Khan Research Laboratories an entity of type: Thing
Das Khan-Forschungszentrum, englisch Khan Research Laboratories, ist ein Komplex von Forschungseinrichtungen in Kahuta, Pakistan. Es ist nach dem Maschinenbauingenieur Abdul Kadir Khan benannt. Die Laboratorien entstanden in den 1970er Jahren und sind mit der Entwicklung der ersten pakistanischen Atomwaffen, die im Project-706 entwickelt wurden, verbunden. Zu den weiteren Projekten zählt die Entwicklung der Mittelstreckenrakete Ghauri.
Khan é um laboratório nuclear, que foi fundado pelo ciêntista Shaukat Hayat Khan. Khan fica localizado em Punjab, no Paquistão.
Els Laboratoris de Recerca Khan, també coneguts per les sigles KRL (en anglès: Khan Research Laboratories, en urdú: خان ریسرچ لیبارٹریز) anteriorment anomenats de diverses maneres com Project-706, Engineering Research Laboratories i Kahuta Research Laboratories, és un institut nacional d'investigació multiprograma del Govern del Pakistan, gestionat i dirigit sota el control de les forces armades del Pakistan, ubicat a Kahuta, districte de Rawalpindi, Panjab. Els laboratoris són una de les majors institucions científiques i tecnològiques del Pakistan i duen a terme investigacions i desenvolupaments multidisciplinaris en camps com la seguretat nacional, l'exploració espacial i la supercomputació.
The Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories, (Urdu: خان تجربہ گاہ و مراکز تحقیق) or KRL for short, is a federally funded, multi-program national research institute and national laboratory site primarily dedicated to uranium enrichment, supercomputing and fluid mechanics. It is managed by the Ministry of Energy for the Government of Pakistan. The laboratory is located in Kahuta, a short distance north-east of Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
I Khan Research Laboratories, precedentemente noti in varie epoche come Project-706, Engineering Research Laboratories e Kahuta Research Laboratories, sono un istituto di ricerca nazionale multi-programma del governo pakistano, gestito e controllato delle forze armate pakistane, situato a Kahuta, distretto di Rawalpindi, Punjab. I laboratori sono una delle maggiori istituzioni scientifiche e tecnologiche del Pakistan e conducono ricerche e sviluppi multidisciplinari in settori quali la sicurezza nazionale, l'esplorazione dello spazio e il supercalcolo.
Khan Research Laboratories
Laboratoris de Recerca Khan
Khan Research Laboratories
Laboratório Khan (Paquistão)
Khan Research Laboratories
Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories
Engineering Research Laboratories
Kahuta Research Laboratories
Els Laboratoris de Recerca Khan, també coneguts per les sigles KRL (en anglès: Khan Research Laboratories, en urdú: خان ریسرچ لیبارٹریز) anteriorment anomenats de diverses maneres com Project-706, Engineering Research Laboratories i Kahuta Research Laboratories, és un institut nacional d'investigació multiprograma del Govern del Pakistan, gestionat i dirigit sota el control de les forces armades del Pakistan, ubicat a Kahuta, districte de Rawalpindi, Panjab. Els laboratoris són una de les majors institucions científiques i tecnològiques del Pakistan i duen a terme investigacions i desenvolupaments multidisciplinaris en camps com la seguretat nacional, l'exploració espacial i la supercomputació. Tot i que els laboratoris segueixen sent altament secrets, el KRL és famós per la seva investigació, desenvolupament i producció d'urani altament enriquit, mitjançant mètodes tecnològics de centrifugat de gas (tipus Zippe) basats aproximadament en el model del grup multinacional Urenco, tecnologia aportada pel doctor Abdul Qadeer Khan, que hi va treballar com a científic sènior. Des d'un bon començament es va contractar molt personal tècnic, principalment físics i matemàtics, assistits per enginyers (tant de l'exèrcit com civils), químics i científics de materials. Científics i enginyers professionals també estaven autoritzats a visitar aquest institut per participar com a visitants en projectes científics, després de superar estrictes i rigoroses mesures de control. Durant la meitat dels anys setanta, els laboratoris Khan van ser la pedra angular de la primera etapa del projecte de bomba atòmica del Pakistan, sent un dels diversos llocs on es va realitzar la investigació científica secreta sobre bombes atòmiques.
Das Khan-Forschungszentrum, englisch Khan Research Laboratories, ist ein Komplex von Forschungseinrichtungen in Kahuta, Pakistan. Es ist nach dem Maschinenbauingenieur Abdul Kadir Khan benannt. Die Laboratorien entstanden in den 1970er Jahren und sind mit der Entwicklung der ersten pakistanischen Atomwaffen, die im Project-706 entwickelt wurden, verbunden. Zu den weiteren Projekten zählt die Entwicklung der Mittelstreckenrakete Ghauri.
The Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories, (Urdu: خان تجربہ گاہ و مراکز تحقیق) or KRL for short, is a federally funded, multi-program national research institute and national laboratory site primarily dedicated to uranium enrichment, supercomputing and fluid mechanics. It is managed by the Ministry of Energy for the Government of Pakistan. The laboratory is located in Kahuta, a short distance north-east of Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. The site was organized to produce weapons-grade nuclear material, primarily weapons-grade uranium, as part of Pakistan's secretive atomic bomb program in the years after the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971. Chosen to be a top-secret location, it was built in secrecy by the Pakistan Army Corps of Engineers. It was commissioned under the Army engineers with civilian scientists joining the site in late 1976. During the midst of the 1970s, the site was the cornerstone of the first stage of Pakistan's atomic bomb program, and is one of the many sites where classified scientific research on atomic bombs was undertaken. The KRL has prestige for conducting research and development to be able to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) utilizing the Zippe-method of gas centrifuge– the other user of this method is the Urenco Group in the Netherlands. Since its inception, many technical staff have been employed, mostly physicists and mathematicians, assisted by engineers (both Army and civilians), chemists, and material scientists. Professional scientists and engineers are delegated to visit this institute, after undergoing strict screening and background checks, to participate as visitors in scientific projects. As of its current mission, KRL is one of the largest science and technology research sites in Pakistan, and conducts multidisciplinary research and development in fields such as national security, space exploration, and supercomputing.
I Khan Research Laboratories, precedentemente noti in varie epoche come Project-706, Engineering Research Laboratories e Kahuta Research Laboratories, sono un istituto di ricerca nazionale multi-programma del governo pakistano, gestito e controllato delle forze armate pakistane, situato a Kahuta, distretto di Rawalpindi, Punjab. I laboratori sono una delle maggiori istituzioni scientifiche e tecnologiche del Pakistan e conducono ricerche e sviluppi multidisciplinari in settori quali la sicurezza nazionale, l'esplorazione dello spazio e il supercalcolo. Il KRL è famoso soprattutto per la sua ricerca, sviluppo e produzione di uranio altamente arricchito (HEU), che utilizza metodi tecnologici di centrifuga a gas (tipo Zippe) approssimativamente basati sul modello del Gruppo Urenco, la tecnologia apportata dal Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, che lavorava lì come scienziato senior. Sin dal suo inizio, sono stati impiegati molti membri del personale tecnico, principalmente fisici e matematici, assistiti da ingegneri (sia militari che civili), chimici e scienziati dei materiali. Scienziati e ingegneri professionisti sono inoltre delegati a visitare questo istituto dopo essere stati sottoposti a una stretta e rigorosa selezione e controllo dei precedenti, per partecipare come visitatori a progetti scientifici. Durante la metà degli anni '70, i laboratori furono la pietra angolare della prima fase del progetto di bomba atomica del Pakistan, essendo uno dei vari siti in cui furono intraprese le ricerche scientifiche classificate sulle bombe atomiche.
Khan é um laboratório nuclear, que foi fundado pelo ciêntista Shaukat Hayat Khan. Khan fica localizado em Punjab, no Paquistão.
materials science
military equipment
conventional weapons
gas-centrifuge program
high-performance computing
laser technology
neutron science
nuclear technology
radiation science