Key signature names and translations
Els sistemes de notació musical de la música occidental segueixen principalment dues normes segons el país. La notació es pot basar en les set primeres lletres de l'alfabet, o en les set notes “do re mi fa sol la si” inventades per Guido d'Arezzo. A l'Extrem Orient, el sistema xinès de Jianpu ha estat dominant des del començament del segle xx. El llenguatge Open Grid està destinat a la improvisació musical per expressar explícitament el nom de les notes, modes i acords mitjançant una formulació musical estricta.
Dieser Artikel gibt eine Übersicht über die Bezeichnungen der Stammtöne, der abgeleiteten Töne und der Tonarten in verschiedenen Sprachen.
Les noms des notes de musique dans la musique occidentale suivent deux grands systèmes selon les pays. La notation est basée soit sur les sept premières lettres d'un alphabet, soit sur les notes « do ré mi fa sol la si » inventées par Guido d'Arezzo. En Extrême-Orient, le système chinois Jianpu est dominant depuis le début du XXe siècle. Le langage de grille ouverte est destiné à l'improvisation musicale permettant d'exprimer explicitement le nom des notes, de modes et d'accords par une formulation elle-même musicale.
음이름(音-, pitch name)은 음높이에 따라 붙은 음의 이름이다. 음계에 따른 상대적인 음높이에 따라 붙은 계이름과는 다르다. 음이름 뒤에 옥타브 번호를 붙이기도 한다. 예를 들어 가온다는 C4로 표기한다.C4는 피아노 건반에서 낮은음 에서부터 4번째 옥타브의 C음을 말한다.
音名・階名表記(おんめい・かいめいひょうき) このページは西洋音楽における音の高さの書き表し方、および国ごとに異なるその言い表し方の一覧である。前者では音度・音名・階名について、後者では日・米英・独・伊・仏式について述べる。
Найбільш поширені системи позначення музичних нот — латинська та американська (наукова). Латинська система використовує перші слова рядків гімну Павла Диякона «Ut queant laxis», що співався у висхідній октаві. UT queant laxisREsonare fibrisMIra gestorumFAmuli tuorum,SOLve pollutiLAbii reatum,Sancte Ioannes. Американська (наукова) система використовує латинський алфавітний порядок, де ноті Ля відповідає буква A, ноті Сі — буква B ітд. до G (соль).
When a musical key or key signature is referred to in a language other than English, that language may use the usual notation used in English (namely the letters A to G, along with translations of the words sharp, flat, major and minor in that language): languages which use the English system include Irish, Welsh, Hindi, Japanese (based on katakana in iroha order), Korean (based on hangul in ganada order), Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Filipino, Swahili, Esperanto. In the German notation scheme, a hyphen is added between the pitch and the alteration (D-Dur).
El sistema de notación musical anglosajón es un tipo de notación musical con base alfabética. Es conocido también por las siguientes denominaciones:
* Cifrado inglés.
* Cifrado americano (se refiere a Estados Unidos, país que lo popularizó durante el siglo XX).
* Cifrado literal numérico.
Sistemes de notació musical
Anderssprachige Tonbezeichnungen
Sistema de notación musical anglosajón
Désignation des notes de musique suivant la langue
Key signature names and translations
Позначення музичних нот у різних мовах
Els sistemes de notació musical de la música occidental segueixen principalment dues normes segons el país. La notació es pot basar en les set primeres lletres de l'alfabet, o en les set notes “do re mi fa sol la si” inventades per Guido d'Arezzo. A l'Extrem Orient, el sistema xinès de Jianpu ha estat dominant des del començament del segle xx. El llenguatge Open Grid està destinat a la improvisació musical per expressar explícitament el nom de les notes, modes i acords mitjançant una formulació musical estricta.
Dieser Artikel gibt eine Übersicht über die Bezeichnungen der Stammtöne, der abgeleiteten Töne und der Tonarten in verschiedenen Sprachen.
El sistema de notación musical anglosajón es un tipo de notación musical con base alfabética. Es conocido también por las siguientes denominaciones:
* Cifrado inglés.
* Cifrado americano (se refiere a Estados Unidos, país que lo popularizó durante el siglo XX).
* Cifrado literal numérico. Deriva de la notación griega, que nombraba las notas desde la letra alfa hasta la gamma, siendo alfa la nota la y gamma la nota sol, como se ha sabido gracias a los hallazgos de composiciones, como el epitafio de Seikilos, los tres himnos de Mesomedes de Creta y los himnos délficos. Con la llegada de la cultura latina al norte de Europa, esta nomenclatura (que ya había sido transliterada por los romanos), arraigó y con el paso de los siglos se extendería a Alemania, Inglaterra y a sus colonias.
When a musical key or key signature is referred to in a language other than English, that language may use the usual notation used in English (namely the letters A to G, along with translations of the words sharp, flat, major and minor in that language): languages which use the English system include Irish, Welsh, Hindi, Japanese (based on katakana in iroha order), Korean (based on hangul in ganada order), Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Filipino, Swahili, Esperanto. Or it may use some different notation. Two notation systems are most commonly found beside the English system, the Fixed Do key notation and the German key notation 1.
* Fixed Do key notation – used (among others) in Italian, French, Dutch (in the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium), Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Occitan, Breton, Basque, Russian (along with the German system), Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Latvian, Lithuanian (along with the German and English system), Romanian, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Turkish (along with the English system) and Vietnamese. Most countries (though not all, e.g. Serbia) where Fixed Do solmization is used also use the Fixed Do key notation. Instead of the letters C, D, E, F, G, A, B, seven syllables (derived from solfege) are used to refer to the seven diatonic tones of C major: Do (in French Do or Ut), Re, Mi, Fa, Sol (never So), La, Si (never Ti), with some variations and adaptations according to country, language and alphabet, followed by the accidental (natural is clearly most often omitted) and then the major/minor qualifier as needed. 2.
* German key notation – used (among others) in German, Dutch (in the Netherlands, where it is used along with the English system), Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Serbian (along with the English system), Croatian, Bosnian, Slovene, Hungarian, Polish, Czech and Slovak. The German key notation differs from the English system in two respects, namely that B♮ is referred to by the letter H and B♭ by the letter B by itself, and that sharp and flat designations do not use words but suffix is for sharps and suffix es (reduced to s if the tone letter is a vowel) for flats, except that (as already mentioned) in the German system the letter B by itself already means B flat. However, in some places where the German system is in use one may encounter the use of B for B♮ and Bes for B♭. This is especially common in the Netherlands. There has been a tendency in some countries that historically used the Fixed Do key notation or the German key notation to switch to the English system, especially among musicians working in popular music genres or jazz. The only case where this can lead to some confusion is when the letter B is used because it would not be clear whether the intention was for it to be understood as B♮ (English system) or B♭ (German system). Another tendency has been to use the English system in writing but to read it out according to either the Fixed Do or the German system if those are the systems used locally. For example, recent French scores or books may use the English system (this is especially common for chord symbols), but French users would read out that notation according to the Fixed Do system. Similarly, a Dutch musician may refer to a written F♯ orally as Fis. This article is concerned with written usage. To form a key designation, locate the note name in the pitch translation table and add the major/minor qualifier from the lower table as needed. Note that the 'major' alteration is usually superfluous, as a key description missing an alteration is invariably assumed to be major. In the German notation scheme, a hyphen is added between the pitch and the alteration (D-Dur). In German, Dutch, and Lithuanian, the minor key signatures are written with a lower case letter (d-Moll, d klein, d kleine terts). For example, to describe a song composed in a key of E-flat minor, one could say:
* E-flat minor (English)
* مي-بيمول الصغير (mi-bemol alsagheer) (Arabic)
* es-Moll (German)
* es klein (Dutch)
* 変ホ短調 (hen-ho tanchō) (Japanese)
* 내림 마 단조 (naerim ma danjo) (Korean)
* Mi bemolle minore (Italian)
* Mi bémol mineur (French)
* Mi bemol menor (Spanish)
* Mi bemol menor (Portuguese)
* Ми-бемоль минор (Russian)
* Mi bemol minor (Romanian)
* Μι ύφεση ελάσσονα (Greek)
* Mi bemol minoras/es-moll (Lithuanian)
Les noms des notes de musique dans la musique occidentale suivent deux grands systèmes selon les pays. La notation est basée soit sur les sept premières lettres d'un alphabet, soit sur les notes « do ré mi fa sol la si » inventées par Guido d'Arezzo. En Extrême-Orient, le système chinois Jianpu est dominant depuis le début du XXe siècle. Le langage de grille ouverte est destiné à l'improvisation musicale permettant d'exprimer explicitement le nom des notes, de modes et d'accords par une formulation elle-même musicale.
음이름(音-, pitch name)은 음높이에 따라 붙은 음의 이름이다. 음계에 따른 상대적인 음높이에 따라 붙은 계이름과는 다르다. 음이름 뒤에 옥타브 번호를 붙이기도 한다. 예를 들어 가온다는 C4로 표기한다.C4는 피아노 건반에서 낮은음 에서부터 4번째 옥타브의 C음을 말한다.
音名・階名表記(おんめい・かいめいひょうき) このページは西洋音楽における音の高さの書き表し方、および国ごとに異なるその言い表し方の一覧である。前者では音度・音名・階名について、後者では日・米英・独・伊・仏式について述べる。
Найбільш поширені системи позначення музичних нот — латинська та американська (наукова). Латинська система використовує перші слова рядків гімну Павла Диякона «Ut queant laxis», що співався у висхідній октаві. UT queant laxisREsonare fibrisMIra gestorumFAmuli tuorum,SOLve pollutiLAbii reatum,Sancte Ioannes. Американська (наукова) система використовує латинський алфавітний порядок, де ноті Ля відповідає буква A, ноті Сі — буква B ітд. до G (соль).