Investment trust

投資信託(とうししんたく)は、多数の投資家から販売会社を通じて拠出された資金を、運用会社に属する資産運用の専門家(ファンドマネージャー、ポートフォリオマネージャー)が、株式や債券、金融派生商品などの金融資産、あるいは不動産などに投資するよう運用を指図し、運用成果を投資家に還元する金融商品。運用による利益・損失は投資家に帰属する。投資信託は第二項有価証券とは流動性のあることで異なる第一項有価証券である。 rdf:langString
信托投资基金也叫投资信托、投信,即集合不特定投资者的资金,并委托专家代为投资,使其减少投资风险、分享投资收益的一种信托形式,基金投资对象包括有价证券和实业。 投资信托起源于19世纪的英国,当时正值工业革命时期,亦是帝国主义兴盛的时期,英国为极力扩张殖民地版图,并谋求海外投资更高之报酬,遂由政府出面组成投资公司,委托专业人士代为投资,分散风险,使中小投资者和大型投资者皆能享受国际投资的高报酬。位于大西洋西岸的美国则于第二次大战之后才迅速地发展,到了1987年时已成长到七千亿美元。日本则是在1954年开始蓬勃发展共同基金。 目前,不少富豪把家族的投资包括有价证券和实业等,注入家族信托投资基金,用以防止家族成員爭奪家產,及保障家族成員的生活质量等功能。 rdf:langString
An investment trust is a form of investment fund found mostly in the United Kingdom and Japan. Investment trusts are constituted as public limited companies and are therefore closed ended since the fund managers cannot redeem or create shares. The first investment trust was the Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust, started in 1868 "to give the investor of moderate means the same advantages as the large capitalists in diminishing the risk by spreading the investment over a number of stocks". In many respects, the investment trust was the progenitor of the investment company in the U.S. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Investment trust
rdf:langString 投資信託
rdf:langString 信托基金
xsd:integer 851675
xsd:integer 1091773220
rdf:langString An investment trust is a form of investment fund found mostly in the United Kingdom and Japan. Investment trusts are constituted as public limited companies and are therefore closed ended since the fund managers cannot redeem or create shares. The first investment trust was the Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust, started in 1868 "to give the investor of moderate means the same advantages as the large capitalists in diminishing the risk by spreading the investment over a number of stocks". In many respects, the investment trust was the progenitor of the investment company in the U.S. The name is somewhat misleading, given that (according to law) an investment "trust" is not in fact a "trust" in the legal sense at all, but a separate legal person or a company. This matters for the fiduciary duties owed by the board of directors and the equitable ownership of the fund's assets. In the United Kingdom, the term "investment trust" has a strict meaning under tax law. However, the term is more commonly used within the UK to include any closed-ended investment company, including venture capital trusts (VCTs). The Association of Investment Companies is the trade association representing investment trusts and VCTs. In Japan, investment trusts are called trust accounts (信託口, shintaku-guchi); the largest stockholder of many public companies are usually trust banks handling the investment trusts, the largest being the Japan Trustee Services Bank, The Master Trust Bank of Japan and the Trust & Custody Services Bank.
rdf:langString 投資信託(とうししんたく)は、多数の投資家から販売会社を通じて拠出された資金を、運用会社に属する資産運用の専門家(ファンドマネージャー、ポートフォリオマネージャー)が、株式や債券、金融派生商品などの金融資産、あるいは不動産などに投資するよう運用を指図し、運用成果を投資家に還元する金融商品。運用による利益・損失は投資家に帰属する。投資信託は第二項有価証券とは流動性のあることで異なる第一項有価証券である。
rdf:langString 信托投资基金也叫投资信托、投信,即集合不特定投资者的资金,并委托专家代为投资,使其减少投资风险、分享投资收益的一种信托形式,基金投资对象包括有价证券和实业。 投资信托起源于19世纪的英国,当时正值工业革命时期,亦是帝国主义兴盛的时期,英国为极力扩张殖民地版图,并谋求海外投资更高之报酬,遂由政府出面组成投资公司,委托专业人士代为投资,分散风险,使中小投资者和大型投资者皆能享受国际投资的高报酬。位于大西洋西岸的美国则于第二次大战之后才迅速地发展,到了1987年时已成长到七千亿美元。日本则是在1954年开始蓬勃发展共同基金。 目前,不少富豪把家族的投资包括有价证券和实业等,注入家族信托投资基金,用以防止家族成員爭奪家產,及保障家族成員的生活质量等功能。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 12698

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