IIT Madras

http://dbpedia.org/resource/IIT_Madras an entity of type: Thing

El Instituto Indio de Tecnología de Madrás, en hindi, भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, मद्रास , en tamil, இந்திய தொழில்நுட்பக் கழகம் சென்னை, es un instituto indio de tecnología localizado en Chennai.​ Fundado en 1959, con asistencia técnica y financiera de Alemania Occidental, es el tercer IIT de la India.​ rdf:langString
인도 공과대학교 마드라스(Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 줄여서 IIT Madras)은 인도 타밀나두주 첸나이에 위치한 국립 공과 대학이다. 인도 독립 직후 정부가 국가의 과학, 기계, 공학부문을 심도 있게 훈련·연구·발전시키기 위해 특별법을 제정해, 카라그푸르·뭄바이·칸푸르·마드라스·델리에 설립한 5개교의 기존 인도 공과대학교 중 하나이다. rdf:langString
Instituto Indiano de Tecnologia de Madras é um instituição pública de engenharia, localizado em Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Como um dos Institutos Indianos de Tecnologia (Iisc), é reconhecido como um Instituto de Importância Nacional. Fundada em 1959, com assistência técnica e financeira do governo da antiga Alemanha Ocidental, foi o terceiro IIT que foi estabelecida pelo governo da Índia. IIT Madras foi classificado como o melhor instituto de engenharia na Índia, por três anos consecutivos (2016-2018) pelo sistema Nacional de Ranking Institucional Framework do Ministério de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos. rdf:langString
Das Indian Institute of Technology Madras (Hindi: भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, मद्रास), auch IIT Madras oder IITM genannt, ist eine Technische Universität in Chennai (früher Madras) im Bundesstaat Tamil Nadu, Indien. Die Hochschule ist direkt der indischen Regierung unterstellt. rdf:langString
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) is a public technical university located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. As one of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), it is recognized as an Institute of National Importance and has been consistently rated as one of India's most prestigious universities. Founded in 1959 with technical and financial assistance from the former government of West Germany, it was the third IIT established by the Government of India. IIT Madras is ranked the top engineering institute in India by the Ministry of Education's National Institutional Ranking Framework since its inception in 2016. rdf:langString
L'Institut indien de technologie de Madras (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) est un institut public d'ingénierie situé à Chennai (Madras), au Tamil Nadu. Etant l'un des instituts indiens de technologie (IIT), il est reconnu comme (en). Créé en 1959 avec l'assistance technique et financière de l'ancien gouvernement de l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, c'est le troisième IIT établi par le gouvernement de l'Inde. rdf:langString
rdf:langString IIT Madras
rdf:langString Indian Institute of Technology Madras
rdf:langString Instituto Indio de Tecnología de Madrás
rdf:langString Institut indien de technologie de Madras
rdf:langString 인도 공과대학교 마드라스
rdf:langString Instituto Indiano de Tecnologia de Madras
rdf:langString Indian Institute of Technology Madras
rdf:langString IITians, IITMians
rdf:langString Indian Institute of Technology Madras
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xsd:float 80.23361968994141
xsd:integer 6961226
xsd:integer 1122716429
xsd:integer 10180
xsd:integer 4377
rdf:langString Emblem of the IIT Madras
rdf:langString IIT Madras
rdf:langString Maroon Gold
rdf:langString India
rdf:langString Pratap Hairdoss, Koshy Varghese, Ligy Philip, Mahesh Panchagnula, Shanthi Pavan, Manu Santhanam, K Murali, N J Vasa, Raghunathan Rangaswamy
rdf:langString ₹700 crore
rdf:langString IIT Madras Logo.svg
xsd:integer 200
rdf:langString सिद्धिर्भवति कर्मजा
rdf:langString IITians, IITMians
rdf:langString Neighbourhoods adjacent to IIT Madras
rdf:langString University and college
xsd:string 12.99151 80.23362
rdf:langString Das Indian Institute of Technology Madras (Hindi: भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, मद्रास), auch IIT Madras oder IITM genannt, ist eine Technische Universität in Chennai (früher Madras) im Bundesstaat Tamil Nadu, Indien. Die Hochschule ist direkt der indischen Regierung unterstellt. Die Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) sind eine Gruppe staatlicher indischer Universitäten, die in derzeit sieben Städten vertreten ist und von der indischen Zentralregierung direkt verwaltet werden. Das IIT Madras gilt als eine der besten Universitäten für Ingenieurswissenschaften in Indien. Das IIT Madras wurde 1959 mit Hilfe der damaligen Regierung Westdeutschlands gegründet; die Vereinbarungen hierfür wurden 1956 bei einem Treffen zwischen Jawaharlal Nehru und Konrad Adenauer getroffen. Die Unterstützung erfolgte sowohl auf technischer, als auch auf finanzieller Ebene. Der DAAD fördert den regelmäßigen Austausch in den Bereichen Bachelor, Master und Promotion verschiedener deutscher Universitäten. Eine der Hauptstraßen auf dem Campus ist zum Dank als Bonn Avenue bezeichnet worden. Der sehr bewaldete Campus des IIT Madras ist 2,5 km² groß und war früher Teil des Guindy National Parks. Die allermeisten Studenten und Mitarbeiter wohnen ebenfalls auf dem unter Naturschutz stehenden Campus. Innerhalb des Geländes leben viele verschiedene Tiere, zum Beispiel die Hirschziegenantilope und der Axishirsch ebenso wie zahlreiche Affen, aber auch Schlangen und Skorpione.
rdf:langString Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) is a public technical university located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. As one of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), it is recognized as an Institute of National Importance and has been consistently rated as one of India's most prestigious universities. Founded in 1959 with technical and financial assistance from the former government of West Germany, it was the third IIT established by the Government of India. IIT Madras is ranked the top engineering institute in India by the Ministry of Education's National Institutional Ranking Framework since its inception in 2016. IIT Madras is a residential institute that occupies a 2.5-square-kilometre (0.97 sq mi) campus that was formerly part of the adjoining Guindy National Park. The institute has nearly 600 faculty, 10,000 students and 1,250 administrative and supporting staff. Growing ever since it obtained its charter from the Indian Parliament in 1961, much of the campus is a protected forest, carved out of the Guindy National Park, home to large numbers of chital (spotted deer), black buck, bonnet macaque, and other rare wildlife. A natural lake, deepened in 1988 and 2003, drains most of its rainwater.
rdf:langString L'Institut indien de technologie de Madras (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) est un institut public d'ingénierie situé à Chennai (Madras), au Tamil Nadu. Etant l'un des instituts indiens de technologie (IIT), il est reconnu comme (en). Créé en 1959 avec l'assistance technique et financière de l'ancien gouvernement de l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, c'est le troisième IIT établi par le gouvernement de l'Inde. L'IIT Madras occupe un campus de 2,5 km2, qui faisait autrefois partie du Parc national de Guindy voisin. L'institut compte près de 550 facultés, 8000 étudiants et 1250 personnels administratifs. Une grande partie du campus est une forêt protégée, partie du Parc national de Guindy, abritant un grand nombre de cerfs axis, des antilopes cervicapres, des singes et d'autres espèces rares. Un lac naturel, approfondi en 1988 et 2003, draine la majeure partie de ses eaux de pluie.
rdf:langString El Instituto Indio de Tecnología de Madrás, en hindi, भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, मद्रास , en tamil, இந்திய தொழில்நுட்பக் கழகம் சென்னை, es un instituto indio de tecnología localizado en Chennai.​ Fundado en 1959, con asistencia técnica y financiera de Alemania Occidental, es el tercer IIT de la India.​
rdf:langString 인도 공과대학교 마드라스(Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 줄여서 IIT Madras)은 인도 타밀나두주 첸나이에 위치한 국립 공과 대학이다. 인도 독립 직후 정부가 국가의 과학, 기계, 공학부문을 심도 있게 훈련·연구·발전시키기 위해 특별법을 제정해, 카라그푸르·뭄바이·칸푸르·마드라스·델리에 설립한 5개교의 기존 인도 공과대학교 중 하나이다.
rdf:langString Instituto Indiano de Tecnologia de Madras é um instituição pública de engenharia, localizado em Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Como um dos Institutos Indianos de Tecnologia (Iisc), é reconhecido como um Instituto de Importância Nacional. Fundada em 1959, com assistência técnica e financeira do governo da antiga Alemanha Ocidental, foi o terceiro IIT que foi estabelecida pelo governo da Índia. IIT Madras foi classificado como o melhor instituto de engenharia na Índia, por três anos consecutivos (2016-2018) pelo sistema Nacional de Ranking Institucional Framework do Ministério de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos.
xsd:integer 645
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rdf:langString Success is born out of action
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xsd:string Gold Maroon
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 52324
xsd:string सिद्धिर्भवति कर्मजा (Devanagari)
xsd:string Success is born out of action
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<Geometry> POINT(80.233619689941 12.991510391235)

data from the linked data cloud