List of American railroad accidents
Die Liste von Eisenbahnunfällen in den Vereinigten Staaten führt in chronologischer Reihenfolge Unfälle im US-amerikanischen Schienenverkehr auf, bei denen der Verlust von Menschenleben zu beklagen war oder großer Schaden verursacht wurde.
This is a list of the most serious U.S. rail-related accidents.* Such accidents might have a specific adverse effect on Transportation safety in the United States or even cultural or political aspects of the time they occurred, as well as to current times, potentially.
* Please note this list is of ACCIDENTS; therefore, intentional acts such as the 1939 City of San Francisco derailment are not included here. To any and all individuals who wish to enter examples to the list, please refrain from entering that particular incident as well as any other examples confirmed to be intentional acts.
La liste des accidents ferroviaires aux États-Unis, est une liste non exhaustive des principaux accidents ferroviaires survenus sur le territoire des États-Unis.
Liste von Eisenbahnunfällen in den Vereinigten Staaten
Liste des accidents ferroviaires aux États-Unis
List of American railroad accidents
Die Liste von Eisenbahnunfällen in den Vereinigten Staaten führt in chronologischer Reihenfolge Unfälle im US-amerikanischen Schienenverkehr auf, bei denen der Verlust von Menschenleben zu beklagen war oder großer Schaden verursacht wurde.
This is a list of the most serious U.S. rail-related accidents.* Such accidents might have a specific adverse effect on Transportation safety in the United States or even cultural or political aspects of the time they occurred, as well as to current times, potentially.
* Please note this list is of ACCIDENTS; therefore, intentional acts such as the 1939 City of San Francisco derailment are not included here. To any and all individuals who wish to enter examples to the list, please refrain from entering that particular incident as well as any other examples confirmed to be intentional acts.
La liste des accidents ferroviaires aux États-Unis, est une liste non exhaustive des principaux accidents ferroviaires survenus sur le territoire des États-Unis.