List of Sri Lankan monarchs an entity of type: Person

La monarquia singalesa va ser establerta el 543 aC pel príncep Vijaya fundant el Regne de Tambapanni i va acabar amb Sri Vikrama Rajasinha de Kandy el 1815. Això és una llista de tots els qui han regnat, dins de cadascun dels successius regnes singalesos. La llista està basada en la llista tradicional de monarques singalesos com està enregistrat en les cròniques de l'illa com la Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa, Culavamsa i el Rajaveliya. Aquesta llista no és una llista de monarques ètnicament singalesis, ja que hi ha sobirans singalesos i estrangers que han governat a l'illa de Ceilan cronològicament i en successió a la monarquia singalesa. rdf:langString
Voici la liste des souverains de Ceylan. rdf:langString
Op deze pagina staan de heersers van het eiland Ceylon (hedendaags: Sri Lanka) vermeld. rdf:langString
Władcy Sri Lanki – lista władców historycznych królestw na Cejlonie. rdf:langString
Здесь представлен список правителей Шри-Ланки. rdf:langString
Die Insel bzw. das Königreich trug im Verlauf der Jahrhunderte verschiedene Namen, darunter Laṃkā, Tāmraparnī, Singhala, Silan und Sarandib; mehr dazu im Artikel Sri Lanka. * Vijaya 543–505 v. Chr. in * Interregnum 505–504 v. Chr. * 504–474 v. Chr. in * 474–454 v. Chr. * Interregnum 454–437 v. Chr. * 437–367 v. Chr. in Anuradhapura * 367–307 v. Chr. * Devanampiya Tissa 307–267 v. Chr. * 267–257 v. Chr. * 257–247 v. Chr. * 247–237 v. Chr. * 237–215 v. Chr. * 215–205 v. Chr. * Elara 205–161 v. Chr., tamilischer König * 161–137 v. Chr. * 137–119 v. Chr. * 119 v. Chr. * 119–109 v. Chr. * 109–104 v. Chr. * 104 v. Chr. * Tamilische Herrschaft 104–88 v. Chr. * 88–76 v. Chr. * 76–62 v. Chr. * 62–50 v. Chr. * 50–47 v. Chr. * 47 v. Chr. * 47 v. Chr. rdf:langString
The Sinhalese monarch -- anachronistically referred to as the Kings of Sri Lanka—featured the heads of state of the Sinhala Kingdoms, in what is today Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese monarchy originates in the settlement of North Indian Indo-Aryan speaking immigrants to the island of Sri Lanka. The Landing of Vijay (as described in the traditional early chronicles of the island, the Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa) recounts the date of the establishment of the first Sinhala Kingdom in 543 BC when Indian prince Prince Vijaya (543–505 BC) and 700 of his followers arrived in Sri Lanka, establishing the Kingdom of Tambapanni. In Sinhalese mythology, Prince Vijaya and followers are told to be the progenitors of the Sinhalese people. However, according to the story in the Divyavadana, the immigrants were proba rdf:langString
Angivet år avser i allmänhet trontillträde * Vijaya 543 f.Kr. i * Interregnum 505 * 504 i * 474 * Interregnum 454 * 437 i Anuradhapura * 367 * 307-247 * 267 * 257 * 247 * Sena och 237 * Asela 215 * 205, tamilsk kung * 161 * 137 * 119 * 119 * 109 * 104, avsatt av tamilerna * Pancha Dravida eller "Fem tamilerna" (Pulahatta, Bahiya, Panyamara, Pilayamara och Dathika) 103 * Vattagamani Abhaya (andra gången) 88 * 76 * 62 * 50 * Siva 47 * 47 * 47 * 47 * Anula 47 (drottning) * 42 * 20 * 9 * 21 e.Kr. * 30 * 33 * Sivali 35 * Interregnum under 3 år * 38 * 44 * 52 * 60 * 66 * 110 * 113 * 135 * 141 * 165 * 193 * 195 * 196 * 215 * 237 * 245 * 247 * 248 * 252 * 254 * 267 * Mahasena 277 * 304- rdf:langString
僧伽羅國王,通稱斯里蘭卡國王,是以前僧伽羅,即是今天斯里蘭卡的國家元首。這些國王擁有絕對的權力,並按血統繼承。僧伽羅國王的起源是從北印度來到斯里蘭卡島的印度-雅利安人移民。毘闍耶的遷入被記載於《島史》、《大史》和《》,以及其他後來的編年史,把第一個僧伽羅王國的建國時間定為公元前543年毘闍耶及其700名追隨者的到來。毘闍耶的遷入標誌著檀巴潘尼王國(Thambaparni)的建立。僧伽羅人的傳說裡面,毘闍耶和他的隨從是他們的祖先。但是根據《》,這些移民可能不是王族,而是一批批探索新地方,具有冒險精神的先行商人。 僧伽羅王國並不是一個連續的統一國家而是歷代由一連串傳承的國家組成,依行政中心命名。按照時序,有檀巴潘尼王國、阿努拉德普拉王國、波隆納魯瓦王國、檀巴德尼耶王國、甘波羅王國、科提王國、悉多伐伽王國和康提王國。這些國家都是斯里蘭卡存在過的王國。僧伽羅王國結束於1815年,康提國王室利·維迦羅摩·羅闍辛伽的駕崩。在王國存在的二千年裡,島上亦有一些其他的政權,例如賈夫納王國、梵尼酋邦(Vannimai)以及荷蘭和葡萄牙的殖民地。不過這些政權並不屬於僧伽羅王國。 以藍色突出顯示的是非法的外族君主 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Llista de sobirans de Ceilan
rdf:langString Liste der Herrscher von Sri Lanka
rdf:langString Liste des souverains de Ceylan
rdf:langString List of Sri Lankan monarchs
rdf:langString Lijst van heersers van Ceylon
rdf:langString Władcy Sri Lanki
rdf:langString Список монархов Шри-Ланки
rdf:langString Kronologisk lista över Sri Lankas regenter
rdf:langString 斯里兰卡君主列表
xsd:integer 2633249
xsd:integer 1124729930
xsd:integer 543
rdf:langString Prince Vijaya
xsd:integer 1815
rdf:langString (Tambapanni, Anuradhapura, Pulatthinagara, Polonnaruwa, Dambadeniya, Yapahuwa, Kurunegala, Gampola, Kotte, Kandy)
rdf:langString La monarquia singalesa va ser establerta el 543 aC pel príncep Vijaya fundant el Regne de Tambapanni i va acabar amb Sri Vikrama Rajasinha de Kandy el 1815. Això és una llista de tots els qui han regnat, dins de cadascun dels successius regnes singalesos. La llista està basada en la llista tradicional de monarques singalesos com està enregistrat en les cròniques de l'illa com la Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa, Culavamsa i el Rajaveliya. Aquesta llista no és una llista de monarques ètnicament singalesis, ja que hi ha sobirans singalesos i estrangers que han governat a l'illa de Ceilan cronològicament i en successió a la monarquia singalesa.
rdf:langString Die Insel bzw. das Königreich trug im Verlauf der Jahrhunderte verschiedene Namen, darunter Laṃkā, Tāmraparnī, Singhala, Silan und Sarandib; mehr dazu im Artikel Sri Lanka. * Vijaya 543–505 v. Chr. in * Interregnum 505–504 v. Chr. * 504–474 v. Chr. in * 474–454 v. Chr. * Interregnum 454–437 v. Chr. * 437–367 v. Chr. in Anuradhapura * 367–307 v. Chr. * Devanampiya Tissa 307–267 v. Chr. * 267–257 v. Chr. * 257–247 v. Chr. * 247–237 v. Chr. * 237–215 v. Chr. * 215–205 v. Chr. * Elara 205–161 v. Chr., tamilischer König * 161–137 v. Chr. * 137–119 v. Chr. * 119 v. Chr. * 119–109 v. Chr. * 109–104 v. Chr. * 104 v. Chr. * Tamilische Herrschaft 104–88 v. Chr. * 88–76 v. Chr. * 76–62 v. Chr. * 62–50 v. Chr. * 50–47 v. Chr. * 47 v. Chr. * 47 v. Chr. * 47 v. Chr. * 47 v. Chr. * 47–42 v. Chr. * 42–20 v. Chr. * 20–9 v. Chr. * 9 v. Chr.–21 * 21–30 * 30–33 * 33–35 * 35 * Interregnum 35–38 * 38–44 * 44–52 * 52–60 * Subha 60–66 * 66–110 * 110–113 * 113–135 * 135–141 * 141–165 * 165–193 * 193–195 * 195–196 * 196–215 * 215–237 * 237–245 * 245–247 * 247–248 * 248–252 * 252–254 * 254–267 * 267–277 * 277–304 * 304–332 * 332–341 * Buddhadasa 341–370 * 370–410 * 410–428 * 428–429 * Tamilische Herrschaft 429–459 * 459–477 * 477–491 * 491–508 in Anuradhapura * 508–516 * 516–517 * 517 * 517–518 * 518–531 * 531 * 531–551 * 551–569 * 569–571 * 571–604 * 604–614 * 614 * 614–619 * 619–628; Beginn der Pallava-Dynastie * 628 * 628–629 * 629–639 erneut * 639–650 * 650–659 * 659 * 659–667 * 667–683 * Datta 683–684 * 684 * 684–718 * 718–724 * 724–730 * 730–733 * 733–772 * 772–777 in Polonnaruwa * 777–797 in Anuradhapura * (oder ) 797–801 * 801–804 * 804–815 * 815–831 * 831–833 * 833–853 * 853–887 * 887–898 * 898–914 * 914–923 * 923–924 * 924–935 * 935–938 * 938–946 * 946–954 * 954–956 * 956–972 * 972–982 * 982–1019 * 1019–1040 * 1040–1042 * 1042–1043 * 1043–1046 * 1046–1048 * 1048–1054 * 1054–1055 * Vijaya Bahu I. 1055–1110 * 1110–1111 * 1111–1132 * 1132–1153 * 1153–1186 * 1186–1187 * 1187 * 1187–1196 * 1196 * 1196–1197 * 1197–1200 (erste Regentschaft) * 1200–1202 * 1202–1208 * 1208–1209 * 1209 * 1209–1210 (zweite Regentschaft) * 1210–1211 * 1211–1212 (dritte Regentschaft) * 1212–1215 * 1215–1236, Kalinga-König * 1236 * 1236–1270 * 1270–1272 * 1272–1285 * Interregnum 1285–1287 * 1287–1293 (Marco Polo besucht ihn 1292) * 1293–1302 in * 1302–1326 * 1326–1335 * 1335–1341 * 1341–1351 in * 1344–1359 in * 1357–1374 in Gambola * 1372–1408 in Gambola * 1408–1467 in Kotte * 1467–1470 in Kotte * 1470–1478 * 1478–1484 * 1484–1508 * Portugiesische Invasion 1505 * 1508–1521 * 1521–1543 * 1543–1597
rdf:langString Voici la liste des souverains de Ceylan.
rdf:langString The Sinhalese monarch -- anachronistically referred to as the Kings of Sri Lanka—featured the heads of state of the Sinhala Kingdoms, in what is today Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese monarchy originates in the settlement of North Indian Indo-Aryan speaking immigrants to the island of Sri Lanka. The Landing of Vijay (as described in the traditional early chronicles of the island, the Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa) recounts the date of the establishment of the first Sinhala Kingdom in 543 BC when Indian prince Prince Vijaya (543–505 BC) and 700 of his followers arrived in Sri Lanka, establishing the Kingdom of Tambapanni. In Sinhalese mythology, Prince Vijaya and followers are told to be the progenitors of the Sinhalese people. However, according to the story in the Divyavadana, the immigrants were probably not led by a scion of a royal house in India, as told in the romantic legend, but rather may have been groups of adventurous and pioneering merchants exploring new lands. Historian G.C. Mendis on the other hand has suggested that the Vijaya myth has no historical basis. The Sinhala Kingdoms comprised the political states of the Sinhalese people and their ancestors; it existed not as a series of successive kingdoms known by the city which had the administrative centre. These are (in chronological order): the kingdoms of Tambapanni, Upatissa Nuwara, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Dambadeniya, Gampola, Kotte, Sitawaka and Kandy. The kingdoms existed in what is today the modern state of Sri Lanka. The last Sinhala Kingdom ceased to exist by 1815 with Sri Vikrama Rajasinha of Kandy after generations of European influences and upheaval in the royal court. During the Kingdom's two millennia, other political entities also existed on the island, including the Jaffna Kingdom, Vanni chieftaincies and the Portuguese and Dutch colonies. However, these political entities were not part of the Sinhala Kingdoms. A separate page lists the monarchs of the Jaffna Kingdom. During the reign of Devanampiya Tissa (307–267 BC) Buddhism emerged through Ashoka of India. By the time of Kithsirimevan (304–332), Sudatta, the sub king of Kalinga and Hemamala brought the Tooth Relic of the Buddha to Sri Lanka because of unrest in the country. Kithsirimevan carried it in procession and placed the relic in a mansion named Datadhatughara. He ordered this procession to be held annually, and this is still done as a tradition in the country. The Tooth Relic of the Buddha soon became one of the most sacred objects in the country and a symbol of kingship. The person who was in possession of the Tooth Relic thereafter would be the rightful ruler of the country. The role of the monarch was absolute. He was head of state but would be aided with high level officials and a board of ministers. The monarch was seen as the supreme ruler throughout the island, even at times when he did not have absolute control over it. They sought to establish control over the whole island, though in reality this was more of an aspiration. However periods of effective control over the whole island did exist from time to time. The monarch also held judicial power and influence. Judicial customs, traditions and moral principles based on Buddhism were used as the bases of law. The laws and legal measures were proclaimed by the king, and were to be followed by the justice administration. However the king was the final judge in legal disputes, and all cases against members of the royal family and high dignitaries of the state were judged by him. Though, the king did have to exercise this power with care and after consulting with his advisers. This article is a list of monarchs that have reigned over the nine successive kingdoms under the Sinhalese monarchy. It is based on the traditional list of monarchs as recorded in the chronicles of the island, in particular the Mahavamsa and Rajavaliya. It is not a list of ethnically Sinhalese monarchs as it contains all Sinhalese and foreign rulers who have reigned, chronologically and in succession, in the Sinhala Kingdoms. Each monarch belongs to one of nine royal houses (Vijaya, Lambakanna I, , , , , Siri Sanga Bo, and Nayaks), and follows a tradition of regnal names that span the entirety of the monarchy. For example, Vijayabahu was used 7 times over multiple kingdoms and multiple royal houses over a period of 500 years and there is no overlap of names, Vijayabahu I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII. The same is true for Aggabodhi, Bhuvanaikabahu, Kassapa, Mahinda, Parakramabahu and others. The Sinhalese Monarchy has also been ruled over by foreigners from India, which has occurred several times throughout the course of the kingdom's history. This is usually occurred through the usurpation of the throne. Those highlighted in blue are foreign usurping monarchs.
rdf:langString Op deze pagina staan de heersers van het eiland Ceylon (hedendaags: Sri Lanka) vermeld.
rdf:langString Władcy Sri Lanki – lista władców historycznych królestw na Cejlonie.
rdf:langString Здесь представлен список правителей Шри-Ланки.
rdf:langString Angivet år avser i allmänhet trontillträde * Vijaya 543 f.Kr. i * Interregnum 505 * 504 i * 474 * Interregnum 454 * 437 i Anuradhapura * 367 * 307-247 * 267 * 257 * 247 * Sena och 237 * Asela 215 * 205, tamilsk kung * 161 * 137 * 119 * 119 * 109 * 104, avsatt av tamilerna * Pancha Dravida eller "Fem tamilerna" (Pulahatta, Bahiya, Panyamara, Pilayamara och Dathika) 103 * Vattagamani Abhaya (andra gången) 88 * 76 * 62 * 50 * Siva 47 * 47 * 47 * 47 * Anula 47 (drottning) * 42 * 20 * 9 * 21 e.Kr. * 30 * 33 * Sivali 35 * Interregnum under 3 år * 38 * 44 * 52 * 60 * 66 * 110 * 113 * 135 * 141 * 165 * 193 * 195 * 196 * 215 * 237 * 245 * 247 * 248 * 252 * 254 * 267 * Mahasena 277 * 304-340 * 332 * 341 * 370 * 410 * 428-429 ; tamilsk invasion * Shad Dravida ("Sex Tamilerna") 436 (Pandu, Parindu, Khudda Parinda, Tiritara, Dathiya, Pithiya) * 459 ; Anuradhapura åter singalesiskt * 477 * 491 i Anuradhapura * 508 * 516 * Siva 517 * 517 * 518 * 531 * 531 * 551 * 569 * 571 * 604 * 614 * 614 * 619 ; Pallavadynastin * Sirisanghabodhi 629, avsatt * 628 * Aggabodhi III (andra gången) 629 * 639 * 650 * 659 * 659 * 667 * 683 * 684 * 684 i allians med Pallavadynastin * 718 * 724 * 730 * 733 * 772 i ; Anuradhapura överges tillfälligt * 777 i Anuradhapura * (eller ) 797 * 801 * 804 * 815 * 831 * 833 ; Pandyariket invaderar Ceylon, plundrar Anuradhapura * 853, allians med Pallavas mot Pandyas * 887 * 898 * 914 * 923 * 924 * 935 * 938 * 946 ; Cholariket plundrar Anuradhapura * 954 * 956 * 972 * 982, Anuradhapura förloras till Cholas 993. Huvudstaden återerövrad 1017 * 1019 * 1040 * 1042 * 1043 * 1046 * Loka 1048 * 1054 * 1055 i * 1110 * 1111 * 1132 * 1153 * 1186 * 1187 * 1187 * 1196 * 1196 * Lilavati (första gången) 1197 * 1200 * Kalyanavati 1202 * 1208 * 1209 * Lilavati (andra gången) 1209 * 1210 * Lilavati (tredje gången) 1211 * 1212 * 1215 * 1236 * 1236 * 1270 * 1272 * Interregnum 1285-1286 * 1287 * 1293 i Kurunagala * 1302 * 1326 * 1335 * 1341-1351 i * 1344-1359 i * 1357-1374 i Gambola * 1372-1408 i Gambola * 1412-1467 i * 1467 i Kotte * 1470-1478 grundlägger Kandy * 1480 * 1484-1508 * * 1551-1597, döpt 1557, i Colombo från 1565. Skänker i testamente kungariket till Portugal
rdf:langString 僧伽羅國王,通稱斯里蘭卡國王,是以前僧伽羅,即是今天斯里蘭卡的國家元首。這些國王擁有絕對的權力,並按血統繼承。僧伽羅國王的起源是從北印度來到斯里蘭卡島的印度-雅利安人移民。毘闍耶的遷入被記載於《島史》、《大史》和《》,以及其他後來的編年史,把第一個僧伽羅王國的建國時間定為公元前543年毘闍耶及其700名追隨者的到來。毘闍耶的遷入標誌著檀巴潘尼王國(Thambaparni)的建立。僧伽羅人的傳說裡面,毘闍耶和他的隨從是他們的祖先。但是根據《》,這些移民可能不是王族,而是一批批探索新地方,具有冒險精神的先行商人。 僧伽羅王國並不是一個連續的統一國家而是歷代由一連串傳承的國家組成,依行政中心命名。按照時序,有檀巴潘尼王國、阿努拉德普拉王國、波隆納魯瓦王國、檀巴德尼耶王國、甘波羅王國、科提王國、悉多伐伽王國和康提王國。這些國家都是斯里蘭卡存在過的王國。僧伽羅王國結束於1815年,康提國王室利·維迦羅摩·羅闍辛伽的駕崩。在王國存在的二千年裡,島上亦有一些其他的政權,例如賈夫納王國、梵尼酋邦(Vannimai)以及荷蘭和葡萄牙的殖民地。不過這些政權並不屬於僧伽羅王國。 本條目列出了曾經統治這八個王國的斯里兰卡君主。它基於島上的編年史,特別是《大史》和《王統譜》(Rajaaveliya),所記錄的傳統君主列表。這不是純粹只有僧伽羅族君主,而是同時收納了這些王國的僧伽羅族和外族統治者。每個合法的君主都來自八個家族(毘闍耶、兰巴建纳、孔雀王朝、維闍耶巴忽、羯陵伽、尸利僧伽菩提、Dinajara和納亞克)的其中一個,並遵循覆蓋整個王國歷史的統治名稱傳統。舉個例子,維闍耶巴忽在五百年內被不同王國不同王朝用上了七次之多,但他們的姓名並不重複,用一世、二世、三世至七世來區分。同樣情況可適用於阿迦菩提、普伐內迦巴忽、迦葉、波羅迦羅摩巴忽等等。僧伽羅王國還受到過南印度外族的統治,這在整個王國歷史上曾發生過幾次。這通常是通過篡奪王位而發生的。 以藍色突出顯示的是非法的外族君主
rdf:langString King of Kandy.svg
rdf:langString Royal Standard of the King of Kandy in 1815
rdf:langString the Sinhala Kingdom
rdf:langString King
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 76768

data from the linked data cloud