Kielce cemetery massacre an entity of type: WikicatMassacresInPoland
Das Friedhofsmassaker von Kielce beschreibt den Mord an 45 jüdischen Kindern im Alter von 15 Monaten bis 15 Jahren, durchgeführt von Einheiten der deutschen Ordnungspolizei am 23. Mai 1943 auf dem Jüdischen Friedhof von Kielce. Diese Kinder hatten zuvor die Liquidation des Ghettos Kielce überlebt.
Het Bloedbad van Kielce was een massamoord gericht op Joodse kinderen in de stad Kielce, Polen. Op 23 mei 1943 werden vijfenveertig Joodse kinderen, die het getto van Kielce en een concentratiekamp hadden overleefd, op de begraafplaats Pakosz in Kielce bijeen gebracht. Alle kinderen, in de leeftijd van vijftien maanden tot vijftien jaar, werden door de nazi's vermoord.
凯尔采公墓大屠杀是发生在德占波兰凯尔采的一起纳粹警察屠杀儿童事件。1943年5月23日,纳粹警察在凯尔采的各劳动营围捕了45名犹太儿童。这些儿童的年龄从15个月到15岁不等,他们在凯尔采隔都清场过程中幸存下来,后来留在劳动营中的父母身边。被围捕45名儿童被带到,随后由秩序警察全数杀害。 在1942年8月20日开始的隔都清场行动中,约有20,000~21,000名犹太人被大屠杀列车送往特雷布林卡灭绝营。至1942年8月24日,凯尔采隔都内只剩下劳动营的2,000名技术工人,其中还包括犹太人委员会和犹太警察的成员。1943年5月,凯尔采各劳动营的犹太囚犯大多被送往斯塔拉霍维采、斯卡日斯科-卡缅纳、皮翁基和的强迫劳动营,而纳粹围捕的45名犹太儿童此前仍留在已被清空的凯尔采劳动营。
The Kielce cemetery massacre refers to the shooting action by the Nazi German police that took place on May 23, 1943 in occupied Poland during World War II, in which 45 Jewish children who had survived the Kielce Ghetto liquidation, and remained with their working parents at the Kielce forced-labour camps, were rounded up and brought to the Pakosz cemetery in Kielce, Poland, where they were murdered by the German paramilitary police. The children ranged in age from 15 months to 15 years old.
Il massacro del cimitero di Kielce fu perpetrato dai nazisti il 23 maggio 1943 nella città di Kielce, nella Polonia occupata, durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Le vittime furono 45 bambini ebrei sopravvissuti alla liquidazione del Ghetto di Kielce, i quali vennero radunati, portati al cimitero ebraico Pakosz di Kielce e lì assassinati dalla polizia paramilitare tedesca. I bambini avevano un'età compresa tra i 15 mesi e i 15 anni.
Friedhofsmassaker von Kielce
Massacro del cimitero di Kielce
Kielce cemetery massacre
Bloedbad van Kielce
Das Friedhofsmassaker von Kielce beschreibt den Mord an 45 jüdischen Kindern im Alter von 15 Monaten bis 15 Jahren, durchgeführt von Einheiten der deutschen Ordnungspolizei am 23. Mai 1943 auf dem Jüdischen Friedhof von Kielce. Diese Kinder hatten zuvor die Liquidation des Ghettos Kielce überlebt.
The Kielce cemetery massacre refers to the shooting action by the Nazi German police that took place on May 23, 1943 in occupied Poland during World War II, in which 45 Jewish children who had survived the Kielce Ghetto liquidation, and remained with their working parents at the Kielce forced-labour camps, were rounded up and brought to the Pakosz cemetery in Kielce, Poland, where they were murdered by the German paramilitary police. The children ranged in age from 15 months to 15 years old. During the ghetto liquidation action which began on 20 August 1942 approximately 20,000-21,000 Jews were led to awaiting Holocaust trains and sent to Treblinka extermination camp. By the end of 24 August 1942, there were only 2,000 skilled workers left alive in the labour camp at Stolarska-and-Jasna Streets (pl) within the small ghetto, including members of the Judenrat and the Jewish policemen. In May 1943, most Jewish prisoners from Kielce were transported to forced-labour camps in Starachowice, Skarżysko-Kamienna, Pionki, and Bliżyn. The 45 Jewish children murdered at the cemetery were the ones who stayed behind at the liquidated camp.
Il massacro del cimitero di Kielce fu perpetrato dai nazisti il 23 maggio 1943 nella città di Kielce, nella Polonia occupata, durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Le vittime furono 45 bambini ebrei sopravvissuti alla liquidazione del Ghetto di Kielce, i quali vennero radunati, portati al cimitero ebraico Pakosz di Kielce e lì assassinati dalla polizia paramilitare tedesca. I bambini avevano un'età compresa tra i 15 mesi e i 15 anni. Durante la liquidazione del ghetto, iniziata il 20 agosto 1942, circa 20.000-21.000 ebrei vennero stipati sui treni della morte e deportati al campo di sterminio di Treblinka. Al 24 agosto 1942, erano rimasti in vita soltanto 2.000 ebrei, impiegati nel campo di lavoro di Stolarska-and-Jasna Streets situato all'interno del piccolo ghetto; tra questi vi erano membri dello Judenrat e della polizia ebraica. Nel maggio 1943, la maggior parte dei restanti ebrei di Kielce furono deportati nei campi di lavoro forzato di Starachowice, Skarżysko-Kamienna, Pionki e Bliżyn, salvo i 45 bambini ebrei poi trucidati nell'eccidio del cimitero.
Het Bloedbad van Kielce was een massamoord gericht op Joodse kinderen in de stad Kielce, Polen. Op 23 mei 1943 werden vijfenveertig Joodse kinderen, die het getto van Kielce en een concentratiekamp hadden overleefd, op de begraafplaats Pakosz in Kielce bijeen gebracht. Alle kinderen, in de leeftijd van vijftien maanden tot vijftien jaar, werden door de nazi's vermoord.
凯尔采公墓大屠杀是发生在德占波兰凯尔采的一起纳粹警察屠杀儿童事件。1943年5月23日,纳粹警察在凯尔采的各劳动营围捕了45名犹太儿童。这些儿童的年龄从15个月到15岁不等,他们在凯尔采隔都清场过程中幸存下来,后来留在劳动营中的父母身边。被围捕45名儿童被带到,随后由秩序警察全数杀害。 在1942年8月20日开始的隔都清场行动中,约有20,000~21,000名犹太人被大屠杀列车送往特雷布林卡灭绝营。至1942年8月24日,凯尔采隔都内只剩下劳动营的2,000名技术工人,其中还包括犹太人委员会和犹太警察的成员。1943年5月,凯尔采各劳动营的犹太囚犯大多被送往斯塔拉霍维采、斯卡日斯科-卡缅纳、皮翁基和的强迫劳动营,而纳粹围捕的45名犹太儿童此前仍留在已被清空的凯尔采劳动营。