Joy Garrett an entity of type: Thing

جوي غاريت (بالإنجليزية: Joy Garrett)‏ هي متسابقة ملكة الجمال ومغنية وممثلة أمريكية، ولدت في 2 مارس 1945 بفورت وورث في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفيت في 11 فبراير 1993 بلوس أنجلوس في الولايات المتحدة بسبب مرض الكبد. rdf:langString
Joy Garrett (* 2. März 1945 in Fort Worth, Texas als Joyce Irene Garrett; † 11. Februar 1993 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) war eine US-amerikanische Film- und Theaterschauspielerin sowie Sängerin. rdf:langString
Joyce Irene Garrett (March 2, 1945 – February 11, 1993) was an American actress and vocalist. She is best known for her role on Days of Our Lives as Jo Johnson between 1987 and 1993. In addition to her work in film and television, Garrett did some stage acting. She performed in three productions at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club during the 1970s. These were Paul Foster's Silver Queen directed by Robert Patrick (1973), The King's Crown and I (1974), and Paul Foster's Silver Queen Saloon directed by Pat Carmichael (1978). Garrett died of liver failure at the age of 47 in 1993. rdf:langString
Joy Garrett est une actrice et chanteuse américaine née le 2 mars 1945 à Fort Worth (Texas) et morte le 11 février 1993 à Los Angeles (Californie) d'une insuffisance hépatique. Elle était surtout connue pour son rôle de Jo Johnson #1 dans Des jours et des vies de 1987 à 1993. Elle a été la chanteuse principale de l'Orchestre Ted Weems pendant deux ans. rdf:langString
조이 가렛(Joy Garrett, 1945년 3월 2일 ~ 1993년 2월 11일)은 미국의 배우, 가수, 영화배우이다. 포트워스에서 태어났으며 로스앤젤레스에서 사망하였다. rdf:langString
rdf:langString جوي غاريت
rdf:langString Joy Garrett
rdf:langString Joy Garrett
rdf:langString Joy Garrett
rdf:langString 조이 가렛
rdf:langString Joy Garrett
rdf:langString Joy Garrett
rdf:langString Los Angeles, California, U.S.
xsd:date 1993-02-11
xsd:date 1945-03-11
xsd:integer 6549585
xsd:integer 1118798940
xsd:date 1945-03-11
xsd:date 1993-02-11
rdf:langString American singer and actor
xsd:integer 1973
rdf:langString جوي غاريت (بالإنجليزية: Joy Garrett)‏ هي متسابقة ملكة الجمال ومغنية وممثلة أمريكية، ولدت في 2 مارس 1945 بفورت وورث في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفيت في 11 فبراير 1993 بلوس أنجلوس في الولايات المتحدة بسبب مرض الكبد.
rdf:langString Joy Garrett (* 2. März 1945 in Fort Worth, Texas als Joyce Irene Garrett; † 11. Februar 1993 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) war eine US-amerikanische Film- und Theaterschauspielerin sowie Sängerin.
rdf:langString Joyce Irene Garrett (March 2, 1945 – February 11, 1993) was an American actress and vocalist. She is best known for her role on Days of Our Lives as Jo Johnson between 1987 and 1993. In addition to her work in film and television, Garrett did some stage acting. She performed in three productions at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club during the 1970s. These were Paul Foster's Silver Queen directed by Robert Patrick (1973), The King's Crown and I (1974), and Paul Foster's Silver Queen Saloon directed by Pat Carmichael (1978). Garrett died of liver failure at the age of 47 in 1993.
rdf:langString Joy Garrett est une actrice et chanteuse américaine née le 2 mars 1945 à Fort Worth (Texas) et morte le 11 février 1993 à Los Angeles (Californie) d'une insuffisance hépatique. Elle était surtout connue pour son rôle de Jo Johnson #1 dans Des jours et des vies de 1987 à 1993. Elle a été la chanteuse principale de l'Orchestre Ted Weems pendant deux ans.
rdf:langString 조이 가렛(Joy Garrett, 1945년 3월 2일 ~ 1993년 2월 11일)은 미국의 배우, 가수, 영화배우이다. 포트워스에서 태어났으며 로스앤젤레스에서 사망하였다.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4049
xsd:gYear 1993
xsd:gYear 1973
xsd:gYear 1945
xsd:gYear 1993

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