Infamous Decree an entity of type: Abstraction100002137
Le décret infâme est le surnom donné au troisième des décrets institués par Napoléon Ier le 17 mars 1808 pour intégrer les Juifs dans la société française. Ce décret vise uniquement les juifs de l'Est. Par contre ceux « établis à Bordeaux et dans les départements de la Gironde et des Landes, n'ayant donné lieu à aucune plainte et ne se livrant pas à un trafic illicite », n'y sont pas soumis. Les juifs de Paris en furent également exclus (le 26 avril 1808).
On March 17, 1808, Napoleon made three decrees in a failed attempt to promote the equality of Jews and integrate them into French society, building on the Jewish Emancipation of 1790–1791. The Infamous Decree, the third of the three decrees, had adverse effects. Although its aim was to grant equal citizenship, it restricted Jewish money lending (Catholics were not permitted to commit acts of usury, that is, the charging of interest as profit on loans), annulled all debts owed to Jews by married women, minors and soldiers and voided any loan that had interest rates exceeding 10 percent, and limited the residency of new Jewish peoples in France by restricting their business activities, while allowing work in agriculture and craftsmanship. The combination of these decrees severely weakened th
Infamous Decree
Décret infâme
On March 17, 1808, Napoleon made three decrees in a failed attempt to promote the equality of Jews and integrate them into French society, building on the Jewish Emancipation of 1790–1791. The Infamous Decree, the third of the three decrees, had adverse effects. Although its aim was to grant equal citizenship, it restricted Jewish money lending (Catholics were not permitted to commit acts of usury, that is, the charging of interest as profit on loans), annulled all debts owed to Jews by married women, minors and soldiers and voided any loan that had interest rates exceeding 10 percent, and limited the residency of new Jewish peoples in France by restricting their business activities, while allowing work in agriculture and craftsmanship. The combination of these decrees severely weakened the financial position of once dominant rural French money lending Jews. The decree applied only to Jews in eastern France; those "established in Bordeaux and in the departments of the Gironde and the Landes, having given rise to no complaints and not involved in illicit traffic", were not affected, nor were those living in Paris.
Le décret infâme est le surnom donné au troisième des décrets institués par Napoléon Ier le 17 mars 1808 pour intégrer les Juifs dans la société française. Ce décret vise uniquement les juifs de l'Est. Par contre ceux « établis à Bordeaux et dans les départements de la Gironde et des Landes, n'ayant donné lieu à aucune plainte et ne se livrant pas à un trafic illicite », n'y sont pas soumis. Les juifs de Paris en furent également exclus (le 26 avril 1808).