
http://dbpedia.org/resource/J.D.s an entity of type: WikicatCanadianLGBT-relatedMagazines

J.D.s is a queer punk zine founded and co-published in Toronto, Ontario, Canada by G. B. Jones and Bruce LaBruce, that ran for eight issues from 1985 to 1991. " J.D.s is seen by many to be the catalyst that pushed the queercore scene into existence", writes Amy Spencer in DIY: The Rise of Lo-Fi Culture. Writing in the journal C: International Contemporary Art, Earl Miller calls J.D.s "tremendously influential." Zines such as Homocore and Fanorama, among others, credit J.D.s with inspiring them to begin publishing. rdf:langString
J.D.s — квір-панк журнал, заснований і спільно виданий у Канаді, Торонто, Онтаріо, Дж. Б. Джонсом і Брюсом Лабрюсом, у якому було випущено вісім номерів з 1985 по 1991 рік. у DIY: The Rise of Lo-Fi Culture писала: «Багато хто вважає JDs каталізатором, який підштовхнув квіркор-сцену до існування». Пишучи в журналі C: International Contemporary Art, Ерл Міллер називає JDs «надзвичайно впливовими». rdf:langString
rdf:langString J.D.s
rdf:langString J.D.s
xsd:integer 1859218
xsd:integer 1104456337
rdf:langString J.D.s is a queer punk zine founded and co-published in Toronto, Ontario, Canada by G. B. Jones and Bruce LaBruce, that ran for eight issues from 1985 to 1991. " J.D.s is seen by many to be the catalyst that pushed the queercore scene into existence", writes Amy Spencer in DIY: The Rise of Lo-Fi Culture. Writing in the journal C: International Contemporary Art, Earl Miller calls J.D.s "tremendously influential." After the initial release of the first few issues of J.D.s, the editors wrote a manifesto called "Don't Be Gay" which was featured in Maximum RocknRoll zine. According to Amy Spencer, "The article appeared in February 1989 and simultaneously attacked both punk and gay subcultures..." G. B. Jones states, "Our goal, vis-à-vis the punk scene, was to antagonize." Spencer continues, "Following their article, a queer punk culture did begin to emerge." The editors had initially chosen the appellation "homocore" to describe the movement they began, but later replaced the word 'homo' with 'queer' to create Queercore, to better reflect the diversity of the scene and to disassociate themselves completely from the oppressive confines of the gay and lesbian communities' orthodoxy and agenda. G.B. Jones says, "We were just as eager to provoke the gays and lesbians as we were the punks." According to Bruce LaBruce, J.D.s initially stood for juvenile delinquents, but "also encompassed such youth cult icons as James Dean and J. D. Salinger." The zine featured the photos and the Tom Girl drawings of G.B. Jones, stories by Bruce LaBruce, and the "J.D.s Top Ten Homocore Hits", a list of queer-themed songs such as "Off-Duty Sailor" by The Dicks, "Only Loved At Night" by The Raincoats, "Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)" by The Leather Nun, "Homophobia" by Victim's Family, "I, Bloodbrother Be" by Shock Headed Peters, "The Anal Staircase" by Coil and many more. Groups like Anti-Scrunti Faction were featured in the fanzine. Contributors included Donny the Punk, comic artist Anonymous Boy, author Dennis Cooper, artist Carrie McNinch, musician Anita Smith, punk drag performer Vaginal Davis and Klaus and Jena von Brücker. Zines such as Homocore and Fanorama, among others, credit J.D.s with inspiring them to begin publishing. In 1990, J.D.s released the first compilation of queercore songs, a cassette tape entitled J.D.s Top Ten Homocore Hit Parade Tape, which featured the groups The Apostles, Academy 23 and from the UK, Fifth Column, Zuzu's Petals and from Canada, , Big Man, and Nikki Parasite of The Parasites from the U.S. and, from New Zealand, . Also in 1990, and '91, G.B. Jones and Bruce LaBruce began presenting J.D.s movie nights. These happened in London in the UK, in San Francisco, and at Hallwalls in Buffalo in the U.S., and in Montreal, and Toronto in Canada with the editors and various contributors showing films, all made on extremely low budgets on Super 8 film, such as Jones' The Troublemakers and LaBruce's Boy, Girl and Bruce and Pepper Wayne Gacy's Home Movies.
rdf:langString J.D.s — квір-панк журнал, заснований і спільно виданий у Канаді, Торонто, Онтаріо, Дж. Б. Джонсом і Брюсом Лабрюсом, у якому було випущено вісім номерів з 1985 по 1991 рік. у DIY: The Rise of Lo-Fi Culture писала: «Багато хто вважає JDs каталізатором, який підштовхнув квіркор-сцену до існування». Пишучи в журналі C: International Contemporary Art, Ерл Міллер називає JDs «надзвичайно впливовими». Після випуску перших кількох номерів J.D.s редактори написали маніфест під назвою «Не будь геєм», який був представлений у журналі . За словами Емі Спенсер, «стаття з’явилася в лютому 1989 року і одночасно нападала як на панк, так і на гей-субкультури...» та «після їхньої статті дійсно почала з’являтися квір-панк-культура». Дж. Б. Джонс стверджував: «Нашою метою по відношенню до панк-сцени було протистояти».
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 7058

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