List of Kentucky state symbols
Штат Кентукки имеет 29 официальных символов. Большинство из них определены актами и записаны в 1 разделе 2 главы устава Кентукки. Прозвище штата, «штат мятлика», традиционное, но так и не принятое Генеральной ассамблеей. Сам мятлик не является одним из официальных символов штата. Первый символ, печать Кентукки, появился в 1792 году.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky has 29 official state emblems, as well as other designated places and events. The majority are determined by acts of the Kentucky General Assembly and recorded in Title I, Chapter 2 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes. The state's nickname – "The Bluegrass State" – is traditional, but has never been passed into law by the General Assembly. It does, however, appear on the state's license plates. Despite the nickname's popularity, the General Assembly has not designated bluegrass (or any other grass) as the official state grass.
List of Kentucky state symbols
Список символов штата Кентукки
Don Harrison
But it wasn't called bluegrass back then. It was just called old time mountain hillbilly music. When they started doing the bluegrass festivals in 1965, everybody got together and wanted to know what to call the show, y'know. It was decided that since Bill was the oldest man, and was from the Bluegrass state of Kentucky and he had the Blue Grass Boys, it would be called 'bluegrass.'
The Commonwealth of Kentucky has 29 official state emblems, as well as other designated places and events. The majority are determined by acts of the Kentucky General Assembly and recorded in Title I, Chapter 2 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes. The state's nickname – "The Bluegrass State" – is traditional, but has never been passed into law by the General Assembly. It does, however, appear on the state's license plates. Despite the nickname's popularity, the General Assembly has not designated bluegrass (or any other grass) as the official state grass. The first symbol was the Seal of Kentucky, which was made official in 1792. The original seal also contained the future state motto. It served as the state's only emblem for over 130 years until the adoption of the state bird in 1926. Enacted by law in 2010, the newest symbols of Kentucky are the state insect, the honey bee, and the state sports car, the Chevrolet Corvette.
Штат Кентукки имеет 29 официальных символов. Большинство из них определены актами и записаны в 1 разделе 2 главы устава Кентукки. Прозвище штата, «штат мятлика», традиционное, но так и не принятое Генеральной ассамблеей. Сам мятлик не является одним из официальных символов штата. Первый символ, печать Кентукки, появился в 1792 году.