półwyspie Górnym jest ich piętnaście, natomiast na Półwyspie Dolnym sześćdziesiąt osiem.
rdf:langString Detta är en lista över de 83 countyn som finns i delstaten Michigan i USA.
rdf:langString Список содержит основные сведения о 83 округах, входящих в состав штата Мичиган. Границы этих округов практически не менялись с 1897 года. Однако в XIX веке они часто сдвигались по мере создания административных органов. Создание округов обычно происходило в два этапа. Сперва определялись границы, и округу присваивалось имя. В этот период для целей администрирования новую территорию присоединяли к уже существующей. Жители такого не до конца устроенного округа могли обратиться в правительство штата с просьбой об организации самостоятельной администрации. Между определением границ и созданием управляющих органов обычно проходило несколько лет. В Мичигане многие населённые пункты разделены границей между округами, в том числе и столица штата Лансинг. В начале 1970-х годов в течение нескольких лет такие разделённые границами города могли подать ходатайство об изменении границ округа в соответствии с границами населённого пункта. Однако такой возможностью воспользовались только жители , который раньше находился в округах Маком и Сент-Клэр, а теперь полностью входит в состав Макома. Это было единственное в XX веке изменение границ округов в Мичигане. Конституция штата 1850 года разрешила городам с населением не менее 20 000 человек организовывать отдельные собственные округа. Конституция 1908 года сохранила это положение, увеличив только порог народонаселения до 100 000 человек. Но ни один из городов не воспользовался этой привилегией, и в Конституции 1963 года положение было отменено.
rdf:langString 密歇根州共有83個縣。1897年後密歇根州不再建立新的縣份,但密歇根州的立法機構在19世紀不斷更改縣的數量及邊界。密歇根州建立縣是為了達到在非建制領土中建立政府的目的,並且使這些地區變為可銷售的土地。 在密歇根州,縣的成立被分為兩部份。首先,未組織的縣的邊界必須完全劃定,並且擁有一個專屬的縣名。不論該縣是否有明確的邊界,未組織的縣將會出現在地圖上。由於行政目的起見,在這段時間內,這個未組織的縣將被認為是附近一個已組織的縣的一部份,而立法機構經常改變未組織的縣所屬的已組織的縣。未組織的縣的居民可向州政府申請該縣,以確保該縣在法律上的合法性。 州內有不少城市,當中包括州首府——蘭辛。1970年代初期的數年裏,這些城市可以要求更改縣界,使縣界符合城市的邊界;但是,唯一成功更改縣界的城市只有(新巴爾的摩原本座落於馬科姆縣和聖克萊爾縣之間,在更改邊界後,該城市完全屬於馬科姆縣),這次更改縣界亦是20世紀中密歇根州唯一一次縣界改動。 根據,1850年時人口多於20,000的城市可以組成一個獨立的合併市縣。1908年,州政府把合法人數更改至100,000人。在1963年這條法律被正式移除之前,並沒有任何一個城市根據這條法例組建成一個獨立的縣。 密歇根州與伊利诺伊州在密歇根湖擁有一個水上邊界,當中密歇根州有三個縣擁有與伊利諾伊州的水上邊界,分別為貝林縣、范布倫縣和阿勒根縣。密歇根州亦與明尼蘇達州在苏必利尔湖擁有一個水上邊界,當中密歇根州有兩個縣擁有與明尼蘇達州的水上邊界,分別為昂托納貢縣和基威諾縣。同時密歇根州亦與威斯康辛州在苏必利尔湖擁有陸地及水上邊界,當中戈吉比克縣與威斯康辛州接壤,而昂托納貢縣則和威斯康辛州擁有水上邊界。 联邦资料处理标准代码(简称FIPS代码)是联邦政府用来区分各州和各县的唯一识别码。密歇根州的縮寫為MI,而該州的FIPS代碼是26,與縣代碼結合使用時寫成26XXX。
rdf:langString Американський штат Мічиган поділяється на 83 округи.
xsd:integer 83
xsd:integer 2107
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 41433

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