List of birds of Karnataka
The Indian state of Karnataka has 570 bird species within its boundaries. The following list of birds is based on multiple sources and incorporates recent taxonomic revisions. Species which are considered provisional, introduced or escapees are mentioned, but are not considered in the count. The following tags have been used to highlight several categories. The commonly occurring native species do not fit within any of these categories.
* (A) Accidental - Also known as a rarity, it refers to a species that rarely or accidentally occurs in India-typically less than ten confirmed records.
List of birds of Karnataka
The Indian state of Karnataka has 570 bird species within its boundaries. The following list of birds is based on multiple sources and incorporates recent taxonomic revisions. Species which are considered provisional, introduced or escapees are mentioned, but are not considered in the count. The birds of some parts of Karnataka have been well studied. Uttara Kannada (known as North Kanara) district was surveyed by James Davidson for five years between 1888 and 1896 (341 species) while parts of this district along with several sites in Belgavi district were covered for three months by Walter Norman Koelz in 1938 (232 species). Salim Ali, in his historic survey of Mysore state (343 species), covered much of southern and central Karnataka and covered parts of Mysore and provided the only records of several uncommon species. Frederick Nicholson Betts covered Kodagu (Coorg) district, then disjunct from Mysore, and provides good documentation of several birds (279 species) of the Western Ghats. Hence, by 1970, when modern field ornithology and amateur bird-watching were popularised through the Newsletter for Birdwatchers, a moderate level of documentation had taken place in several parts of Karnataka. The only grey area that remained unexplored was the north eastern parts of the state, which was part of the state of Hyderabad then. Salim Ali, during this Hyderabad State Ornithology Survey, could not visit these parts as the survey had to be cut short due to financial challenges. The latest update follows the conventions of the IOC World Bird List, version 11.2, published in 2021. The following tags have been used to highlight several categories. The commonly occurring native species do not fit within any of these categories.
* (A) Accidental - Also known as a rarity, it refers to a species that rarely or accidentally occurs in India-typically less than ten confirmed records.