Human endogenous retrovirus K an entity of type: Thing
Human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) or Human teratocarcinoma-derived virus (HDTV) is a family of human endogenous retroviruses associated with malignant tumors of the testes. Phylogenetically, the HERV-K group belongs to the ERV2 or Class II or Betaretrovirus-like supergroup. Over the past several years, it has been found that this group of ERVs play an important role in embryogenesis, but their expression is silenced in most cell types in healthy adults. The HERV-K family, and particularly its subgroup HML-2, is the youngest and most transcriptionally active group and hence, it is the best studied among other ERVs. Reactivation of it or anomalous expression of HML-2 in adult tissues has been associated with various types of cancer and with neurodegenerative diseases such as amytrophic
Le rétrovirus endogène humain K (HERV-K de l'anglais : Human endogenous retrovirus-K) ou virus humain dérivé du tératocarcinome (HDTV de l'anglais : Human teratocarcinoma-derivated virus) est une famille de rétrovirus endogènes humains associés à des tumeurs malignes des testicules. HERV-K est également présent chez les singes hominidés et aussi les singes de l'Ancien Monde (cercopithèques).
Retrovírus endógeno humano K (em inglês: Human endogenous retrovirus K, HERV-K) ou vírus derivado de teratocarcinoma humano (em inglês: Human teratocarcinoma-derived virus, HTDV) é uma família de retrovírus endógenos humanos. Filogeneticamente, o grupo HERV-K pertence ao supergrupo ERV2 ou Classe II ou semelhante a Betaretrovírus. Esse grupo de ERVs desempenha um papel importante na embriogênese, mas sua expressão é silenciada na maioria dos tipos de células em adultos saudáveis. A família HERV-K, e particularmente seu subgrupo HML-2, é o grupo mais jovem e mais transcricionalmente ativo e, portanto, é o mais bem estudado entre outros ERVs. Sua reativação ou expressão anômala de HML-2 em tecidos adultos foi associada a vários tipos de câncer e a doenças neurodegenerativas, como esclerose l
Human endogenous retrovirus K
Rétrovirus endogène humain K
Retrovírus endógeno humano K
Human endogenous retrovirus K
Human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) or Human teratocarcinoma-derived virus (HDTV) is a family of human endogenous retroviruses associated with malignant tumors of the testes. Phylogenetically, the HERV-K group belongs to the ERV2 or Class II or Betaretrovirus-like supergroup. Over the past several years, it has been found that this group of ERVs play an important role in embryogenesis, but their expression is silenced in most cell types in healthy adults. The HERV-K family, and particularly its subgroup HML-2, is the youngest and most transcriptionally active group and hence, it is the best studied among other ERVs. Reactivation of it or anomalous expression of HML-2 in adult tissues has been associated with various types of cancer and with neurodegenerative diseases such as amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) is related to mammary tumor virus in mice. It exists in the human and cercopithecoid genomes. Human genome contains hundreds of copies of HERV-K and many of them possess complete open reading frames (ORFs) that are transcribed and translated, especially in early embryogenesis and in malignancies. HERV-K is also found in apes and Old World monkeys. It is uncertain how long ago in primate evolution the full-length HERV-K proviruses which are in the human genome today were created. The human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) was inherited million years ago by the genome of the human ancestors. In 1999 Barbulescu, et al. showed that, of ten HERV-K proviruses cloned, eight were unique to humans, while one was shared with chimpanzees and bonobos, and one with chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas. Originally, HERV-K was observed by low-stringency hybridization with probes for the mammary tumor virus of the mouse and A particle intracutaneous mouse. In 2015 Grow et al. demonstrated that HERV-K is transcribed during embryogenesis from the eight cell stage up to the stem cell derivation. Furthermore, overexpression of the HERV-K accessory protein (regulator of expression encoded by corf; Pfam PF15695) increases IFITM1 levels on the cell surface and inhibits viral infection. HERV-K is called, phylogenetically, a supergroup of viruses. It is the only group that reported to contain human-specific members of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs). HERV-K is receptive to microenvironmental modifications and melanoma cells are closely correlated with epigenetic and microenvironmental anomalies. Also the association of HERV-K activation with carcinogenesis is especially interesting.
Le rétrovirus endogène humain K (HERV-K de l'anglais : Human endogenous retrovirus-K) ou virus humain dérivé du tératocarcinome (HDTV de l'anglais : Human teratocarcinoma-derivated virus) est une famille de rétrovirus endogènes humains associés à des tumeurs malignes des testicules. HERV-K est également présent chez les singes hominidés et aussi les singes de l'Ancien Monde (cercopithèques). En 1999, Barbulescu et al. ont montré que, sur dix provirus HERV-K clonés, huit étaient uniques à l'homme, tandis qu'un était partagé avec des chimpanzés et des bonobos, et un avec des chimpanzés, des bonobos et des gorilles. En 2015, Grow et al. ont démontré que HERV-K est transcrit pendant l'embryogenèse depuis le stade des huit cellules jusqu'à la dérivation des cellules souches. De plus, la surexpression de la protéine accessoire HERV-K Rec (régulateur d'expression codé par corf; Pfam ) augmente les niveaux d' IFITM1 à la surface des cellules et inhibe l'infection virale.
Retrovírus endógeno humano K (em inglês: Human endogenous retrovirus K, HERV-K) ou vírus derivado de teratocarcinoma humano (em inglês: Human teratocarcinoma-derived virus, HTDV) é uma família de retrovírus endógenos humanos. Filogeneticamente, o grupo HERV-K pertence ao supergrupo ERV2 ou Classe II ou semelhante a Betaretrovírus. Esse grupo de ERVs desempenha um papel importante na embriogênese, mas sua expressão é silenciada na maioria dos tipos de células em adultos saudáveis. A família HERV-K, e particularmente seu subgrupo HML-2, é o grupo mais jovem e mais transcricionalmente ativo e, portanto, é o mais bem estudado entre outros ERVs. Sua reativação ou expressão anômala de HML-2 em tecidos adultos foi associada a vários tipos de câncer e a doenças neurodegenerativas, como esclerose lateral amiotrófica. O retrovírus endógeno K (HERV-K) está relacionado ao vírus do tumor mamário em camundongos. Ele existe nos genomas humanos e cercopitecoides. O genoma humano contém centenas de cópias do HERV-K e muitos deles possuem estruturas de leitura aberta completas (ORFs) que são transcritas e traduzidas, especialmente no início da embriogênese e em doenças malignas. Em 2021 foi supostamente apontado por um estudo da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) como um dos agravantes dos casos graves de COVID-19. O vírus encontra-se inativo, mas quando ativado pela Sars-Cov-2, também pode causar mortalidade precoce em pacientes internados.