International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration an entity of type: WikicatBioinformaticsOrganizations
Die Internationale Nukleotidsequenz-Datenbank-Zusammenarbeit, engl. International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), verfolgt das Ziel, die Inhalte des European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) vom Europäischen Bioinformatik-Institut (EBI), der GenBank des National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA) und der DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) vom National Institute of Genetics (Japan) aufeinander abzustimmen und ihre Pflege zu koordinieren. Alle drei Datenbanken erfassen Nukleotidsequenzdaten und stellen sie mit Annotation bereit. Ihre Inhalte werden täglich synchronisiert. Die INSDC entstand 1992.
La International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration o in italiano:Base di dati collaborativa internazionale sulle sequenze di nucleotidi (in sigla: INSDC) consiste in un sforzo congiunto per raccogliere le sequenze di DNA e RNA presenti in diverse basi di dati.Coinvolge le seguenti basi di dati: (Giappone), GenBank (USA) e lo (Regno Unito)
La Col·laboració Internacional de Base de Dades de Seqüències de Nucleòtids (INSDC) és una iniciativa on participen la DNA DataBank del Japó (DDBJ), l'Arxiu Europeu de Nucleòtids (ENA), l' (EMBL-EBI) i el Centre Nacional per la Informació de Biotecnologia (NCBI).
The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) consists of a joint effort to collect and disseminate databases containing DNA and RNA sequences. It involves the following computerized databases: DNA Data Bank of Japan (Japan), GenBank (USA) and the European Nucleotide Archive (UK). New and updated data on nucleotide sequences contributed by research teams to each of the three databases are synchronized on a daily basis through continuous interaction between the staff at each the collaborating organizations.
Col·laboració Internacional de Base de Dades de Seqüències de Nucleòtids (INSDC)
Internationale Nukleotidsequenz-Datenbank-Zusammenarbeit
International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration
International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration
La Col·laboració Internacional de Base de Dades de Seqüències de Nucleòtids (INSDC) és una iniciativa on participen la DNA DataBank del Japó (DDBJ), l'Arxiu Europeu de Nucleòtids (ENA), l' (EMBL-EBI) i el Centre Nacional per la Informació de Biotecnologia (NCBI). L'objectiu d'aquesta col·laboració consisteix en recopilar i difondre bases de dades que contenen seqüències d'ADN i ARN. El personal de cada organització col·laboradora està en constant interacció per a garantir la sincronització entre les bases de dades i poder tenir les dades noves sobre seqüències de nucleòtids aportades pels equips de recerca actualitzades.
Die Internationale Nukleotidsequenz-Datenbank-Zusammenarbeit, engl. International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), verfolgt das Ziel, die Inhalte des European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) vom Europäischen Bioinformatik-Institut (EBI), der GenBank des National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA) und der DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) vom National Institute of Genetics (Japan) aufeinander abzustimmen und ihre Pflege zu koordinieren. Alle drei Datenbanken erfassen Nukleotidsequenzdaten und stellen sie mit Annotation bereit. Ihre Inhalte werden täglich synchronisiert. Die INSDC entstand 1992.
The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) consists of a joint effort to collect and disseminate databases containing DNA and RNA sequences. It involves the following computerized databases: DNA Data Bank of Japan (Japan), GenBank (USA) and the European Nucleotide Archive (UK). New and updated data on nucleotide sequences contributed by research teams to each of the three databases are synchronized on a daily basis through continuous interaction between the staff at each the collaborating organizations. All of the data in INSDC is available for free and unrestricted access, for any purpose, with no restrictions on analysis, redistribution, or re-publication of the data. This policy has been a foundational principle of the INSDC since its inception. The official policy statement can be found at Since the 1990s, most of the world's major scientific journals have required that sequence data be deposited in an INSDC database as a pre-condition for publication. The DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank synchronization is maintained according to a number of guidelines which are produced and published by an International Advisory Board. The guidelines consist of a common definition of the feature tables for the databases, which regulate the content and syntax of the database entries, in the form of a common DTD (Document Type Definition). The syntax is called INSDSeq and its core consists of the letter sequence of the gene expression (amino acid sequence) and the letter sequence for nucleotide bases in the gene or decoded segment. In a DBFetch operation shows a typical INSD entry at the EBI database; the same entry at NCBI.
La International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration o in italiano:Base di dati collaborativa internazionale sulle sequenze di nucleotidi (in sigla: INSDC) consiste in un sforzo congiunto per raccogliere le sequenze di DNA e RNA presenti in diverse basi di dati.Coinvolge le seguenti basi di dati: (Giappone), GenBank (USA) e lo (Regno Unito)