Keys of the kingdom
Kunci Kerajaan Surga (bahasa Latin Alkitab versi Vulgata: claves regni caelorum), juga disebut Kunci Kerajaan Allah , adalah istilah yang digunakan dalam Alkitab, dalam sebuah pernyataan Yesus kepada Petrus dalam Injil Matius 16:19.Kunci Kerajaan Surga merupakan sebuah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk merujuk kepada sosok Yesus. Ungkapan ini adalah sebuah bentuk penekanan dari inti pelayanan tugas Yesus di dunia. Berdasarkan Matius 16: 19 ada interpretasi yang berbeda tentang arti istilah tersebut, tergantung pada denominasi Kristen. Gereja Katolik Roma mengacu pada implikasi dari istilah ini sebagai "kekuatan" (clavium potestas), menempatkan kekuasaan tertinggi bahwa Kristus memberikan kepada Santo Petrus dan penerusnya, para Paus, untuk mengatur Gereja.
The keys of the kingdom is a Christian concept of eternal church authority. Christians believe it was established in the 1st century AD, initially through Saint Peter, then through the rest of the 12 Apostles. The latter, continuing with the early Church Fathers, would eventually comprise the early church and its doctrine. It is this authority, having been given the keys, that subsequent doctrinal points have been built upon.
Kunci kerajaan surga
Keys of the kingdom
The keys of the kingdom is a Christian concept of eternal church authority. Christians believe it was established in the 1st century AD, initially through Saint Peter, then through the rest of the 12 Apostles. The latter, continuing with the early Church Fathers, would eventually comprise the early church and its doctrine. It is this authority, having been given the keys, that subsequent doctrinal points have been built upon. The authority can be literally traced to one passage in the New Testament, where Jesus mentions them first in response to St. Peter answering a question, and secondly in speaking to a group of disciples. In these two instances, the concept of authority follows having been given the "keys of the kingdom of heaven", and regards loosing and binding things on earth, and thus, having loosened and bound the same in heaven (Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18). A third authority regarding sin is seen without mentioning "keys" in John 20:23. Not all adherents to the faith in the risen Jesus Christ follow the further doctrinal concepts of sole authority held in any particular church, organization or individual today. One view is that the keys were used for a specific purpose and at a set time; namely at the Day of Pentecost—the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is much debate regarding the further doctrinal base the church's leadership established in the early centuries. Many subsequent Restorationist denominations and religious groups today, including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and The Family International, believe they also hold this authority. In the LDS Church, the concept is strongly tied to the priesthood keys held by the President of the Church and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Kunci Kerajaan Surga (bahasa Latin Alkitab versi Vulgata: claves regni caelorum), juga disebut Kunci Kerajaan Allah , adalah istilah yang digunakan dalam Alkitab, dalam sebuah pernyataan Yesus kepada Petrus dalam Injil Matius 16:19.Kunci Kerajaan Surga merupakan sebuah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk merujuk kepada sosok Yesus. Ungkapan ini adalah sebuah bentuk penekanan dari inti pelayanan tugas Yesus di dunia. Berdasarkan Matius 16: 19 ada interpretasi yang berbeda tentang arti istilah tersebut, tergantung pada denominasi Kristen. Gereja Katolik Roma mengacu pada implikasi dari istilah ini sebagai "kekuatan" (clavium potestas), menempatkan kekuasaan tertinggi bahwa Kristus memberikan kepada Santo Petrus dan penerusnya, para Paus, untuk mengatur Gereja.