Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper an entity of type: Agent

木星極光紅外成像儀(Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper,JIRAM)是前往木星的朱諾號太空船攜帶,由義大利提供的影像光譜儀。在歐洲太空總署(ESA)的羅塞塔號、金星特快車、和卡西尼-惠更斯號任務都有類似的儀器。JIRAM的主要目標是使用波長在2-5μm之間的影像光譜儀研究木星上層大氣層直至氣壓為5-7帕(72-102磅/平方英寸)深處的大氣層 Jupiter's "hot spots" and auroral regions are targeted for study.。 它希望描繪出H+3離子、氨和磷化氫的分布。H+3的氫在地球上非常罕見,但是在宇宙中是非常普通的離子,稱為氫分子合質子或三氫陽離子。 rdf:langString
Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) is an instrument on the Juno spacecraft in orbit of the planet Jupiter. It is an image spectrometer and was contributed by Italy. Similar instruments are on ESA Rosetta, Venus Express, and Cassini-Huygens missions. The primary goal of JIRAM is to probe the upper layers of Jupiter's atmosphere down to pressures of 5–7 bars (72–102 pound/square inch) at infrared wavelengths in the 2–5 μm interval using an imager and a spectrometer. The Jupiter's atmosphere and auroral regions are targeted for study. In particular it has been designed to study the dynamics and chemistry in the atmosphere, perhaps determining the how Jovian hot spots form. rdf:langString
El Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) es un instrumento en la sonda espacial Juno, dedicada al estudio del planeta Júpiter. Es un espectrómetro de imágenes hecho en Italia.​ Instrumentos similares fueron empleados en las misiones Rosetta, Venus Express y Cassini-Huygens.​ El objetivo principal del JIRAM es investigar las capas superiores de la atmósfera de Júpiter hasta una presión de 5–7 bares y en longitudes de onda infrarrojas entre 2-5 μm.​ El JIRAM explorará los «puntos calientes» y las regiones donde se producen auroras en Júpiter.​ rdf:langString
rdf:langString Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper
rdf:langString Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper
rdf:langString 木星極光紅外成像儀
xsd:integer 36685286
xsd:integer 1114414374
rdf:langString El Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) es un instrumento en la sonda espacial Juno, dedicada al estudio del planeta Júpiter. Es un espectrómetro de imágenes hecho en Italia.​ Instrumentos similares fueron empleados en las misiones Rosetta, Venus Express y Cassini-Huygens.​ El objetivo principal del JIRAM es investigar las capas superiores de la atmósfera de Júpiter hasta una presión de 5–7 bares y en longitudes de onda infrarrojas entre 2-5 μm.​ El JIRAM explorará los «puntos calientes» y las regiones donde se producen auroras en Júpiter.​ Se espera encontrar iones de H+3, amoníaco, y fosfano.​ El ion de hidrógeno H+3 es raro en la Tierra, pero es uno de los iones más comunes en el universo y es conocido como hidrógeno molecular protonado.​ No obstante la intensa magnetósfera de Júpiter, se espera que el JIRAM funcione para por lo menos las ocho primeras órbitas.​
rdf:langString Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) is an instrument on the Juno spacecraft in orbit of the planet Jupiter. It is an image spectrometer and was contributed by Italy. Similar instruments are on ESA Rosetta, Venus Express, and Cassini-Huygens missions. The primary goal of JIRAM is to probe the upper layers of Jupiter's atmosphere down to pressures of 5–7 bars (72–102 pound/square inch) at infrared wavelengths in the 2–5 μm interval using an imager and a spectrometer. The Jupiter's atmosphere and auroral regions are targeted for study. In particular it has been designed to study the dynamics and chemistry in the atmosphere, perhaps determining the how Jovian hot spots form. H+3 ions, ammonia, and phosphine can be mapped. The ion of Hydrogen H+3 is rare on Earth, but is one of the most common ions in the universe and known as protonated molecular hydrogen or the trihydrogen cation. Despite the intense magnetosphere of Jupiter, the JIRAM is expected to be operational for at least the first eight orbits. Previously Jupiter was observed by an Infrared imaging spectrometer called NIMS (Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer) on the Galileo Jupiter orbiter. JIRAM was used to observe Earth during its flyby en route to Jupiter. These observations were used to help calibrate the instrument, and the lunar observations were actually a critical planned step in preparing the instrument for observations at Jupiter. The polar orbit of the Juno mission permits to get unprecedented observations of the planet. In particular, the polar regions, that where never observed before Juno, can be observed with high spatial resolution. On August 27, 2016, JIRAM observed Jupiter at infrared wavelengths. The first science observation in space was conducted on Earth's Moon in October 2013. The JIRAM project was started by Professor Angioletta Coradini, however she died in 2011. The instrument was developed from Leonardo under the directions and supervision of the Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetogy (IAPS) which is part of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics and was funded by the Italian Space Agency. Dr. Alberto Adriani of IAPS is presently the responsible of the JIRAM project. In March 2018, results from JIRAM were released showing both the North and south poles have a central cyclone surrounded by addition cyclones. The north cycle was surrounded by 8 cyclones, while the southern cyclone was surrounded by five. By this time Juno had completed 10 close passes for science observations, since arriving in Jupiter's orbit on July 4, 2016. The first science pass occurred on August 28, 2016, and JIRAM was operated during that pass. Various results, including a 3-D movie a flyover of the north pole of Jupiter with JIRAM data were released at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in April 2018.
rdf:langString 木星極光紅外成像儀(Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper,JIRAM)是前往木星的朱諾號太空船攜帶,由義大利提供的影像光譜儀。在歐洲太空總署(ESA)的羅塞塔號、金星特快車、和卡西尼-惠更斯號任務都有類似的儀器。JIRAM的主要目標是使用波長在2-5μm之間的影像光譜儀研究木星上層大氣層直至氣壓為5-7帕(72-102磅/平方英寸)深處的大氣層 Jupiter's "hot spots" and auroral regions are targeted for study.。 它希望描繪出H+3離子、氨和磷化氫的分布。H+3的氫在地球上非常罕見,但是在宇宙中是非常普通的離子,稱為氫分子合質子或三氫陽離子。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 11764

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