Inductive type an entity of type: Thing
In type theory, a system has inductive types if it has facilities for creating a new type from constants and functions that create terms of that type. The feature serves a role similar to data structures in a programming language and allows a type theory to add concepts like numbers, relations, and trees. As the name suggests, inductive types can be self-referential, but usually only in a way that permits structural recursion. The standard example is encoding the natural numbers using Peano's encoding. Inductive nat : Type := | 0 : nat | S : nat -> nat.
Inductive type
In type theory, a system has inductive types if it has facilities for creating a new type from constants and functions that create terms of that type. The feature serves a role similar to data structures in a programming language and allows a type theory to add concepts like numbers, relations, and trees. As the name suggests, inductive types can be self-referential, but usually only in a way that permits structural recursion. The standard example is encoding the natural numbers using Peano's encoding. Inductive nat : Type := | 0 : nat | S : nat -> nat. Here, a natural number is created either from the constant "0" or by applying the function "S" to another natural number. "S" is the successor function which represents adding 1 to a number. Thus, "0" is zero, "S 0" is one, "S (S 0)" is two, "S (S (S 0))" is three, and so on. Since their introduction, inductive types have been extended to encode more and more structures, while still being predicative and supporting structural recursion.