List of birds of Bermuda
Це перелік видів птахів, зафіксованих на території Бермудських Островів. За даними Бермудського Одюбонівського товариства (BAS), авіфауна Бермудських Островів налічує загалом 387 видів, з яких 10 були інтродуковані людьми. 104 види є незвичайними, 61 — рідкісними і 145 — дуже рідкісними. Екваторіальний буревісник раніше гніздився на Бермудах, однак нині вважається бродячим. вважається вимерлим.
The avifauna of Bermuda include 408 species, according to the Bermuda Audubon Society (BAS), with some additions from Clements taxonomy, as of July 2022. The 387 species is a remarkable number considering that the island is a mere 53.3 square kilometres. (Additional species known only from the fossil record or speculatively from the time of early exploration are not included.) Ten species were introduced by humans; the mallard also occurs naturally as a non-breeding migrant. Of the 408, 104 are uncommon, 61 are rare, and 152 are very rare, all as defined below. Audubon's shearwater formerly bred in Bermuda but is now only a vagrant; All endemic species are considered extinct. Audubon's shearwater formerly bred in Bermuda but is now only a vagrant; Eskimo curlew is considered extinct.
List of birds of Bermuda
Список птахів Бермудських Островів
The avifauna of Bermuda include 408 species, according to the Bermuda Audubon Society (BAS), with some additions from Clements taxonomy, as of July 2022. The 387 species is a remarkable number considering that the island is a mere 53.3 square kilometres. (Additional species known only from the fossil record or speculatively from the time of early exploration are not included.) Ten species were introduced by humans; the mallard also occurs naturally as a non-breeding migrant. Of the 408, 104 are uncommon, 61 are rare, and 152 are very rare, all as defined below. Audubon's shearwater formerly bred in Bermuda but is now only a vagrant; All endemic species are considered extinct. Audubon's shearwater formerly bred in Bermuda but is now only a vagrant; Eskimo curlew is considered extinct. This list is presented in the taxonomic sequence of the Check-list of North and Middle American Birds, 7th edition through the 63rd Supplement, published by the American Ornithological Society (AOS). Common and scientific names are also those of the Check-list, except that the common names of families are from the Clements taxonomy because the AOS list does not include them. Unless otherwise noted, all species listed below are considered to occur regularly in Bermuda as permanent residents, summer or winter visitors, or migrants. These tags are used to annotate some species:
* (U) Uncommon - a species "recorded in most years but in small numbers" per the BAS
* (R) Rare - a species "not recorded annually" per the BAS
* (VR) Very rare - a species with fewer than 15 records per the BAS
* (I) Introduced - a species present in Bermuda as a consequence, direct or indirect, of human actions
* (E) Endemic- a species endemic to Bermuda
Це перелік видів птахів, зафіксованих на території Бермудських Островів. За даними Бермудського Одюбонівського товариства (BAS), авіфауна Бермудських Островів налічує загалом 387 видів, з яких 10 були інтродуковані людьми. 104 види є незвичайними, 61 — рідкісними і 145 — дуже рідкісними. Екваторіальний буревісник раніше гніздився на Бермудах, однак нині вважається бродячим. вважається вимерлим.