List of Elite characters
Elite (Spanish: Élite; stylized as E L I T Ǝ) is a Spanish thriller teen drama television series created for Netflix by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona. The series is set in Las Encinas, a fictional elite secondary school and revolves around the relationships between three working-class teenage students enrolled at the school through a scholarship program and their wealthy classmates. The series features an ensemble cast. Many of the cast previously featured in other Netflix works produced or distributed in Spain and Latin America.
A seguir, é mostrado uma lista dos personagens da série de televisão espanhola para web, Élite. A série é dos gêneros suspense e drama adolescente, criada por Carlos Montero e Darío Madrona para a plataforma Netflix. Élite apresenta María Pedraza, Itzan Escamilla, Miguel Bernardeau, Miguel Herrán, Jaime Lorente, Álvaro Rico, Arón Piper, Mina El Hammani, Ester Expósito, Omar Ayuso e Danna Paola no elenco principal. Jorge López, Claudia Salas, Georgina Amorós, Sergio Momo, Leïti Sène, Carla Díaz, Manu Ríos, Martina Cariddi, Pol Granch, Diego Martín e Andrés Velencoso se juntaram ao elenco em temporadas posteriores.
List of Elite characters
Lista de personagens de Élite
Elite (Spanish: Élite; stylized as E L I T Ǝ) is a Spanish thriller teen drama television series created for Netflix by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona. The series is set in Las Encinas, a fictional elite secondary school and revolves around the relationships between three working-class teenage students enrolled at the school through a scholarship program and their wealthy classmates. The series features an ensemble cast. Many of the cast previously featured in other Netflix works produced or distributed in Spain and Latin America.
A seguir, é mostrado uma lista dos personagens da série de televisão espanhola para web, Élite. A série é dos gêneros suspense e drama adolescente, criada por Carlos Montero e Darío Madrona para a plataforma Netflix. Élite apresenta María Pedraza, Itzan Escamilla, Miguel Bernardeau, Miguel Herrán, Jaime Lorente, Álvaro Rico, Arón Piper, Mina El Hammani, Ester Expósito, Omar Ayuso e Danna Paola no elenco principal. Jorge López, Claudia Salas, Georgina Amorós, Sergio Momo, Leïti Sène, Carla Díaz, Manu Ríos, Martina Cariddi, Pol Granch, Diego Martín e Andrés Velencoso se juntaram ao elenco em temporadas posteriores.