Lavocatia an entity of type: Mammal

Lavocatia alfambrensis — вид дрібних викопних ссавців родини Pinheirodontidae ряду Багатогорбкозубі (Multituberculata). Тварина існувала на початку крейдяного періоду (130–125 млн років тому) на території сучасної Європи. Скам'янілі рештки знайдені у пластах формування Камарільяс в Іспанії. Відомий лише по знахідках зубів. rdf:langString
Lavocatia is a genus of extinct mammal from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain. It was a member of the also extinct order Multituberculata, and lived alongside of dinosaurs. Like most Mesozoic mammals, it was a shrewish-sized animal. It's in the suborder "Plagiaulacida" and family Pinheirodontidae. The genus Lavocatia was named by J. I. Canudo and G. Cuenca in 1996 based on a single tooth, with the generic epithet in honor of French paleontologist René Lavocat and the specific epithet a reference to the town of Alfambra. rdf:langString
Lavocatia è un genere di estinto di mammiferi del Cretaceo inferiore spagnolo. Questi piccoli erbivori vissero durante l'era dei dinosauri. I Lavocatia sono membri dell'ordine dei multitubercolati e del sottordine 'plagiaulacida' (famiglia Pinheirodontidae). Sono quindi alcuni tra i più antichi rappresentanti dell'ordine. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Lavocatia
rdf:langString Lavocatia
rdf:langString Lavocatia
rdf:langString Lavocatia alfambrensis
xsd:integer 207341
xsd:integer 1045637776
rdf:langString Canudo J.I. and Cuenca G., 1996
rdf:langString Lavocatia
rdf:langString alfambrensis
rdf:langString Lavocatia is a genus of extinct mammal from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain. It was a member of the also extinct order Multituberculata, and lived alongside of dinosaurs. Like most Mesozoic mammals, it was a shrewish-sized animal. It's in the suborder "Plagiaulacida" and family Pinheirodontidae. The genus Lavocatia was named by J. I. Canudo and G. Cuenca in 1996 based on a single tooth, with the generic epithet in honor of French paleontologist René Lavocat and the specific epithet a reference to the town of Alfambra. The species Lavocatia alfambrensis is known from the Barremian-age Camarillas Formation of Galve, Spain. This genus is apparently differentiated by the number of cusps on the tooth; 15. Also referred to in the reference is Peramura. This was a more "advanced" group of mammals, possibly ancestral to ourselves (see Peramus).
rdf:langString Lavocatia è un genere di estinto di mammiferi del Cretaceo inferiore spagnolo. Questi piccoli erbivori vissero durante l'era dei dinosauri. I Lavocatia sono membri dell'ordine dei multitubercolati e del sottordine 'plagiaulacida' (famiglia Pinheirodontidae). Sono quindi alcuni tra i più antichi rappresentanti dell'ordine. Il genere Lavocatia venne classificato da Josè Ignacio Canudo e Gloria Cuenca-Besco nel 1996, in onore del Professor Renè Lavocat (Montpellier), che condusse studi paleontologici sui primi mammiferi. Consiste attualmente di una sola specie, L. alfambrensis (dal nome del fiume Alfambra che scorre presso galve), i cui resti fossili vennero ritrovati nella formazione "Camarillas" a Galve, Teruel, Spagna, datata al Cretaceo inferiore (Barremiano). Tali resti consistono in un premolare superiore destro (P5), conservato al Museo Paleontologico dell'Università di Saragozza.
rdf:langString Lavocatia alfambrensis — вид дрібних викопних ссавців родини Pinheirodontidae ряду Багатогорбкозубі (Multituberculata). Тварина існувала на початку крейдяного періоду (130–125 млн років тому) на території сучасної Європи. Скам'янілі рештки знайдені у пластах формування Камарільяс в Іспанії. Відомий лише по знахідках зубів.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 2178

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