Kerberos saga an entity of type: SportsTeam
ケルベロス・サーガは、押井守原作による、「ケルベロス」シリーズの作品の総称。 第二次世界大戦がドイツ・イタリア枢軸国と日本・イギリス同盟の戦いで、敗戦国となった日本はドイツ軍に占領された、という設定に基づく架空の歴史物語である。この設定は元々、「プロテクトギア」のドイツ的意匠に対する理由付けのための後付け設定であった。 『PAX JAPONICA』、『立喰師』とともに押井守のライフワークとなっている。当初、メカデザインは出渕裕が担当しており、特に「プロテクトギア」などの特機隊装備類は彼の軍装マニア振りが存分に生かされているが、SF的アレンジを巡って押井守と意見が対立する部分もあり、「メカフィリア(大日本絵画)」や「ケルベロス 東京市街戦 首都警特機隊全記録(学研)」などに出渕裕のデザインに対する押井守のコメントが記載されている。
The Kerberos Saga (ケルベロス・サーガ, Keruberosu saga) is an alternate history political thriller media mix created by the Japanese writer and filmmaker Mamoru Oshii in 1986. The most famous installment of the franchise, especially outside Japan, is the 1999 anime film Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade. The most famous paraphernalia of the franchise is the Protect Gears, the powered exoskeleton suits worn by members of the Special Armed Garrison. They were designed by mechanical and character designers and RahXephon director Yutaka Izubuchi.
La Kerberos saga (ケルベロス・サーガ Keruberosu saga?) è un franchise di fantascienza militaresca e storia alternativa creato dal cineasta e scrittore giapponese Mamoru Oshii nel 1986 e incentrato sulle vicende di un'unità di polizia speciale di Tokyo chiamata "Special Armed Garrison" e soprannominata Kerberos (derivante da Cerbero, il mitico cane a tre teste a guardia dell'Inferno). Prima della definizione di "Kerberos Saga", assegnatagli circa nel 2004, questo universo narrativo era noto in precedenza come Kerberos series (ケルベロス・シリーズ keruberosu shirīzu?) o Kenrō series (犬狼・シリーズ kenrou shirīzu?).
Kerberos saga
Kerberos saga
December 2017
The Kerberos Saga (ケルベロス・サーガ, Keruberosu saga) is an alternate history political thriller media mix created by the Japanese writer and filmmaker Mamoru Oshii in 1986. The most famous installment of the franchise, especially outside Japan, is the 1999 anime film Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade. The saga is centered on the fictitious Tokyo police Special Armed Garrison whose emblem and nickname is Kerberos (a.k.a. Cerberus), the mythological three-headed watchdog of hell. Before it was officially renamed Kerberos Saga circa 2004, it was known as the "Kerberos series" (ケルベロス・シリーズ, keruberosu shirīzu) or the "Kenrō series" (犬狼・シリーズ, kenrou shirīzu). The franchise is currently owned by Mamoru Oshii; It consists of works based on Oshii's original story spanning various media including tokusatsu feature films, radio dramas, comic books, animation films and monographs. Licensed products are mainly Special Armed Garrison powered suit based action figures or garage kits called Protect Gears, and Kerberos Saga episodes derived soundtracks, storyboards, and guidebooks. Merchandising includes posters, folding fans, mousepads, statuette busts, tee-shirts, and even bottles of wine with a dedicated online shop available on the official website. The most famous paraphernalia of the franchise is the Protect Gears, the powered exoskeleton suits worn by members of the Special Armed Garrison. They were designed by mechanical and character designers and RahXephon director Yutaka Izubuchi.
ケルベロス・サーガは、押井守原作による、「ケルベロス」シリーズの作品の総称。 第二次世界大戦がドイツ・イタリア枢軸国と日本・イギリス同盟の戦いで、敗戦国となった日本はドイツ軍に占領された、という設定に基づく架空の歴史物語である。この設定は元々、「プロテクトギア」のドイツ的意匠に対する理由付けのための後付け設定であった。 『PAX JAPONICA』、『立喰師』とともに押井守のライフワークとなっている。当初、メカデザインは出渕裕が担当しており、特に「プロテクトギア」などの特機隊装備類は彼の軍装マニア振りが存分に生かされているが、SF的アレンジを巡って押井守と意見が対立する部分もあり、「メカフィリア(大日本絵画)」や「ケルベロス 東京市街戦 首都警特機隊全記録(学研)」などに出渕裕のデザインに対する押井守のコメントが記載されている。
La Kerberos saga (ケルベロス・サーガ Keruberosu saga?) è un franchise di fantascienza militaresca e storia alternativa creato dal cineasta e scrittore giapponese Mamoru Oshii nel 1986 e incentrato sulle vicende di un'unità di polizia speciale di Tokyo chiamata "Special Armed Garrison" e soprannominata Kerberos (derivante da Cerbero, il mitico cane a tre teste a guardia dell'Inferno). Prima della definizione di "Kerberos Saga", assegnatagli circa nel 2004, questo universo narrativo era noto in precedenza come Kerberos series (ケルベロス・シリーズ keruberosu shirīzu?) o Kenrō series (犬狼・シリーズ kenrou shirīzu?). Il franchise è tuttora di paternità di Mamoru Oshii e della compagnia Barque, ed è costituito da svariate opere originali ideate dal regista che vanno da film (sia in live-action che animati) ai radiodrammi, passando per fumetti e monografie. Il merchandising si compone di action figures e garage kit degli esoscheletri della Special Armed Garrison, chiamati Protect Gears, colonne sonore degli episodi, storyboards, posters, ventagli, mousepads, statuette, busti, t-shirts e addirittura bottiglie di vino.