Huron Carol an entity of type: Thing

Jesous Ahatonhia ist ein Weihnachtslied in der Indianersprache Wendat (der Sprache der Huronen), das wahrscheinlich von dem Jesuiten Jean de Brébeuf geschrieben wurde. Sein Titel bedeutet: „Jesus ist geboren“. In der englischsprachigen Welt ist es bekannt unter dem Titel ‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime („Es war im Mond der Winterzeit“) oder als The Huron Carol („Das huronische Weihnachtslied“). Es wurde 1641 oder 1642 verfasst, gilt als das älteste kanadische Weihnachtslied und ist in seiner englischen Version besonders in Kanada sehr populär. rdf:langString
Jesous Ahatonhia es un villancico escrito en el idioma del Pueblo hurón por Jean de Brébeuf. Su título significa Jésus ha nacido. Es conocido en el mundo anglófono con el título It was in the Moon of Wintertime (Durante la luna de invierno) o "Hurón Carol". Compuesto en 1641 o 1642, esta canción está considerada como el villancico canadiense más antiguo. rdf:langString
Jesous Ahatonhia est un chant de Noël écrit en langue wendat par Jean de Brébeuf. Son titre signifie « Jésus est né ». Il est connu dans le monde anglophone sous le titre Twas in the Moon of Wintertime (« Pendant la lune de l'hiver ») ou Huron Carol. Composé en 1641 ou 1642, ce chant est considéré comme le plus ancien cantique de noël au Canada. rdf:langString
The "Huron Carol" (or "Twas in the Moon of Wintertime") is a Canadian Christmas hymn (Canada's oldest Christmas song), written probably in 1642 by Jean de Brébeuf, a Jesuit missionary at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons in Canada. Brébeuf wrote the lyrics in the native language of the Huron/Wendat people; the song's original Huron title is "Jesous Ahatonhia" ("Jesus, he is born"). The song's melody is based on a traditional French folk song, "Une Jeune Pucelle" ("A Young Maid"). The well-known English lyrics were written in 1926 by Jesse Edgar Middleton and the copyright to these lyrics was held by The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, but entered the public domain in 2011. rdf:langString
La cosiddetta Huron Carol (= “Canto natalizio degli Uroni”), conosciuta anche come Twas in the Moon of Wintertime (versione inglese comunemente accettata come standard) e popolare soprattutto in Canada, è considerata la più antica canzone natalizia che sia mai stata composta nel continente americano. La melodia utilizzata è quella di una canzone tradizionale francese, del XVI secolo, (= “Una giovane ragazza”). In Canada, la canzone apre tradizionalmente ogni anno i concerti natalizi organizzati in favore dell'Esercito della Salvezza. rdf:langString
Huron Carol (eller "'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime") är en kristen sång, skriven 1643 av Jean de Brébeuf, en kristen missionär i /Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons. Jean de Brébeuf skrev texten på det för folket Huron/Wendat; och sångens ursprungstitel är "Jesous Ahatonhia" ("Jesus, han är född"). Sångens melodi är en traditionell franskspråkig folkvisa, "" ("En ung jungfru"). Den välkända texten på engelska skrevs 1926 av . Texten på engelska har jultema med Jesu födelse, så som man brukade skildra det under det tidiga 1900-talet då texten skrevs. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Jesous Ahatonhia
rdf:langString Villancico hurón
rdf:langString Huron Carol
rdf:langString Jesous Ahatonhia
rdf:langString The Huron Carol
rdf:langString Huron Carol
xsd:integer 1398551
xsd:integer 1110931572
rdf:langString Performed by the Men's Chorus of the United States Air Force Band
rdf:langString 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime - Men's Chorus - United States Air Force Band.mp3
rdf:langString "'Twas in the moon of Wintertime"
rdf:langString Jesous Ahatonhia ist ein Weihnachtslied in der Indianersprache Wendat (der Sprache der Huronen), das wahrscheinlich von dem Jesuiten Jean de Brébeuf geschrieben wurde. Sein Titel bedeutet: „Jesus ist geboren“. In der englischsprachigen Welt ist es bekannt unter dem Titel ‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime („Es war im Mond der Winterzeit“) oder als The Huron Carol („Das huronische Weihnachtslied“). Es wurde 1641 oder 1642 verfasst, gilt als das älteste kanadische Weihnachtslied und ist in seiner englischen Version besonders in Kanada sehr populär.
rdf:langString Jesous Ahatonhia es un villancico escrito en el idioma del Pueblo hurón por Jean de Brébeuf. Su título significa Jésus ha nacido. Es conocido en el mundo anglófono con el título It was in the Moon of Wintertime (Durante la luna de invierno) o "Hurón Carol". Compuesto en 1641 o 1642, esta canción está considerada como el villancico canadiense más antiguo.
rdf:langString The "Huron Carol" (or "Twas in the Moon of Wintertime") is a Canadian Christmas hymn (Canada's oldest Christmas song), written probably in 1642 by Jean de Brébeuf, a Jesuit missionary at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons in Canada. Brébeuf wrote the lyrics in the native language of the Huron/Wendat people; the song's original Huron title is "Jesous Ahatonhia" ("Jesus, he is born"). The song's melody is based on a traditional French folk song, "Une Jeune Pucelle" ("A Young Maid"). The well-known English lyrics were written in 1926 by Jesse Edgar Middleton and the copyright to these lyrics was held by The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, but entered the public domain in 2011. The English version of the hymn uses imagery familiar in the early 20th century, in place of the traditional Nativity story. This version is derived from Brébeuf's original song and Huron religious concepts. In the English version, Jesus is born in a "lodge of broken bark" and wrapped in a "robe of rabbit skin". He is surrounded by hunters instead of shepherds, and the Magi are portrayed as "chiefs from afar" who bring him "fox and beaver pelts" instead of the more familiar gold, frankincense and myrrh. The English translation uses a traditional Algonquian name, Gitchi Manitou, for God, which is not in the original Wyandot version. The original lyrics are now sometimes modified to use imagery accessible to Christians who are not familiar with the cultures of Canada's First Peoples. The song remains a common Christmas hymn in Canadian churches of many Christian denominations. It is also found in several American hymnals, including The Hymnal 1982 of the Episcopal Church (United States) (No. 114), The United Methodist Hymnal (No. 244) and Evangelical Lutheran Worship (No. 284). Because the melody spans a modest range, it is ideally suited to instruments that have a limited pitch range, such as the Native American flute.
rdf:langString Jesous Ahatonhia est un chant de Noël écrit en langue wendat par Jean de Brébeuf. Son titre signifie « Jésus est né ». Il est connu dans le monde anglophone sous le titre Twas in the Moon of Wintertime (« Pendant la lune de l'hiver ») ou Huron Carol. Composé en 1641 ou 1642, ce chant est considéré comme le plus ancien cantique de noël au Canada.
rdf:langString La cosiddetta Huron Carol (= “Canto natalizio degli Uroni”), conosciuta anche come Twas in the Moon of Wintertime (versione inglese comunemente accettata come standard) e popolare soprattutto in Canada, è considerata la più antica canzone natalizia che sia mai stata composta nel continente americano. La versione originale, scritta nella lingua degli Uroni, un gruppo di popolazioni di nativi dell'Ontario (Canada), con il titolo di (Estennia,on de tsonoué) Iesous Ahatonnia (= “Nasce Gesù”), sarebbe infatti stata composta nel 1643 dal gesuita francese Jean de Brébeuf (1593 – 1649) mentre svolgeva la sua attività di missionario presso quelle popolazioni a Sainte-Marie. La melodia utilizzata è quella di una canzone tradizionale francese, del XVI secolo, (= “Una giovane ragazza”). Il brano originale ha poi avuto numerosi adattamenti nelle lingue moderne: la versione comunemente accettata è quella del 1926 di , che porta il titolo di ‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime. In Canada, la canzone apre tradizionalmente ogni anno i concerti natalizi organizzati in favore dell'Esercito della Salvezza.
rdf:langString Huron Carol (eller "'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime") är en kristen sång, skriven 1643 av Jean de Brébeuf, en kristen missionär i /Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons. Jean de Brébeuf skrev texten på det för folket Huron/Wendat; och sångens ursprungstitel är "Jesous Ahatonhia" ("Jesus, han är född"). Sångens melodi är en traditionell franskspråkig folkvisa, "" ("En ung jungfru"). Den välkända texten på engelska skrevs 1926 av . Texten på engelska har jultema med Jesu födelse, så som man brukade skildra det under det tidiga 1900-talet då texten skrevs. Sången fanns med som "Jesous Ahatonia" på Burl Ivess album Christmas Day in the Morning från 1952 och släpptes senare på singel under titeln "Indian Christmas Carol." Bruce Cockburn har också spelat in sången. Den sjöngs också av under hans årliga show .
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 10514

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