Lightning Brigade an entity of type: Thing

The Lightning Brigade, also known as Wilder's Brigade or the Hatchet Brigade was a mounted infantry brigade from the American Civil War in the Union Army of the Cumberland from March 8, 1863, through November 1863. A novel unit for the U.S. Army, its regiments were nominally the 1st Brigade of Maj. Gen. Joseph J. Reynolds' 4th Division of Thomas' XIV Corps. Operationally, they were detached from the division and served as a mobile mounted infantry to support any of the army's corps. Colonel John T. Wilder was its commander. As initially organized, the brigade had the following regiments: rdf:langString
rdf:langString Lightning Brigade
rdf:langString Lightning Brigade
rdf:langString Lightning Brigade
rdf:langString Hatchet Brigade
xsd:integer 63568550
xsd:integer 1122273856
rdf:langString Wilder Brigade Monument at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park
rdf:langString February 1863 – November 1863
xsd:integer 300
rdf:langString Lightning Brigade
rdf:langString Hatchet Brigade
rdf:langString Col. John T. Wilder
xsd:integer 17
xsd:integer 18
xsd:integer 72
xsd:integer 92
xsd:integer 98
xsd:integer 123
rdf:langString Five regiments and one battery:
rdf:langString Lightning Brigade
rdf:langString The Lightning Brigade, also known as Wilder's Brigade or the Hatchet Brigade was a mounted infantry brigade from the American Civil War in the Union Army of the Cumberland from March 8, 1863, through November 1863. A novel unit for the U.S. Army, its regiments were nominally the 1st Brigade of Maj. Gen. Joseph J. Reynolds' 4th Division of Thomas' XIV Corps. Operationally, they were detached from the division and served as a mobile mounted infantry to support any of the army's corps. Colonel John T. Wilder was its commander. As initially organized, the brigade had the following regiments: * 92nd Illinois Mounted Infantry: Col. Smith D. Atkins (after 10 July 1863) * 98th Illinois Mounted Infantry: Col. John J. Funkhouser (w), Lt. Col. Edward Kitchell * 123rd Illinois Mounted Infantry: Col. James Monroe * 17th Indiana Mounted Infantry: Maj. William T. Jones * 72nd Indiana Mounted Infantry: Col. Abram O. Miller * 18th Independent Battery Indiana Light Artillery: Capt. Eli Lilly
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 81929
xsd:gYear 1863
xsd:gYear 1863
xsd:string 17th Indiana Mounted Infantry: Maj. William T. Jones
xsd:string 123rd Illinois Mounted Infantry: Col. James Monroe
xsd:string Five regiments and one battery:
xsd:string 18th Independent Battery Indiana Light Artillery:CAPT Eli Lily
xsd:string 98th Illinois Mounted Infantry: Col. John J. Funkhouser (w), Lt. Col. Edward Kitchell
xsd:string 72nd Indiana Mounted Infantry: Col. Abram O. Miller
xsd:string 92nd Illinois Mounted Infantry: Col. Smith D. Atkins

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