
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Kombo an entity of type: Thing

Kombo (Namensvariante: Combo, Kumbo) war ein historisches Reich in den heutigen westafrikanischen Staaten Gambia und Senegal. rdf:langString
O Reino de Combo (Kombo) foi um território e reino onde hoje se localiza a Gâmbia durante o Período Colonial da ; Em 1840, o Rei de Kombo era Suling Jatta. rdf:langString
Combo o Coomba fou un regne nadiu de Gàmbia. El 4 de juny de 1827 el regne va signar un tractat de protectorat amb Gran Bretanya, a qui va confirmar la cessió de l'illa de Santa Maria (Banjul o Banjola) i territoris annexes; va obrir el regne al comerç britànic, va abolir el tràfic d'esclaus, i va establir regals anuals pel rei. rdf:langString
Kombo was a kingdom and later a chieftaincy in Gambia during the colonial period. Kombo was part of the Mali Empire and gained independence after its fall, and was then ruled by the Sambou Bainunka clan. Mansa Karapha Yalli Jatta became the first King of Kombo, after seeking help from the then independent Kaabu Empire to establish the Kingdom of Kombo, he married the daughter of the Bainuk Queen Wullending Jasseh of who sits at Gunjur and took her to Busumbala. Mansa Karapha Yalli Jatta was from the Jatta (Lion) clan who claim ancestry from Sundiata Keita the first Emperor of the Mali Empire. Kombo was ruled by two families, the Jatta (Djatta) and Bojang (Bodian) clans, when one clan becomes Mansa, the other clan gets to chose the crown prince from their own clan and vice versa. From 184 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Kombo
rdf:langString Combo
rdf:langString Kombo
rdf:langString Reino de Combo
rdf:langString Kombo
rdf:langString Kingdom of Kombo
xsd:integer 30137076
xsd:integer 1103171643
rdf:langString Mansa
xsd:integer 1875
xsd:integer 1855
rdf:langString c. 1271
rdf:langString Kombo
xsd:integer 1271
rdf:langString Karapha Yalli Jatta son of Mansa Ali Jatta Keita
rdf:langString Tomani Bojang
rdf:langString Gambia Colony and Protectorate
rdf:langString Combo o Coomba fou un regne nadiu de Gàmbia. El 4 de juny de 1827 el regne va signar un tractat de protectorat amb Gran Bretanya, a qui va confirmar la cessió de l'illa de Santa Maria (Banjul o Banjola) i territoris annexes; va obrir el regne al comerç britànic, va abolir el tràfic d'esclaus, i va establir regals anuals pel rei. El rei Soalong Jarta va signar un nou tractat el 13 de juliol de 1840 en el qual va cedir territoris a la zona de Cap Santa Maria (Banjul) a canvi de 100 dòlars; el tractat fou confirmat el 9 de novembre de 1840 però substituït després per un nou tractat el 26 de desembre de 1850; en aquest tractat (on el nom del rei apareix ara com Soulong Jarta) es van delimitar les zones cedides.
rdf:langString Kombo (Namensvariante: Combo, Kumbo) war ein historisches Reich in den heutigen westafrikanischen Staaten Gambia und Senegal.
rdf:langString Kombo was a kingdom and later a chieftaincy in Gambia during the colonial period. Kombo was part of the Mali Empire and gained independence after its fall, and was then ruled by the Sambou Bainunka clan. Mansa Karapha Yalli Jatta became the first King of Kombo, after seeking help from the then independent Kaabu Empire to establish the Kingdom of Kombo, he married the daughter of the Bainuk Queen Wullending Jasseh of who sits at Gunjur and took her to Busumbala. Mansa Karapha Yalli Jatta was from the Jatta (Lion) clan who claim ancestry from Sundiata Keita the first Emperor of the Mali Empire. Kombo was ruled by two families, the Jatta (Djatta) and Bojang (Bodian) clans, when one clan becomes Mansa, the other clan gets to chose the crown prince from their own clan and vice versa. From 1840-1855 Mansa Suling Jatta was the King of Kombo, he was killed in the Soninke-Marabout war, and most of the Jatta clan moved to [[other regions.].
rdf:langString O Reino de Combo (Kombo) foi um território e reino onde hoje se localiza a Gâmbia durante o Período Colonial da ; Em 1840, o Rei de Kombo era Suling Jatta.
rdf:langString Kingdom of Kombo
rdf:langString Disestablished
rdf:langString Established
xsd:integer 20
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4863
xsd:gYear 1875

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