Kindred (novel) an entity of type: Thing

رواية للكاتبة الأمريكية اوكاتفيا إي. بتلر، تتضمن السفر عبر الزمن وصنفت على غرار روايات العبيد. نشرت لأول مرة في عام 1979 ولا تزال تحظى بشعبية كبيرة. اختيرت بصورة متكررة باعتبارها نصًا لبرامج القراءة على مستوى المجتمع ومؤسسات الكتاب، فضلًا عن كونها خيارًا شائعًا لدورات المدارس الثانوية والكليات. rdf:langString
Kindred is a novel by American writer Octavia E. Butler that incorporates time travel and is modeled on slave narratives. First published in 1979, it is still widely popular. It has been frequently chosen as a text for community-wide reading programs and book organizations, as well as being a common choice for high school and college courses. While most of Butler's work is classified as science fiction, Kindred is considered to cross genre boundaries. It has been classified also as literature or African-American literature. Butler has categorized the work as "a kind of grim fantasy." rdf:langString
Liens de sang (titre original : Kindred) est un roman de science-fiction de l'écrivaine américaine Octavia E. Butler qui intègre le voyage dans le temps et s'inspire de récits d'esclaves. Publié pour la première fois en 1979, il est devenu un classique. Il est fréquemment choisi comme texte pour des programmes de lecture associatives ou communautaires, en plus d'être un classique étudié dans les cours du secondaire et du collège. rdf:langString
Kindred (adaptado no Brasil como Kindred: Laços de Sangue) é um romance histórico da escritora norte-americana Octavia E. Butler, que incorpora viagens no tempo e é modelado em narrativas escravas. Publicado pela primeira vez em 1979, ainda é muito popular. Ele é frequentemente escolhido como o texto para programas de leitura em toda a comunidade e organizações de livros, além de ser uma escolha comum para cursos de ensino médio e superior. rdf:langString
rdf:langString كيندرد (رواية)
rdf:langString Liens de sang (roman)
rdf:langString Kindred (novel)
rdf:langString Kindred (romance)
rdf:langString Kindred
rdf:langString Kindred
xsd:string Doubleday
xsd:integer 4272994
xsd:integer 1121105307
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString Right
xsd:integer 2003
rdf:langString yes
rdf:langString First edition cover of Kindred
rdf:langString PZ4.B98674 Ki PS3552.U827
rdf:langString United States
rdf:langString Larry Schwinger
xsd:integer 813
rdf:langString neo-slave narrative using science fiction framework
xsd:integer 0
rdf:langString English
rdf:langString Print
xsd:integer 4835229
xsd:integer 264
rdf:langString After briefly considering giving in to Rufus' sexual advances, Dana steels herself to stab him: "I could feel the knife in my hand, still slippery with perspiration. A slave was a slave. Anything could be done to her. And Rufus was Rufus— erratic, alternately generous and vicious. I could accept him as my ancestor, my younger brother, my friend, but not as my master, and not as my lover."
rdf:langString Kevin and Dana differing in their perspectives of the 19th Century: "This could be a great time to live in," Kevin said once. "I keep thinking what an experience it would be to stay in it— go West and watch the building of the country, see how much of the Old West mythology is true." "West," I said bitterly. "That’s where they’re doing it to the Indians instead of the blacks!" He looked at me strangely. He had been doing that a lot lately."
rdf:langString Rufus expressing his "destructive single-minded love" for Alice in a conversation with Dana: "I begged her not to go with him," he said quietly. "Do you hear me, I begged her!" I said nothing. I was beginning to realize that he loved the woman— to her misfortune. There was no shame in raping a black woman, but there could be shame in loving one. "I didn’t want to just drag her off into the bushes," said Rufus. "I never wanted it to be like that. But she kept saying no. I could have had her in the bushes years ago if that was all I wanted." ... "If I lived in your time, I would have married her. Or tried to."
rdf:langString Dana obeying Rufus' instructions to burn her paperback on the history of slavery in America: "The fire flared up and swallowed the dry paper, and I found my thoughts shifting to Nazi book burnings. Repressive societies always seemed to understand the danger of ‘wrong’ ideas."
rdf:langString Dana reporting on the slaves’ attitude toward Rufus as slavemaster: "Strangely, they seemed to like him, hold him in contempt, and fear him all at the same time."
rdf:langString Dana explains to Kevin that she will not allow Rufus to turn her into property: "I am not a horse or a sack of wheat. If I have to seem to be property, if I have to accept limits on my freedom for Rufus's sake, then he also has to accept limits - on his behavior towards me. He has to leave me enough control of my own life to make living look better to me than killing and dying."
rdf:langString June 1979
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString Kindred, page 124.
rdf:langString Kindred, page 141.
rdf:langString Kindred, page 229.
rdf:langString Kindred, page 246.
rdf:langString Kindred, page 260.
rdf:langString Kindred, page 97.
rdf:langString French
xsd:integer 23 24 25
rdf:langString رواية للكاتبة الأمريكية اوكاتفيا إي. بتلر، تتضمن السفر عبر الزمن وصنفت على غرار روايات العبيد. نشرت لأول مرة في عام 1979 ولا تزال تحظى بشعبية كبيرة. اختيرت بصورة متكررة باعتبارها نصًا لبرامج القراءة على مستوى المجتمع ومؤسسات الكتاب، فضلًا عن كونها خيارًا شائعًا لدورات المدارس الثانوية والكليات. الكتاب، هو قصة بصيغة المتكلم لكاتبة شابة أمريكية من أصل أفريقي، دانا، التي تجد نفسها منتقلة في الزمن بين منزلها في لوس أنجلوس، كاليفورنيا عام 1976 ومزرعة ما قبل الحرب الأهلية في ماريلاند. تلتقي هناك بأسلافها: امرأة سوداء حرة وفخورة، ومزارع أبيض أجبرها على العبودية والتسري. عندما تبقى دانا في الماضي، تتورط بشكل كبير مع مجتمع المزرعة. تتخذ خيارات صعبة للنجاة من العبودية وضمان عودتها إلى زمنها.تكشف رواية كيندرد ديناميكيات ومشكلات العبودية ما قبل الحرب من إحساس امرأة سوداء في أواخر القرن العشرين. تكتشف تراثها في المجتمع الأمريكي المعاصر. من خلال زوجين متعددي الأعراق يشكلان الجوهر العاطفي للقصة، وتكشف الرواية أيضًا تداخل قضايا السلطة، والجنس، والعرق، وتتكهن آفاق المساواة في المستقبل. في حين تُصنف معظم أعمال بتلر على أنها خيال علمي، تعد كيندرد تخطيًا لحدود الأسلوب. تصنف على أنها أدب أو أدب أفريقي أمريكي. صنفت بتلر العمل على أنه نوع من الخيال القاتم.
rdf:langString Kindred is a novel by American writer Octavia E. Butler that incorporates time travel and is modeled on slave narratives. First published in 1979, it is still widely popular. It has been frequently chosen as a text for community-wide reading programs and book organizations, as well as being a common choice for high school and college courses. The book is the first-person account of a young African-American writer, Dana, who finds herself being shunted in time between her Los Angeles, California home in 1976 and a pre-Civil War Maryland plantation. There she meets her ancestors: a proud Black freewoman and a white planter who has forced her into slavery and concubinage. As Dana's stays in the past become longer, she becomes intimately entangled with the plantation community. She makes hard choices to survive slavery and to ensure her return to her own time. Kindred explores the dynamics and dilemmas of antebellum slavery from the sensibility of a late 20th-century Black woman, who is aware of its legacy in contemporary American society. Through the two interracial couples who form the emotional core of the story, the novel also explores the intersection of power, gender, and race issues, and speculates on the prospects of future egalitarianism. While most of Butler's work is classified as science fiction, Kindred is considered to cross genre boundaries. It has been classified also as literature or African-American literature. Butler has categorized the work as "a kind of grim fantasy."
rdf:langString Liens de sang (titre original : Kindred) est un roman de science-fiction de l'écrivaine américaine Octavia E. Butler qui intègre le voyage dans le temps et s'inspire de récits d'esclaves. Publié pour la première fois en 1979, il est devenu un classique. Il est fréquemment choisi comme texte pour des programmes de lecture associatives ou communautaires, en plus d'être un classique étudié dans les cours du secondaire et du collège. Le livre est un récit à la première personne d'une jeune femme écrivaine afro-américaine, Dana, qui se retrouve éjectée dans le temps entre sa maison de Los Angeles, en Californie, en 1976, et une plantation du Maryland d'avant la guerre civile. Elle y rencontre ses ancêtres : une femme noire libre et fière et un planteur blanc qui l'a forcée à l'esclavage et au concubinage. Alors que les séjours de Dana dans le passé s'allongent, la jeune femme s'immisce intimement avec la communauté noire des plantations. Elle fait des choix difficiles pour survivre à l'esclavage et assurer son retour à son époque. Liens de sang explore la dynamique et les dilemmes de l'esclavage d'avant-guerre à partir de la sensibilité d'une femme noire de la fin du XXe siècle, consciente de son héritage dans la société américaine contemporaine. À travers les deux couples interraciaux qui forment le noyau émotionnel de l'histoire, le roman explore également l'intersection des questions de pouvoir, de genre et de race, et spécule sur les perspectives d'un futur égalitaire. Alors que la plupart des travaux de d'Octavia E. Butler sont classés dans la science-fiction, Liens de sang est considéré comme dépassant les frontières du genre. Il a également été classé comme littérature ou littérature afro-américaine. Butler a elle-même classé l'œuvre comme « une sorte de sinistre fantasme. »
rdf:langString Kindred (adaptado no Brasil como Kindred: Laços de Sangue) é um romance histórico da escritora norte-americana Octavia E. Butler, que incorpora viagens no tempo e é modelado em narrativas escravas. Publicado pela primeira vez em 1979, ainda é muito popular. Ele é frequentemente escolhido como o texto para programas de leitura em toda a comunidade e organizações de livros, além de ser uma escolha comum para cursos de ensino médio e superior. O livro é o relato em primeira pessoa de uma jovem escritora afro-americana, Dana, que se vê sendo desviada no tempo entre sua casa em Los Angeles, Califórnia, em 1976, e uma fazenda pré-Guerra Civil de Maryland. Lá ela conhece seus ancestrais: uma mulher negra orgulhosa e um plantador branco que a forçou a ser escrava e concubinadora. Como a permanência de Dana no passado se torna mais longa, a jovem se envolve intimamente com a comunidade agrícola. Ela faz escolhas difíceis para sobreviver à escravidão e garantir seu retorno ao seu próprio tempo. Kindred explora a dinâmica e os dilemas da escravidão pré-guerra a partir da sensibilidade de uma mulher negra do final do século XX, que está ciente de seu legado na sociedade americana contemporânea. Através dos dois casais inter-raciais que formam o núcleo emocional da história, o romance também explora a interseção de questões de poder, gênero e raça, e especula sobre as perspectivas do futuro igualitarismo. Enquanto a maioria do trabalho de Butler é classificado como ficção científica, Kindred é considerado um dos que ultrapassam os limites disciplinares. Foi classificado também como literatura ou . Butler classificou o trabalho como "uma espécie de fantasia sombria".
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 73080
xsd:string 813/.5/4
xsd:string 0-385-15059-8
xsd:string PZ4.B98674 Ki PS3552.U827
xsd:positiveInteger 264
xsd:string 4835229

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