John Ross (Cherokee chief) an entity of type: Thing
جون روس (بالإنجليزية: John Ross) (و. 1790 – 1866 م) هو سياسي، من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، ولد في ألاباما، توفي في واشنطن العاصمة، عن عمر يناهز 76 عاماً.
John Ross (* 3. Oktober 1790 in , Alabama; † 1. August 1866 in Washington, D.C.), der auch unter seinem Cherokee-Namen ᎫᏫᏍᎫᏫ Guwisguwi (ein mythologischer Vogel der Cherokee; Cherokee-Transliteration: Koo-wi-s-gu-wi) bekannt war, war von 1828 bis 1860 Oberster Häuptling des indianischen Volkes der Cherokee im Südosten und Westen der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Er führte die Nation der Cherokee während der Vertreibung der Indianer und des Wiederaufbaus der Nation im Indianer-Territorium im heutigen Bundesstaat Oklahoma an.
John Ross , también conocido por su nombre Cheroqui, Kooweskoowe ("La Garza"), fue un cacique principal cheroqui.
John Ross (en cherokee Koowescoowe), né le 3 octobre 1790 et mort le 1er août 1866 à Washington, fut un chef amérindien de père écossais et de mère métis écossaise et un quart cherokee.
ジョン・ロス(英: John Ross、1790年10月3日 - 1866年8月1日)は、グウィスグウィ(神話の鳥、あるいは珍しい渡り鳥)とも呼ばれ、1828年から1860年までのチェロキー族インディアン・ネーションの首長(Principal Chief)である。その民族のモーセとも言われ、開拓、オクラホマへの移住および南北戦争という騒々しい時代に民族を率いた。
Джон Росс (3 октября 1790 — 1 августа 1866), также известный как Гувисгуви (мифологическая, или редкая перелетная птица) — главный вождь племени чероки в 1828—1860 годах. Описанный как Моисей своего народа, Росс возглавлял чероки во время их переселения на индейскую территорию в Оклахому и Американской гражданской войны.
John Ross (Turkeytown (territori Cherokee), Alabama, 3 d'octubre de 1790 - Oklahoma, 1 d'agost de 1866) o Tsan-Usdi (nom Cherokee) o també conegut com a Kooweeskoowee (nom d'un ocell), mestís d'escocès i president de la nació cherokee del 1828 al 1866. Va lluitar a la Guerra del 1812 amb els nord-americans i participà en la batalla de Horseshoe Bend contra els creek. Formà part del Consell Nacional Cherokee des del 1817 i fou un dels inspiradors de la Constitució Cherokee del 1827. Intentà oposar-se al Removal per vies jurídiques legals, però no se'n va sortir, i el president Andrew Jackson l'obligà a marxar a Oklahoma el 1838. Fou un dels organitzadors de la Cherokee Nation a Oklahoma, on hi continuà com a president, però no va poder evitar les lluites internes que l'enfrontaren als Boudi
John Ross (Cherokee: ᎫᏫᏍᎫᏫ, romanized: guwisguwi) (October 3, 1790 – August 1, 1866), (meaning in Cherokee: "Mysterious Little White Bird"), was the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation from 1828 to 1866; he served longer in that position than any other person. Described as the Moses of his people, Ross influenced the nation through such tumultuous events as the relocation to Indian Territory and the American Civil War.
John Ross, noto anche come Guwisguwi (che in Cherokee significa "Misterioso Uccello Bianco"), , è stato il capo dei Cherokee dal 1828 al 1866, ricoprendo questa carica più a lungo di chiunque altro. Definito il Mosè del suo popolo, Ross influenzò l'ex nazione indiana tramite eventi tumultuosi come la deportazione degli indiani e la guerra di secessione americana.
John Ross (ur. 3 października 1790 w Tennessee zm. 1 sierpnia 1866 w Waszyngtonie) wśród Czirokezów znany jako Kooweskoowe – „czapla”, był wodzem Czirokezów, pełniącym tę funkcję od 1827 do śmierci w 1866 roku.
جون روس
John Ross
John Ross (Häuptling)
John Ross
John Ross (capo indiano)
John Ross (Cherokee chief)
John Ross (chef cherokee)
ジョン・ロス (チェロキー)
John Ross (wódz Czirokezów)
Росс, Джон (чероки)
John Ross
John Ross
Ross Cemetery, Cherokee County, Oklahoma
Title ceased to exist
Title re-instated
John Ross ca. 1866
opposition to Treaty of New Echota; Trail of Tears; Union supporter during American Civil War
Mary Brian Stapler
Quatie Brown Henley
John Ross (Turkeytown (territori Cherokee), Alabama, 3 d'octubre de 1790 - Oklahoma, 1 d'agost de 1866) o Tsan-Usdi (nom Cherokee) o també conegut com a Kooweeskoowee (nom d'un ocell), mestís d'escocès i president de la nació cherokee del 1828 al 1866. Va lluitar a la Guerra del 1812 amb els nord-americans i participà en la batalla de Horseshoe Bend contra els creek. Formà part del Consell Nacional Cherokee des del 1817 i fou un dels inspiradors de la Constitució Cherokee del 1827. Intentà oposar-se al Removal per vies jurídiques legals, però no se'n va sortir, i el president Andrew Jackson l'obligà a marxar a Oklahoma el 1838. Fou un dels organitzadors de la Cherokee Nation a Oklahoma, on hi continuà com a president, però no va poder evitar les lluites internes que l'enfrontaren als Boudinot, als Watie i als Ridge. Durant la Guerra civil nord-americana donà suport als Estats Confederats d'Amèrica juntament amb els creek, però el 1862 foren derrotats i invadits per les tropes federades. Ross es rendí i fou breument empresonat. Tot i així, continuà com a president cherokee fins a la seva mort.
جون روس (بالإنجليزية: John Ross) (و. 1790 – 1866 م) هو سياسي، من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، ولد في ألاباما، توفي في واشنطن العاصمة، عن عمر يناهز 76 عاماً.
John Ross (* 3. Oktober 1790 in , Alabama; † 1. August 1866 in Washington, D.C.), der auch unter seinem Cherokee-Namen ᎫᏫᏍᎫᏫ Guwisguwi (ein mythologischer Vogel der Cherokee; Cherokee-Transliteration: Koo-wi-s-gu-wi) bekannt war, war von 1828 bis 1860 Oberster Häuptling des indianischen Volkes der Cherokee im Südosten und Westen der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Er führte die Nation der Cherokee während der Vertreibung der Indianer und des Wiederaufbaus der Nation im Indianer-Territorium im heutigen Bundesstaat Oklahoma an.
John Ross (Cherokee: ᎫᏫᏍᎫᏫ, romanized: guwisguwi) (October 3, 1790 – August 1, 1866), (meaning in Cherokee: "Mysterious Little White Bird"), was the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation from 1828 to 1866; he served longer in that position than any other person. Described as the Moses of his people, Ross influenced the nation through such tumultuous events as the relocation to Indian Territory and the American Civil War. Ross was the son of a Cherokee mother and a Scottish father. His mother and maternal grandmother were each of mixed Scots-Cherokee ancestry but brought up in Cherokee culture, which is matrilineal. His maternal grandfather was a Scottish immigrant. At the time among the matrilineal Cherokee, children born to a Cherokee mother were considered part of her family and clan; they gained their social status from their mother. The Cherokee absorbed mixed-race descendants born to its women. As a result, young John was raised to identify as Cherokee, while also learning about colonial British society; he was bilingual and bicultural. His parents sent him for formal schooling to institutions that served other mixed-race Cherokee. (According to blood quantum policy of modern times, he would be counted as one-eighth Cherokee, but this misses how he identified and was acculturated.) After graduation, Ross was appointed as a US Indian agent in 1811. During the War of 1812, he served as adjutant of a Cherokee regiment under the command of Andrew Jackson. After the Red Stick War ended, what was effectively a civil war among Cherokee, Ross started a tobacco plantation in Tennessee. In 1816, he built a warehouse and trading post on the Tennessee River north of the mouth of Chattanooga Creek, and started a ferry service that carried passengers from the south side of the river (Cherokee Nation) to the north side (USA). His businesses served as the start of a community known as Ross's Landing on the Tennessee River (now Chattanooga, Tennessee). Concurrently, Ross developed a keen interest in Cherokee politics and attracted the attention of the Cherokee elders, especially Principal Chiefs Pathkiller and Charles R. Hicks. Together with Major Ridge, they became his political mentors. Ross first went to Washington, DC, in 1816 as part of a Cherokee delegation to negotiate issues of national boundaries, land ownership, and white encroachment. As the only delegate fluent in English, Ross became the principal negotiator despite his relative youth. When he returned to the Cherokee Nation in 1817, he was elected to the National Council. He became council president in the following year. The majority of the council were men like Ross: wealthy, educated, English-speaking, and of mixed blood. Even the traditionalist full-blood Cherokee perceived that he had the skills necessary to contest the whites' demands that the Cherokee cede their land and move beyond the Mississippi River. In that position, Ross's first action was to reject an offer of $200,000 from the US Indian agent made for the Cherokee to relocate voluntarily. Thereafter Ross made more trips to Washington, even as white demands intensified. In 1824, Ross boldly petitioned Congress for redress of Cherokee grievances, which made the Cherokee the first tribe ever to do so. Along the way, Ross built political support in the US capital for the Cherokee cause. Both Pathkiller and Charles R. Hicks died in January 1827. Hicks's brother, William, was appointed interim chief. Ross and Major Ridge shared responsibilities for the affairs of the tribe. Because William did not impress the Cherokee as a leader, they elected Ross as permanent principal chief in October 1828, a position that he held until his death. The problem of removal split the Cherokee Nation politically. Ross, backed by the vast majority, tried repeatedly to stop white political powers from forcing the tribe to move. He led a faction that became known as the National Party. Others, who came to believe that further resistance would be futile, wanted to seek the best settlement they could get and formed the "Treaty Party," or "Ridge Party," led by Major Ridge. The much smaller Treaty Party negotiated with the United States and signed the Treaty of New Echota on December 29, 1835, which required the Cherokee to leave by 1838. Neither Chief Ross nor the national council ever approved this treaty, but the US government regarded it as valid. Ross and tens of thousands of traditional Cherokee people objected and voted against complying with an invalid treaty, which had been supported by a few hundred mostly assimilated Cherokee. To enforce the treaty, the US government ordered the US Army to move those who did not depart by 1838; they rounded up all the people from numerous villages and towns and accompanied them to the west. This action has since been known as the "Trail of Tears," both for the loss of their homeland and thousands of lives. Some Cherokee remained in the wilderness to evade the army, and that remnant became the ancestors of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. About one fourth of the Cherokee who were forced to move died along the trail, including Ross's wife, Quatie. Ross attempted to restore political unity after his people reached Indian Territory. Opponents of removal assassinated the leaders of the Treaty Party; Stand Watie escaped and became Ross's most implacable foe. The issue of slavery soon refueled the old divisions. The Treaty Party became known as the "Southern Party," but the National Party largely became the "Union Party." Ross initially counseled neutrality, since he believed that joining in the "white man's war" would be disastrous for the future unity of their tribe. After the Union forces abandoned their forts in Indian Territory, Ross reversed himself and signed a treaty with the Confederacy. He later fled to Union-held Kansas, and Stand Watie became the de facto chief. The Confederates lost the war, Watie became the last Confederate general to surrender, and Ross returned to his post as principal chief. The US required the Five Civilized Tribes to negotiate new peace treaties after the war. Ross made another trip to Washington, DC, for this purpose, and died there on August 1, 1866.
John Ross , también conocido por su nombre Cheroqui, Kooweskoowe ("La Garza"), fue un cacique principal cheroqui.
John Ross (en cherokee Koowescoowe), né le 3 octobre 1790 et mort le 1er août 1866 à Washington, fut un chef amérindien de père écossais et de mère métis écossaise et un quart cherokee.
ジョン・ロス(英: John Ross、1790年10月3日 - 1866年8月1日)は、グウィスグウィ(神話の鳥、あるいは珍しい渡り鳥)とも呼ばれ、1828年から1860年までのチェロキー族インディアン・ネーションの首長(Principal Chief)である。その民族のモーセとも言われ、開拓、オクラホマへの移住および南北戦争という騒々しい時代に民族を率いた。
John Ross, noto anche come Guwisguwi (che in Cherokee significa "Misterioso Uccello Bianco"), , è stato il capo dei Cherokee dal 1828 al 1866, ricoprendo questa carica più a lungo di chiunque altro. Definito il Mosè del suo popolo, Ross influenzò l'ex nazione indiana tramite eventi tumultuosi come la deportazione degli indiani e la guerra di secessione americana. John Ross era Cherokee solo per un ottavo, figlio di una madre in parte Cherokee e di un padre scozzese. La madre e la nonna materna avevano una discendenza scozzese-Cherokee, dato che anche il nonno materno era un immigrato scozzese. Per questo il giovane John era bilingue e biculturale, esperienza che gli servì nel momento in cui i genitori decisero di mandarlo in scuole di mezzosangue Cherokee. Dopo il diploma fu nominato agente indiano nel 1811. Durante la guerra anglo-americana fu aiutante di un reggimento Cherokee comandato da Andrew Jackson. Dopo la fine della guerra Creek Ross dimostrò il suo acume per gli affari fondando una ditta di tabacco nel Tennessee. Nel 1816 fondò una comunità cota come Ross' Landing sul fiume Tennessee (odierna Chattanooga, Tennessee). Qui costruì un magazzino ed una stazione di posta, oltre ad avviare un servizio di traghetti. Contemporaneamente John Ross sviluppò un interesse nelle politiche Cherokee, attirando l'attenzione degli anziani Cherokee e soprattutto dei capi Pathkiller e Charles R. Hicks che, assieme a , divennero i suoi mentori politici. Ross si recò la prima volta a Washington nel 1816 con una delegazione Cherokee per negoziare un problema di confini nazionali, di proprietà di terre e di invasione dei bianchi. Essendo l'unico della delegazione a parlare fluentemente l'inglese, Ross divenne il principale negoziatore, nonostante la giovane età. Quando nel 1817 tornò dai Cherokee fu eletto nel consiglio nazionale. Ne divenne presidente l'anno seguente. La maggioranza del consiglio era composto da uomini come Ross, che era ricco, istruito, parlava inglese ed era di sangue misto. Anche i tradizionalisti Cherokee di sangue puro capirono che aveva le qualità necessarie per contrastare la richiesta dei bianchi secondo i quali i Cherokee avrebbero dovuto cedere la loro terra e spostarsi oltre il fiume Mississippi. Il primo impegno di Ross fu il rifiuto di un'offerta di 200 000 dollari per accettare lo spostamento. In seguito Ross effettuò più viaggi a Washington. Nel 1824 Ross chiese al Congresso un risarcimento per le ingiustizie subite dai Cherokee, e fu la prima volta che una tribù indiana osò tanto. Lungo la strada Ross costruì un sostegno politico nella capitale a favore della causa Cherokee. Sia Pathkiller che Charles R. Hicks morirono nel gennaio del 1827. Il fratello di Hicks, William, fu nominato capo ad interim. Ross e Major Ridge condivisero le responsabilità degli affari della tribù. William Hicks non impressionò i Cherokees come capo. Questi elessero Ross come capo permanente nell'ottobre del 1828. Rimase in carica fino alla morte. Il problema della deportazione spaccò politicamente la nazione Cherokee. Ross, sostenuto dalla maggioranza, cercò continuamente di bloccare l'azione dei bianchi. Divennero famosi come Partito Nazionale. Coloro che ritenevano inutile ogni resistenza avrebbero voluto cercare il miglior spostamento possibile. Questi formarono il "Partito del Trattato" o "Partito di Ridge", guidato da Major Ridge. Il Partito del Trattato fu convinto a firmare il 29 dicembre 1835 il trattato di New Echota, col quale si chiedeva ai Cherokees di andarsene entro il 1838. Né Ross né il consiglio approvarono, ma il governo federale considerava valido il trattato. Avrebbe mandato un esercito a cacciare coloro che non sarebbero partiti entro il 1838, con un'azione divenuta poi nota come "Sentiero delle lacrime". Circa un quarto dei Cherokee obbligati a spostarsi morirono lungo la strada, compresa la moglie di Ross, Quatie. Ross cercò inutilmente di restaurare l'unità politica dopo l'arrivo nel territorio indiano. Sconosciuti assassinarono i capi del Partito del Trattato, tranne Stand Watie che fuggì e diventò il più terribile nemico di Ross. Dopo poco il problema dello schiavismo rinfocolò la vecchia divisione. Il Partito del Trattato si trasformò in "Partito Meridionale", mentre il Partito Nazionale divenne il "Partito dell'Unione". Inizialmente Ross predicava la neutralità, credendo che unirsi alla "guerra dei bianchi" sarebbe stato disastroso per la tribù. Dopo che le forze dell'Unione ebbero abbandonato le fortezze in territorio indiano, Ross cambiò idea e firmò un trattato con la Confederazione. In seguito fuggì in Kansas e Stand Watie divenne il capo de facto. I Confederati persero la guerra, Watie fu l'ultimo generale confederato ad arrendersi, e Ross tornò a ricoprire il ruolo di capo. Posto di fronte alla negoziazione del trattato di ricostruzione con gli Stati Uniti d'America, fece un nuovo viaggio a Washington dove morì il 1º agosto 1866.
John Ross (ur. 3 października 1790 w Tennessee zm. 1 sierpnia 1866 w Waszyngtonie) wśród Czirokezów znany jako Kooweskoowe – „czapla”, był wodzem Czirokezów, pełniącym tę funkcję od 1827 do śmierci w 1866 roku. Urodził się w Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. Jego ojciec był Szkotem, jego matka była pochodzenia szkocko-indiańskiego. Między 1819 a 1866 rokiem, Czirokezi – jeden z tzw. Pięciu Cywilizowanych Narodów północnoamerykańskich Indian – stali się państwem narodowym, stracili swoją ojczystą ziemię w okolicach New Echota w Georgii, przetrwali wysiedlenie tzw. Szlakiem Łez na Terytorium Indiańskie za rzeką Missisipi, i przecierpieli niszczycielską wojnę domową w USA. Poprzez te lata, Ross był górującą postacią polityczną, rywalizującą z takimi liderami Czirokezów, jak czy Elias Boudinot, przywódcą niewielkiego indiańskiego narodu usiłującym w dramatycznych nierzadko okolicznościach bronić jego odrębności i niezależności od znacznie potężniejszego sąsiada.
Джон Росс (3 октября 1790 — 1 августа 1866), также известный как Гувисгуви (мифологическая, или редкая перелетная птица) — главный вождь племени чероки в 1828—1860 годах. Описанный как Моисей своего народа, Росс возглавлял чероки во время их переселения на индейскую территорию в Оклахому и Американской гражданской войны.
Great-granddaughter Mary G. Ross; Nephew William P. Ross; Niece Mary Jane (Ross) Ross