Irish College at Salamanca an entity of type: Thing

The Irish College at Salamanca was founded by Rev. Thomas White, formerly of Clonmel, Ireland, in 1592 to house the students of that country who came to Salamanca due to the English persecution of the Catholics. The students resided at the college while attending lectures at the University of Salamanca. rdf:langString
Ionad foghlama sa Spáinn ab ea Coláiste na nGael. Bunaíodh Coláiste na nGael in Salamanca faoi choimirce Pilib II na Spáinne, fear a bhi chun tosaigh i bhfeachtas an Fhrith-Reifirméisin. Oideachas agus oiliúint ábhar sagairt a bhí le fáil in Salamanca. Bhí ar na mic léinn móid a ghlacadh go bhfillfidis ar Éirinn tar éis oirnithe dóibh rdf:langString
rdf:langString Coláiste na nGael (Salamanca)
rdf:langString Irish College at Salamanca
xsd:integer 40544733
xsd:integer 1113517007
rdf:langString The Irish College at Salamanca was founded by Rev. Thomas White, formerly of Clonmel, Ireland, in 1592 to house the students of that country who came to Salamanca due to the English persecution of the Catholics. The students resided at the college while attending lectures at the University of Salamanca.
rdf:langString Ionad foghlama sa Spáinn ab ea Coláiste na nGael. Bunaíodh Coláiste na nGael in Salamanca faoi choimirce Pilib II na Spáinne, fear a bhi chun tosaigh i bhfeachtas an Fhrith-Reifirméisin. Oideachas agus oiliúint ábhar sagairt a bhí le fáil in Salamanca. Bhí ar na mic léinn móid a ghlacadh go bhfillfidis ar Éirinn tar éis oirnithe dóibh
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 11005

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