List of GE locomotives
Diese Liste bietet einen Überblick über die von General Electric gefertigten Lokomotiven. General Electric lieferte anfänglich vor allem die elektrische Ausrüstung für Gleichstrom-Elektro- sowie dieselelektrische Lokomotiven; der mechanische Teil stammte meist von Alco. Die Lokomotiven wurden von 1940 bis 1953 unter dem Namen „Alco-GE“ vermarktet. Die zwischen 1924 und 1935 gemeinsam mit Alco und dem Dieselmotoren-Hersteller Ingersoll-Rand hergestellten Fahrzeuge sind in der zu finden.
The following is a list of locomotives produced by GE Transportation Systems before its acquisition and takeover by Wabtec. All were/are built at Fort Worth, Texas or Erie, Pennsylvania, in the United States. Most (except the electrics, the switchers, the AC6000CW, and the Evolution series) are powered by various versions of GE's own FDL diesel prime mover, based on a Cooper Bessemer design and manufactured at Grove City, Pennsylvania. GE was one of the largest locomotive manufacturing companies. This list includes locomotives built solely for export outside of North America.
GEトランスポーテーション・システムが生産した機関車の一覧を以下に示す。カザフスタン向けES44ACi(TE33A)を除き、全てペンシルベニア州のエリーで生産された。 英語版もあわせて参照
As locomotivas GE são produzidas pela GE Transportation, uma divisão da General Electric destinada a produzir equipamentos para diversas ramos da indústria pesada. Em 1913 a GE produziu sua primeira locomotiva, uma gasolina-elétrica, caraterizando este setor como um dos mais antigos na diversificada atuação da empresa.
Liste der Lokomotiven von General Electric
List of GE locomotives
Lista de locomotivas produzidas pela GE Transportation
Diese Liste bietet einen Überblick über die von General Electric gefertigten Lokomotiven. General Electric lieferte anfänglich vor allem die elektrische Ausrüstung für Gleichstrom-Elektro- sowie dieselelektrische Lokomotiven; der mechanische Teil stammte meist von Alco. Die Lokomotiven wurden von 1940 bis 1953 unter dem Namen „Alco-GE“ vermarktet. Die zwischen 1924 und 1935 gemeinsam mit Alco und dem Dieselmotoren-Hersteller Ingersoll-Rand hergestellten Fahrzeuge sind in der zu finden.
The following is a list of locomotives produced by GE Transportation Systems before its acquisition and takeover by Wabtec. All were/are built at Fort Worth, Texas or Erie, Pennsylvania, in the United States. Most (except the electrics, the switchers, the AC6000CW, and the Evolution series) are powered by various versions of GE's own FDL diesel prime mover, based on a Cooper Bessemer design and manufactured at Grove City, Pennsylvania. GE was one of the largest locomotive manufacturing companies. This list includes locomotives built solely for export outside of North America.
GEトランスポーテーション・システムが生産した機関車の一覧を以下に示す。カザフスタン向けES44ACi(TE33A)を除き、全てペンシルベニア州のエリーで生産された。 英語版もあわせて参照
As locomotivas GE são produzidas pela GE Transportation, uma divisão da General Electric destinada a produzir equipamentos para diversas ramos da indústria pesada. Em 1913 a GE produziu sua primeira locomotiva, uma gasolina-elétrica, caraterizando este setor como um dos mais antigos na diversificada atuação da empresa.