Ivar Afzelius
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Johan Fredrik Ivar Afzelius (Uppsala, 1848 - ?, 30 oktober 1921) was een Zweeds jurist en politicus.Afzelius studeerde rechten aan de universiteiten van Uppsala, Leipzig en Göttingen, en werd in 1879 aangesteld om te doceren in Uppsala. Van 1891 tot 1902 was hij rechter in het Zweedse Hooggerechtshof. Hij was parlemantariër in de Eerste Kamer van de Zweedse Rijksdag van 1898 tot 1903 en van 1905 tot 1915, waarbij hij ook voorzitter van de rijksdag was van 1912 tot 1915. Vanaf 1905 was hij lid van het Permanent Hof van Arbitrage in Den Haag In 1907 werd hij (tot zijn dood in 1921) lid van de Zweedse Academie, waar hij opvolgde op zetel 4. Van 1910 tot 1918 was hij voorzitter van het hoftribunaal (Svea). Voorts was hij langs moederszijde een kleinzoon van .
Johan Fredrik Ivar Afzelius (i riksdagen kallad Afzelius i Stockholm), född 15 oktober 1848 i Uppsala, död 30 oktober 1921 i Stockholm, var en svensk jurist och politiker.
Йохан Фредрик Ивар Афселиус (швед. Ivar Afzelius; 15 октября 1848, Уппсала — 30 октября 1921, Стокгольм) — шведский политический и общественный деятель, юрист, судья, член Риксдага Швеции, спикер Первой палаты риксдага (1912—1915), педагог. Доктор юридических наук (1877). Член Шведской академии (1907—1921), Шведской королевской академия наук (с 1907). Один из выдающихся юристов Швеции своего времени.
Ivar Afzelius (15 October 1848, Uppsala – 30 October 1921) was a Swedish jurist and politician. Having studied law at the universities of Uppsala, Leipzig and Göttingen, he was appointed to teach process law at Uppsala in 1879. Bernhard Windscheid was one of his teachers. From 1891 to 1902, he was a justice in the Supreme Court of Sweden, 1898–1903 and 1905–1915 a member of the Riksdag, whose first chamber, the Senate, he presided in 1913–1915. Since 1905, he was a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, and president of the Svea Court of Appeal in 1910–1918.
Ivar Afzelius (15 de outubro de 1848, Upsália – 30 de outubro de 1921) foi um jurista e político sueco. Após haver estudado direito na Universidade de Upsália, Leipzig e Göttingen, ele foi nomeado professor de direito processual, em Upsália, em 1879. Bernhard Windscheid foi um dos seus professores. De 1891 e 1902, ele foi juiz do Supremo Tribunal da Suécia, de 1898 a 1903 e de 1905 a 1915 um membro do Riksdag, cuja primeira câmara, o Senado, foi presidida por ele de 1913 a 1915. A partir de 1905, ele foi membro da Corte Permanente de Arbitragem na Haia, e o presidente do Tribunal de Recursos de Svea, de 1910 a 1918.
Ivar Afzelius
Ivar Afzelius
Ivar Afzelius
Афселиус, Ивар
Ivar Afzelius
Ivar Afzelius (15 October 1848, Uppsala – 30 October 1921) was a Swedish jurist and politician. Having studied law at the universities of Uppsala, Leipzig and Göttingen, he was appointed to teach process law at Uppsala in 1879. Bernhard Windscheid was one of his teachers. From 1891 to 1902, he was a justice in the Supreme Court of Sweden, 1898–1903 and 1905–1915 a member of the Riksdag, whose first chamber, the Senate, he presided in 1913–1915. Since 1905, he was a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, and president of the Svea Court of Appeal in 1910–1918. Afzelius is remembered as a precursor of a pan-Scandinavic legislative endeavour, especially the laws of the sea. He has been characterised as the prototype of an idealistic jurist in the liberal state. Still, he sought to link Swedish legal traditions to modern (especially German) dogmatic thought, whose reception in Sweden was strongly furthered by his authority. He was made a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1905, and of the Swedish Academy in 1907, on seat 4. Afzelius was a member of the men's association Sällskapet Idun.
Johan Fredrik Ivar Afzelius (Uppsala, 1848 - ?, 30 oktober 1921) was een Zweeds jurist en politicus.Afzelius studeerde rechten aan de universiteiten van Uppsala, Leipzig en Göttingen, en werd in 1879 aangesteld om te doceren in Uppsala. Van 1891 tot 1902 was hij rechter in het Zweedse Hooggerechtshof. Hij was parlemantariër in de Eerste Kamer van de Zweedse Rijksdag van 1898 tot 1903 en van 1905 tot 1915, waarbij hij ook voorzitter van de rijksdag was van 1912 tot 1915. Vanaf 1905 was hij lid van het Permanent Hof van Arbitrage in Den Haag In 1907 werd hij (tot zijn dood in 1921) lid van de Zweedse Academie, waar hij opvolgde op zetel 4. Van 1910 tot 1918 was hij voorzitter van het hoftribunaal (Svea). Voorts was hij langs moederszijde een kleinzoon van .
Johan Fredrik Ivar Afzelius (i riksdagen kallad Afzelius i Stockholm), född 15 oktober 1848 i Uppsala, död 30 oktober 1921 i Stockholm, var en svensk jurist och politiker.
Йохан Фредрик Ивар Афселиус (швед. Ivar Afzelius; 15 октября 1848, Уппсала — 30 октября 1921, Стокгольм) — шведский политический и общественный деятель, юрист, судья, член Риксдага Швеции, спикер Первой палаты риксдага (1912—1915), педагог. Доктор юридических наук (1877). Член Шведской академии (1907—1921), Шведской королевской академия наук (с 1907). Один из выдающихся юристов Швеции своего времени.
Ivar Afzelius (15 de outubro de 1848, Upsália – 30 de outubro de 1921) foi um jurista e político sueco. Após haver estudado direito na Universidade de Upsália, Leipzig e Göttingen, ele foi nomeado professor de direito processual, em Upsália, em 1879. Bernhard Windscheid foi um dos seus professores. De 1891 e 1902, ele foi juiz do Supremo Tribunal da Suécia, de 1898 a 1903 e de 1905 a 1915 um membro do Riksdag, cuja primeira câmara, o Senado, foi presidida por ele de 1913 a 1915. A partir de 1905, ele foi membro da Corte Permanente de Arbitragem na Haia, e o presidente do Tribunal de Recursos de Svea, de 1910 a 1918. Afzelius é lembrado por ter sido um precursor dos esforços legislativos pan-escandinavos, especialmente das leis do mar. Ele foi caracterizado como o protótipo de um jurista idealista em um estado liberal. Ainda assim, ele procurou ligar as tradições suecas ao pensamento dogmático (principalmente alemão), cuja recepção na Suécia foi fortemente promovido por sua autoridade. Ele foi membro da Academia Real de Ciências, em 1905, e da Academia sueca , em 1907.