Kim Hyong-uk an entity of type: Thing

Kim Hyung-wook (* 16. Januar 1925 in -gun, Korea; † 8. Oktober 1979 in einer Geflügelproduktion vier Kilometer nordwestlich von Paris, Frankreich) war ein südkoreanischer Parlamentsabgeordneter. rdf:langString
金 炯旭(キム・ヒョンウク、きん けいきょく、朝鮮語: 김형욱、1925年1月16日 - 1979年10月7日失踪)は、大韓民国の軍人、政治家。第三共和国時代、朴正煕の側近として中央情報部(KCIA)部長を長く務めた。部長解任後、亡命先で朴正煕政権の不正を暴露し、後に失踪したが、KCIAによって拉致・殺害されたものと見られている。 rdf:langString
김형욱(金炯旭, 1925년 1월 16일 ~ 1979년 10월 8일)은 대한민국의 군인, 정치인이다. 5.16 군사 정변에 가담하여 국가재건최고회의 최고위원을 지냈고 1963년부터 1969년까지 중앙정보부장을 맡았다. '남산 멧돼지' 또는 '돈까스'라는 별명으로 불리곤 했다. 1971년 제8대 국회의원에 당선되어 의정활동을 하였다. 1973년에 미국으로 망명하였고 1976년부터 박정희 정권의 비리를 폭로하며 마찰을 빚다가 1979년 10월 7일에 파리에서 실종되었다.1984년 10월 8일에 정식으로 사망신고 되었고 1990년 서울지방법원에서도 사망선고가 내려졌다. rdf:langString
金炯旭(韓語:김형욱,1925年1月16日-1979年10月7日),韓國政治人物、韓國陸軍退役准將,曾在第三共和國時期擔任韓國中央情報部部長,六年半的部長任內權力達到最高峰,綁架、恐嚇、暗殺、賄賂政敵,無所不為。 朴正熙將其辭退後,加入反朴正熙陣營,當選國會議員。 後於1973年4月經由台灣流亡美國揭露朴正熙政權的獨裁腐敗。於法國巴黎失蹤,後證實是被中央情報部所綁架暗殺。 rdf:langString
Kim Hyong-uk (Hangul: 김형욱, Hanja: 金炯旭, January 16, 1925 – c. October 8, 1979) was a South Korean brigadier general who served as director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. Born in Hwanghae province, he left for the South after high school and was a classmate of Kim Jong-pil at the Korea Military Academy, graduating in 1949 as members of the 8th graduating class. He was an infantry troop commander in the Korean War. He attended the United States Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1955. As colonel, he took part in the May 16 coup in 1961, when he led a group of soldiers to take Prime Minister John M. Chang into custody. He served for two years as Minister for Home Affairs in the junta and then was director of the KCIA from March 1963 to October 1969, where he was noto rdf:langString
rdf:langString Kim Hyung-wook
rdf:langString Kim Hyong-uk
rdf:langString 김형욱
rdf:langString 金炯旭
rdf:langString 金炯旭
xsd:integer 52384020
xsd:integer 1117445082
rdf:langString 金炯旭
rdf:langString Kim Hyŏng-uk
xsd:date 1925-01-16
rdf:langString 김형욱
rdf:langString Gim Hyeong-uk
rdf:langString Kim Hyung-wook (* 16. Januar 1925 in -gun, Korea; † 8. Oktober 1979 in einer Geflügelproduktion vier Kilometer nordwestlich von Paris, Frankreich) war ein südkoreanischer Parlamentsabgeordneter.
rdf:langString Kim Hyong-uk (Hangul: 김형욱, Hanja: 金炯旭, January 16, 1925 – c. October 8, 1979) was a South Korean brigadier general who served as director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. Born in Hwanghae province, he left for the South after high school and was a classmate of Kim Jong-pil at the Korea Military Academy, graduating in 1949 as members of the 8th graduating class. He was an infantry troop commander in the Korean War. He attended the United States Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1955. As colonel, he took part in the May 16 coup in 1961, when he led a group of soldiers to take Prime Minister John M. Chang into custody. He served for two years as Minister for Home Affairs in the junta and then was director of the KCIA from March 1963 to October 1969, where he was notorious for his brutality and corruption. After refusing to support Park's bid for a third term, he was replaced as head of the KCIA by . Reportedly, at a meeting with Park, the President asked him, "why don't you take a rest after your long service?"—and on returning to his office, he discovered it had already been cleared out. In 1971, he became a member of the powerless parliament. Kim went into exile in the United States in 1973. In 22 June 1977, he testified to the Fraser committee about the Koreagate scandal and the activities of Tongsun Park. He also claimed that the Japanese police had had foreknowledge of the kidnapping of Kim Dae-jung. Park had offered him $1 million not to testify, which Kim refused. Kim accepted $500,000 not to publish his memoirs, but reneged on the deal and published them in Japan in April 1979. He disappeared on 7 October 1979, after last being seen in a Paris nightclub. A popular rumor is that Kim was smuggled back to Seoul and personally shot by President Park in the basement of the Blue House. This version was shown in part 12 of the North Korean film series Nation and Destiny. His memoirs were published in South Korea in 1985. In February 2005, the Wolgan Chosun published claims that Kim had been lured from New Jersey to Paris by a hired female entertainer and then been murdered by a French criminal syndicate in pay of the South Korean government. In May 2005, a report from the National Intelligence Service's Truth Commission concluded that Kim had been killed on the orders of Kim Jae-kyu, his successor as director of the KCIA. He was reportedly shot with a silenced pistol and his body was dumped in the woods outside Paris. Three weeks after Kim Hyong-uk's disappearance, Kim Jae-kyu assassinated President Park.
rdf:langString 金 炯旭(キム・ヒョンウク、きん けいきょく、朝鮮語: 김형욱、1925年1月16日 - 1979年10月7日失踪)は、大韓民国の軍人、政治家。第三共和国時代、朴正煕の側近として中央情報部(KCIA)部長を長く務めた。部長解任後、亡命先で朴正煕政権の不正を暴露し、後に失踪したが、KCIAによって拉致・殺害されたものと見られている。
rdf:langString 김형욱(金炯旭, 1925년 1월 16일 ~ 1979년 10월 8일)은 대한민국의 군인, 정치인이다. 5.16 군사 정변에 가담하여 국가재건최고회의 최고위원을 지냈고 1963년부터 1969년까지 중앙정보부장을 맡았다. '남산 멧돼지' 또는 '돈까스'라는 별명으로 불리곤 했다. 1971년 제8대 국회의원에 당선되어 의정활동을 하였다. 1973년에 미국으로 망명하였고 1976년부터 박정희 정권의 비리를 폭로하며 마찰을 빚다가 1979년 10월 7일에 파리에서 실종되었다.1984년 10월 8일에 정식으로 사망신고 되었고 1990년 서울지방법원에서도 사망선고가 내려졌다.
rdf:langString 金炯旭(韓語:김형욱,1925年1月16日-1979年10月7日),韓國政治人物、韓國陸軍退役准將,曾在第三共和國時期擔任韓國中央情報部部長,六年半的部長任內權力達到最高峰,綁架、恐嚇、暗殺、賄賂政敵,無所不為。 朴正熙將其辭退後,加入反朴正熙陣營,當選國會議員。 後於1973年4月經由台灣流亡美國揭露朴正熙政權的獨裁腐敗。於法國巴黎失蹤,後證實是被中央情報部所綁架暗殺。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5950

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