IBM Advanced Program-to-Program Communication an entity of type: Software

선진 프로그램 간 통신(Advanced Program-to-Program Communication, APPC)은 컴퓨터 프로그램이 네트워크 위에 통신하기 위해 사용할 수 있는 IBM 프로토콜이다. "확장 프로그램 간 통신"으로 번역하기도 하며, LU 6.2, 유형 2.1 아키텍처로도 알려져 있다. APPC는 OSI 모델의 애플리케이션 계층에 있다. APPC는 AS/400, OS/2, AIX와 같은 IBM 운영 체제로 제한된다. 마이크로소프트는 또한 마이크로소프트 윈도 서버 에디션에서 SNA 지원을 포함하고 있다. 주요 IBM 소프트웨어 제품들은 CICS, DB2, CIM, MVS를 포함하여, APPC에 대한 지원을 포함하고 있다. 두 개의 통신 파트너가 언제나 완전한 역할(한 쪽은 무조건 서버, 다른 한 쪽은 언제나 클라이언트)을 가지는 TCP/IP나 기존의 계층적 구조의 SNA 접근과는 달리, APPC의 통신 파트너들은 동등하다(둘 다 서버와 클라이언트가 될 수 있다). 이를 P2P 네트워크라고 하며, 이러한 기능을 지원하기 위해 새로운 SNA의 일부로 SNA에 추가되었다. TCP/IP의 성공으로 인해, APPC는 사용되지 않게 되었다. rdf:langString
Advanced Program to Program Communication(Advanced Program-to-Program Communication、APPC、拡張プログラム間通信機能)とは、コンピュータネットワーク間の通信において、プログラム同士が対等なコミュニケーションができる通信プロトコルの1つである。 rdf:langString
Advanced Program to Program Communications (APPC) – protokół komunikacyjny opracowany przez firmę IBM, który umożliwiał współdzielenie aplikacji w sieci. rdf:langString
بروتوكول الاتصالات المتقدمة من برنامج إلى برنامج (بالإنجليزية: Advanced Program-to-Program Communication أو APPC)‏ هو بروتوكول يستخدم للاتصال عبر الشبكة حيث يعمل كمترجم بين البرامج التطبيقية والشبكة، وهو موجود في طبقة البرامج في مرجع أو إس آي.وهو عبارة عن برمجيات تسمح بالاتصال بين برامج على حواسيب مختلفة، من الحواسيب المحمولة ومحطات العمل وصولاً إلى الحواسيب الشخصية. يقتصر بروتوكول APPC إلى حد كبير على نظم تشغيل آي‌ بي‌ إم مثل آي بي إم إيه آي إكس، كما أضافت مايكروسوفت دعم SNA في Host Integration Server. rdf:langString
APPC (engl. Advanced Program to Program Communications) ist ein Protokoll, über welches Computer-Programme über ein Netzwerk kommunizieren können. APPC wurde als Bestandteil von IBMs Systems Network Architecture (SNA) entwickelt. Es entstanden dabei mehrere APIs, die zum großen Teil auch problemlos von Programmiersprachen wie COBOL oder REXX bedient werden konnten. APPC ist verknüpft mit dem Begriff LU 6.2 (Logical Unit Type 6.2) Mit dem Siegeszug von TCP/IP befindet sich APPC auf dem Rückzug. rdf:langString
In computing, Advanced Program to Program Communication or APPC is a protocol which computer programs can use to communicate over a network. APPC is at the application layer in the OSI model, it enables communications between programs on different computers, from portables and workstations to midrange and host computers. APPC is defined as VTAM LU 6.2 ( Logical unit type 6.2 ) APPC was developed in 1982 as a component of IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA). Several APIs were developed for programming languages such as COBOL, PL/I, C or REXX. rdf:langString
rdf:langString البروتوكول Appc
rdf:langString Advanced Program to Program Communications
rdf:langString IBM Advanced Program-to-Program Communication
rdf:langString Advanced Program to Program Communication
rdf:langString 선진 프로그램 간 통신
rdf:langString Advanced Program-to-Program Communication
rdf:langString Advanced Program to Program Communications
xsd:integer 3273113
xsd:integer 1120904272
rdf:langString بروتوكول الاتصالات المتقدمة من برنامج إلى برنامج (بالإنجليزية: Advanced Program-to-Program Communication أو APPC)‏ هو بروتوكول يستخدم للاتصال عبر الشبكة حيث يعمل كمترجم بين البرامج التطبيقية والشبكة، وهو موجود في طبقة البرامج في مرجع أو إس آي.وهو عبارة عن برمجيات تسمح بالاتصال بين برامج على حواسيب مختلفة، من الحواسيب المحمولة ومحطات العمل وصولاً إلى الحواسيب الشخصية. يقتصر بروتوكول APPC إلى حد كبير على نظم تشغيل آي‌ بي‌ إم مثل آي بي إم إيه آي إكس، كما أضافت مايكروسوفت دعم SNA في Host Integration Server. عندما يقوم برنامج من الحاسوب بتمرير معلومات إلى برمجيات البروتوكول APPC يقوم هذا البروتوكول بترجمتها ومن ثم تمريرها إلى واجهة تخاطب الشبكة .تنتقل المعلومات عبر الشبكة إلى حاسوب اَخر حيث تستلم برمجيات البروتوكول APPC المعلومات من واجهة تخاطب الشبكة.ومن ثم يقوم البروتوكول APPC بإعادة ترجمة المعلومات إلى صيغتها الأصلية ويمررها إلى البرنامج المقابل.وربط بالمصطلح LU 6.2) Logical unit type 6.2).
rdf:langString APPC (engl. Advanced Program to Program Communications) ist ein Protokoll, über welches Computer-Programme über ein Netzwerk kommunizieren können. APPC wurde als Bestandteil von IBMs Systems Network Architecture (SNA) entwickelt. Es entstanden dabei mehrere APIs, die zum großen Teil auch problemlos von Programmiersprachen wie COBOL oder REXX bedient werden konnten. APPC ist verknüpft mit dem Begriff LU 6.2 (Logical Unit Type 6.2) APPC ist weitgehend beschränkt auf die IBM-Rechnerwelt: Mainframe-Betriebssysteme, AS/400, OS/2, AIX; für Windows gibt es ein SNA-Serverprodukt von Microsoft. Innerhalb der IBM-Systemwelt wird APPC von jeder Systemsoftware unterstützt, z. B. auf dem Mainframe CICS, DB2, IMS und auch dem MVS selbst. Im Gegensatz zu TCP/IP, bei dem beide Kommunikationspartner immer eine eindeutige Rolle besitzen (einer ist immer Server, der andere immer Client), sind bei APPC die Kommunikationspartner gleichberechtigt, d. h. jeder kann sowohl Server als auch Client gleichermaßen sein. Die Rolle wie auch die Zahl der parallelen Sessions zwischen den Partnern wird über sogenannte CNOS-Sessions (change number of sessions) mit einem speziellen Logmode (z. B. bei IBM der snasvcmg) ausgehandelt. Die Kommunikation der Daten selbst erfolgt dann über sogenannte Daten-Sessions, deren Logmodes vom VTAM-Administrator detailliert (z. B. Länge der Datenblöcke, Verschlüsselung etc.) bestimmt werden können. Mit dem Siegeszug von TCP/IP befindet sich APPC auf dem Rückzug.
rdf:langString In computing, Advanced Program to Program Communication or APPC is a protocol which computer programs can use to communicate over a network. APPC is at the application layer in the OSI model, it enables communications between programs on different computers, from portables and workstations to midrange and host computers. APPC is defined as VTAM LU 6.2 ( Logical unit type 6.2 ) APPC was developed in 1982 as a component of IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA). Several APIs were developed for programming languages such as COBOL, PL/I, C or REXX. APPC software is available for many different IBM and non-IBM operating systems, either as part of the operating system or as a separate software package. APPC serves as a translator between application programs and the network. When an application on your computer passes information to the APPC software, APPC translates the information and passes it to a network interface, such as a LAN adapter card. The information travels across the network to another computer, where the APPC software receives the information from the network interface. APPC translates the information back into its original format and passes it to the corresponding partner application. APPC is mainly used by IBM installations running operating systems such z/OS (formerly MVS then OS/390), z/VM (formerly VM/CMS), z/TPF, IBM i (formerly OS/400), OS/2, AIX and z/VSE (formerly DOS/VSE). Microsoft also includes SNA support in Microsoft's Host Integration Server. Major IBM software products also include support for APPC, including CICS, Db2, CIM and WebSphere MQ. Unlike TCP/IP, in which both communication partners always possess a clear role (one is always server, and others always the client), APPC is a peer-to-peer protocol. The communication partners in APPC are equal, every application can be both server and client equally. The role, and the number of the parallel sessions between the partners, is negotiated over CNOS sessions (Change Number Of Session) with a special log mode (e.g. at IBM, 'snasvcmg'). Transmission of the data is made then by 'data sessions', their log modes can be determined in detail from the VTAM administrator (e.g. length of the data blocks, coding etc..). It was also apparent to the architects of APPC that it could be used to provide operating system services on remote computers. A separate architecture group was formed to use APPC to enable programs on one computer to transparently use the data management services of remote computers. For each such use, an APPC session is created and used in a client–server fashion by the Conversational Communications Manager of Distributed Data Management Architecture (DDM). Message formats and protocols were defined for accessing and managing record-oriented files, stream-oriented files, relational databases (as the base architecture of Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA)), and other services. A variety of DDM and DRDA products were implemented by IBM and other vendors. With the increasing prevalence of TCP/IP, APPC has declined, although many IBM systems have translators, such as, to allow sending APPC-formatted traffic over IP networks. APPC should not be confused with the similarly named APPN (Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking). APPC manages communication between programs, operating at the application and presentation layers. By contrast, APPN manages communication between machines, including routing, and operates at the transport and network layers.
rdf:langString 선진 프로그램 간 통신(Advanced Program-to-Program Communication, APPC)은 컴퓨터 프로그램이 네트워크 위에 통신하기 위해 사용할 수 있는 IBM 프로토콜이다. "확장 프로그램 간 통신"으로 번역하기도 하며, LU 6.2, 유형 2.1 아키텍처로도 알려져 있다. APPC는 OSI 모델의 애플리케이션 계층에 있다. APPC는 AS/400, OS/2, AIX와 같은 IBM 운영 체제로 제한된다. 마이크로소프트는 또한 마이크로소프트 윈도 서버 에디션에서 SNA 지원을 포함하고 있다. 주요 IBM 소프트웨어 제품들은 CICS, DB2, CIM, MVS를 포함하여, APPC에 대한 지원을 포함하고 있다. 두 개의 통신 파트너가 언제나 완전한 역할(한 쪽은 무조건 서버, 다른 한 쪽은 언제나 클라이언트)을 가지는 TCP/IP나 기존의 계층적 구조의 SNA 접근과는 달리, APPC의 통신 파트너들은 동등하다(둘 다 서버와 클라이언트가 될 수 있다). 이를 P2P 네트워크라고 하며, 이러한 기능을 지원하기 위해 새로운 SNA의 일부로 SNA에 추가되었다. TCP/IP의 성공으로 인해, APPC는 사용되지 않게 되었다.
rdf:langString Advanced Program to Program Communication(Advanced Program-to-Program Communication、APPC、拡張プログラム間通信機能)とは、コンピュータネットワーク間の通信において、プログラム同士が対等なコミュニケーションができる通信プロトコルの1つである。
rdf:langString Advanced Program to Program Communications (APPC) – protokół komunikacyjny opracowany przez firmę IBM, który umożliwiał współdzielenie aplikacji w sieci.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4888

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